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CE 550 ADVANCED HIGHWAY DESIGN  Thomas B. Stout, Ph.D., P.E. B.S.E., Sacramento State College, 1971 M.S., University of Nebraska, 1992 Ph.D., Iowa State.

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Presentation on theme: "CE 550 ADVANCED HIGHWAY DESIGN  Thomas B. Stout, Ph.D., P.E. B.S.E., Sacramento State College, 1971 M.S., University of Nebraska, 1992 Ph.D., Iowa State."— Presentation transcript:

1 CE 550 ADVANCED HIGHWAY DESIGN  Thomas B. Stout, Ph.D., P.E. B.S.E., Sacramento State College, 1971 M.S., University of Nebraska, 1992 Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2005 Professional engineer in Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska  Thirty-five years of professional practice

2 Chalhuanca to Abancay

3 Chalhuanca - Abancay Photos from construction company JJ Camet website, (

4 North Coast Highway, Jamaica Highway Aerial photo from Google EarthDragon Bay

5 Mills Civic Parkway Interchange Aerial photo courtesy of Stanley Consultants, Inc.

6 Teaching Philosophy  Teaching is a lot like parenting  Write it down  No stupid questions

7 Housekeeping  Web site --CE 550 Advanced Highway DesignCE 550 Advanced Highway Design Main page – to be developed Syllabus Contact information

8 OBJECTIVES  Getting deeper into the highway design process Lecture – describing the process and giving the theory behind the design Homework – doing the process and documenting your work

9 HIGHWAY DESIGN PROCESS Source: Flexibility in Highway Design, FHWA

10 PLANNING Establish project need Define project criteria and goals PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT

11 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT  AKA Preliminary Design Refine project need Develop a variety of design concepts Compare design concepts and their impacts Mitigation of impacts  Continuous public involvement Web site Newsletters Meetings

12 FINAL DESIGN  Horizontal alignment  Vertical alignment  Cross-sections  Drainage  Detailed geometry (intersections)  Traffic control and staging  Traffic control devices  Right-of-way

13 AND NOW IT’S YOUR TURN  Class list  Questions

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