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From the Ivory Tower to the Corporate Campus : Taking your graduate degree outside the academy.

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Presentation on theme: "From the Ivory Tower to the Corporate Campus : Taking your graduate degree outside the academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 From the Ivory Tower to the Corporate Campus : Taking your graduate degree outside the academy

2 Opening Thoughts Goals & Aspirations Change Perhaps Academia was your original plan, but... It may still be what you prefer, but positions are few & far between Maybe you pursued a Ph.D. due to your passion for learning and you have an open mind about career opportunities

3 Opening Thoughts Your original motivation to pursue graduate study Your experience of your graduate program Your level of satisfaction with what you’ve done Outside influences on your career choices Return on Your Investment

4 Academy or Industry ? Points to Ponder: Ph.D’s moving into the non-academic world are making a genuine career change This experience will create some degree of anxiety, but it can also be an exciting opportunity There are steps you can take to manage the stress and enhance your chances of success

5 “The Cult of Higher Education” “A Womb with a View” – The Reproductive function of Higher Education Enculturation to Academic Expectations The concept of “Knowledge Creation” as the sole purpose of research Distain for “Applied Knowledge” Higher Ed as a “prestige maximizing” institution

6 Changes... Changing your Mindset Changing your Focus Changing your Culture

7 Changing Your Mindset This is BOTH mental & emotional You’ve been socialized to see a non-academic career as a personal failure Your education as a Ph.D.(and the culture of your discipline) backgrounds your inner voice that guides your authentic choices, those that bring out the best you have to offer and what helps you thrive You may feel that leaving academia means leaving your experience, your investment behind You’re convinced you know nothing

8 Changing Your Focus You currently exist in an academic world, it permeates who you are Your mentor/advisor/dissertation chair may not be supportive of your “leaving the fold” It may be difficult to communicate your accomplishments to the outside world Without a traditional work history, you may be seen a overeducated, but under qualified

9 Changing Your Culture Broaden your worldview – What’s out there? Recognize your values, but consider who shares them Re-connect with your passions, preferences and genuine goals NETWORK – connect with Ph.D.’s in your field, outside of Academia Re-Think your degree & your education, what foundation has it laid, what has it prepared you for?

10 Taking Stock Every year, thousands of Ph.D.’s apply to academic positions they really don’t want Every year, choice non-academic jobs go to less talented, less creative, less competent applicants, because Ph.D.’s won’t leave the ivory tower Every year, intelligent, educated, motivated and socially concerned people (that’s YOU) wind up in jobs that don’t excite them or make full use of their talents.

11 Taking Stock Serious Self-Assessment Extensive Research Exploration of Options Systematic Campaign to Market Yourself

12 Self Assessment What will you find genuinely satisfying in regard to work? What are your needs (essential) and desires (ideal) in regard to scope of work, income, other benefits? Shift your perspective from your accomplishments to the skills you’ve developed Reframe your research to match the industry you’re entering (e.g. for a consulting firm promote your communication, training and critical thinking skills)

13 Planning Your Marketing Strategy Know Yourself Be able to describe your experience & education Know your prospective employers Do your research, do your homework Network, network, network Develop your Resume and Interview Questions & Answers

14 Resume as Marketing Tool Employers typically spend 60 seconds per resume Keep it to two pages It’s a snapshot – just a quick picture It’s condensed soup – essential ingredients only Use THEIR language – mirror what you find in the position description

15 Headings for the Resume Objective Education – Be concise – relate it to the position Experience /Practical Knowledge Specific Skills / Certifications Leadership/Activities/Volunteer Work Other information pertinent to the position

16 Skills on Resume = Skills to demonstrate in Interview Communication Teamwork Strong Work Ethic Problem Solving Skills Organizational Skills Leadership/Managerial Skills Interpersonal Skills Computer Skills

17 Things to Remember NETWORK – Conversations with people in the business can guide your decision-making and save you time & energy You’re quick-studies – a little training goes a long way Freelancing is a good way to get acclimated & you can start while you’re still in school

18 Thoughts Ph.D.’s working outside academia report just as much job satisfaction, creative control, independence and intellectual stimulation as those inside Networking and maintaining contact are essential It’s a process, it takes time Patience and persistence pay off

19 Where to Look Professional Organizations in your field State & Federal Government Other Industries tied to your academic field

20 Resources on the Web Information on Nonacademic Careers Resources for the Transition to the Outside World Non-Academic Employers that Hire Ph.D.’s careers/nonacademic-employers-that-hire-phds/ careers/nonacademic-employers-that-hire-phds/ Non-Academic Employers for Ph.D.’s in the Social Sciences heets/non-academic-career-options-phds-and-mas heets/non-academic-career-options-phds-and-mas

21 More Resources Non-Academic Jobs in the Sciences Other Ph.D. jobs Jobs for Humanities – academic & non-academic Non-Academic Humanities positions

22 Questions ? Jeff Patten- Coordinator, Career Services

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