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HIST 2117: Modern Germany Spring 2013 Lecture Twenty-One: Cold War and a Divided Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "HIST 2117: Modern Germany Spring 2013 Lecture Twenty-One: Cold War and a Divided Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIST 2117: Modern Germany Spring 2013 Lecture Twenty-One: Cold War and a Divided Germany

2 Ending the War Allied War Aims Teheran and Yalta Conferences Peace Principles United Nations Territorial Settlement Occupation Zones

3 Chaotic Conclusion Russian Retribution Heimatvertriebene The Toll of Destruction Potsdam Conference Spread of Communism

4 De-Nazification Local De-Nazification Destruction of Symbols Accommodation with Local Authorities Nuremberg Trials

5 The Cold War Solidification of Occupation Zones Truman Doctrine Czechoslovakia Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Soviet A-Bomb Test 1949

6 Two Germanies Walter Ulbricht -- Sozialistische Einheitspartei (SED) Russian Reparations Konrad Adenauer -- Christlich-Demokratische Union (CDU) Ambivalence of the SPD Currency Reform Formation of Federal Republic -- Basic Law First Election 1949 Selection of a Capital

7 East Germany Establishment of German Democratic Republic (DDR) Introduction of Five Year Plan Workers Uprising 1953 Escape to the West Building the Berlin Wall

8 West Germany The “Wirtschaftswunder” The End of De-Nazification Reintegration into the Democratic West From European Coal and Steel Community to European Economic Community NATO and Germany as Front Lines of Cold War

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