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The Threat of Materialism to the Home. Defining materialism… Physical matter only…or, primary…reality Concept that life’s highest value to be achieved.

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Presentation on theme: "The Threat of Materialism to the Home. Defining materialism… Physical matter only…or, primary…reality Concept that life’s highest value to be achieved."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Threat of Materialism to the Home

2 Defining materialism… Physical matter only…or, primary…reality Concept that life’s highest value to be achieved in material well-being Pre-occupation or stress upon material rather than intellectual or spiritual

3 Popular writers on subject… Randy Alcorn calls it AFFLUENZA Tim Kasser: “Vast numbers of us have been seduced into believing that having more wealth and material possessions is essential to a good life. We have swallowed the idea that, to be well, one first must be well off.”

4 Materialism’s fruits Growth of gambling Upsurge in bankruptcies Divorce crisis Infidelity Epidemic of sleep disorders Pitiful giving patterns Engrossed by the grossly material

5 Materialism’s fruits Creation of a new class of orphans Murder of unborn babies Euthanasia Pandemic of depression/ other ills Hectic hysteria Upsurge in compulsive buying The Disneyland gospel

6 We are afflicted…despite Bible warnings Materialism major ‘talking point’ of Jesus Bible says more about money and possessions than heaven and hell Something on subject throughout Bible Twice as many verses on this subject as on faith and prayer combined Perhaps 1/5 of all Jesus is recorded to have said is on this topic

7 Remember what Jesus said Parable of rich fool—Luke 12 Rich man and Lazarus—Luke 16 Sermon on the mount Can I be just a little materialistic? No real conflict between provision of material and spiritual needs

8 In Bible, you hear Jesus… Call the materialist a FOOL Declare materialistic attitudes incompatible with citizenship in kingdom Define materialism as a ‘heart’ fixed on the wrong goals and objectives Debunk popular myth of self- dependence…call for dependence on God

9 Ecclesiastes: A Case Study in Materialism Solomon…wealthier than even Bill Gates…found materialism VANITY He explored…mirth, pleasure, fine dining, beautiful houses, numerous servants, big business, large bank accounts, collectibles, musical entertainments, power, position and prestige…like no one else could

10 Materialism and the church Mega-churches are case studies in blending materialism and ‘religion’ ‘Hot-tub religion’ Look at how some brethren dress for worship, etc. and see affect on US

11 Families who ignore Bible teaching do so at own peril Can we be rich and faithful? Yes, but… Possessions not primary problem but our ‘desires’ Poor people afflicted by greed also We must learn to ‘deny self’ ‘Do not love the world or things of the world…’

12 How do we avoid the trap? Put kingdom first We must work but not just await manna Choose to walk ‘according to Spirit’ Teach children from early age We ALL want a good life—but we must make a CHOICE as to how that will truly be obtained

13 Matthew 16:26 “For what profit is it to a man if he gains th whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

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