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Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Perspectives=broad-based assumptions about society and about social behaviour Theories=are statements that organise.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Perspectives=broad-based assumptions about society and about social behaviour Theories=are statements that organise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Perspectives=broad-based assumptions about society and about social behaviour Theories=are statements that organise a set of concepts meaningfully by explaining the relationship between them Facts=self-evident,accessible to the senses and readily translated into understandable statements Ideology=a complex believe systems that provide a partial and biased vie of reality

2 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Functionalism=major figures are Emile Durkheim and Talcot Parsons Focus on=macro level such as social order, social cohesion and social integration Social System needs/pre-requisites Adaptation=environment and social system to provide for physical needs=Economic System Goal Attainment=societal goals and resource allocation=Political System

3 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Pattern Maintenance=maintaining value consensus and norms=The family, Education System etc. Integration=Dispute settlement-The Legal System Value Consensus=necessary for society Social Inequalities=essential to fill all jobs

4 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Marxism=conflict is the hallmark of society Capitalism will be overcome by true communism Class antagonism=two major classes=owners and non=owners of the means of production Class in itself=either owner or non-owner of means of production=objective Class for itself=recognises own exploitation and common enemy=combines objective and subjective False Consciousness=not recognising objective reality

5 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Means of Production=land, raw materials, buildings et. Forces of Production=means of production plus technological and scientific knowledge needed in process of production Relations of Production=relations between people in the process of production Inequalities=are unjust and need to be abolished

6 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Social Action Theory= Max Weber,micro level analysis Social Structures are the patterned actions of individuals Social action and social structures are two sides of the same coin Two forms of understanding=Direct understanding=observation Explanatory understanding=reasons/motives for action Causal understanding=find causes for motivation of actions

7 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Interactionism=focus on the meanings people attach to their own and others actions The “Self” seen as socially constructed –not a static entity,not totally determined by society Reciprocal relationship between the “I” and the “ME” Humans have “Self-Consciousness” Interaction via Symbols,eg. Language Pre-supposes the existence of society,stresses active role of humans in the construction/maintenance of the “self”

8 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Feminism=focus on gender inequalities Patriarchy=fundamental concept and tool for the oppression of women Gender Differences Gender Inequalities Gender Oppression Feminism seeks to abolish the oppression of women Gender is socially constructed

9 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Biological differences are transformed into social and economic inequalities Society,language and thinking,including science,is male dominated “Sociology (like other sciences)is a science of male society and a male science of society” (Jesse Bernard) Feminists reject the notion that gender inequalities are determined by nature and necessary for the good of society

10 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Structuration Theory=Anthony Giddens Attempts to overcome the dichotomy between structure and action Argues that structure and action (agency) are mutually dependent Structures are created and maintained within existing conceptual and material frame works and resources Structure and Agency reproduce and/or change social life

11 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Humans always have a choice of action Inequalities of power enables some and restricts others in making choices Some structures are not accessible to control by many people Neglects the dimension of time,changes may take a very long time to achieve

12 Introduction to Sociological Perspectives Conclusions Sociological Perspectives and Theories are useful tools in understanding both society and the individual within it They provide a different “picture” of,and take a different angle on the same reality They make no claim of absolute truth and authority

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