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The education approach that has been successfully implemented in a number of Israeli high schools and yielded remarkable results.

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Presentation on theme: "The education approach that has been successfully implemented in a number of Israeli high schools and yielded remarkable results."— Presentation transcript:

1 The education approach that has been successfully implemented in a number of Israeli high schools and yielded remarkable results.

2 The students are first taught the graph representations, their properties and interrelations

3 Only then, on the basis of the representations they are taught specific engineering fields.

4 Such as: mechanisms

5 Such as: trusses

6 Such as: Stewart platforms

7 Such as: Microsystems ~

8 Such as: Electronics circuits

9 Such as: Beams a c PbPb FS 1 FS 2 ΔcΔc ΔaΔa PS 1 R1R1 R2R2 PS 2 o b

10 And others

11 How to teach an engineer from one discipline material from other discipline?

12 Tellegen theorem in electric circuits

13 Tellegen theorem in structures C

14 Solving transistor circuits through mechanics


16 O G1G1 Δ CP1 J CF1 A ΔAΔA B R G1G1 VtVt Two ports Applying the methodology for Integrated Systems Transferring the system, containing both mechanical and electronic elements into a unified graph representation Now, the graph is interpreted as a representation of a single electronic circuit, which enables the electrical engineer to deal with the whole integrated system, by himself. L B A VtVt R vtvt qtqt utut FtFt F t =f(u t,v t ) q t =f(u t,v t ) R VtVt Two ports V1V1 I1I1 V2V2 I2I2 Now, the integrated system is solved solely by the electrical engineer Electrical Engineer G1G1 The forces in the beam affects the electrostatic force The electro- static force affects the distance between the capacitor plates The distance between the capacitor plates affects the force in the beam ΔiΔi FiFi ΔoΔo FoFo O C tt G Electrical Engineer

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