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LMS Integrations Agenda The Past: LAMS 1.0 Integrations Now: Integration Architecture LAMS 2.0 / Moodle 1.7 Integration The Future:

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Presentation on theme: "LMS Integrations Agenda The Past: LAMS 1.0 Integrations Now: Integration Architecture LAMS 2.0 / Moodle 1.7 Integration The Future:"— Presentation transcript:


2 LMS Integrations

3 Agenda The Past: LAMS 1.0 Integrations Now: Integration Architecture LAMS 2.0 / Moodle 1.7 Integration The Future:

4 The Past LAMS 1.0 had integrations for: Moodle Sakai Blackboard

5 Architecture LMS (Moodle, Sakai, etc) LMS LAMS Module LAMS 2.0 Web Layer: Webservices, Servlets, etc

6 Moodle Authoring Example Moodle LMS LAMS Module LAMS 2.0 Web Layer: Webservices, Servlets, etc User logs into Moodle, asks to create a new LAMS activity

7 Moodle Authoring Example Moodle LMS LAMS Module LAMS 2.0 Web Layer: Webservices, Servlets, etc 1. LAMS module logs user into LAMS. If the user doesn’t exist, LAMS calls Moodle to get the user’s details, and creates the user in LAMS. 2. LAMS module gets the user’s current designs from a LAMS webservice and displays the list to the user.


9 Moodle Authoring Example Moodle LMS LAMS Module LAMS 2.0 Web Layer: Webservices, Servlets, etc 1. User presses button to create a new design 2. LAMS Module calls LAMS to get the authoring window 3. Authoring client appears on user’s screen and user Interacts with LAMS until they close the window

10 Moodle LAMS v2 New module for LAMS 2. Will appear as “lamstwo” in the mod directory. Requires Moodle versions 1.6.3 or 1.7 Configuration via the Moodle admin pages and the LAMS SysAdmin pages. To be released very soon.

11 Configuration Help Page: +v2.0+Integration+Setup+Step-by-Step+Guide

12 Configuration


14 The Future Next Sakai Helping NTU on their Blackboard integration Other LMS integrations TBD

15 Questions? Online Help: LAMS Documents Developer Doc: LAMS 2.0

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