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Grain Oil and Specialty Field-Crop Production. Field Crops  450 million acres in the U.S. (20% of U.S. land)

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Presentation on theme: "Grain Oil and Specialty Field-Crop Production. Field Crops  450 million acres in the U.S. (20% of U.S. land)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grain Oil and Specialty Field-Crop Production

2 Field Crops  450 million acres in the U.S. (20% of U.S. land)

3 Types of Field Crops  Grain  Oilseed  Specialty Crops  Seed Crops

4 GRAIN CROPS (7 major grain crops in the U.S.)  CORN MOST IMPORTANT!!!!!  Wheat *most important in the world)  Barley  Oats  Rye  Rice  Sorgham

5 Corn  40% of corn in the U.S. in grown in the Corn Belt (midwestern U.S.)  Iowa  Illinois  Nebraska  Minnesota  Indiana  Ohio

6 Corn (cont’d)  Originated in Central America  Less than 10 % is used for human consumption.  The rest is for feeding livestock, fuel, alcohol production  Major classifications of corn include, sweet corn, flour (or soft) corn, flint corn, and dent corn. Most of U.S. corn is Dent Corn.

7 Wheat  Most Important crop in the world  Second most abundant in the U.S.  Mostly grown for human consumption  States that produce  Kansas  Oklahoma  Texas  Montana

8 Barley  Used mostly for livestock feed  Also used for malting( production of beer and other alcoholic beverages)

9 Oats  Feeding Livestock  5% used for human consumption  Important in plasitics, pesticides, preservatives.

10 Rye  Grown in almost Every State  Least Economically important  Used as a  forage crop (animal feed)  COVER CROP. To prevent erosion.  Green Manure Crop: plowed into the soil to give nutrients back.

11 Rice  Most important grain crop for human consumption in the world.  Most grown in this country in for human consumption  It is the only crop that can be grown in standing water

12 Sorghum  Mostly used for livestock feed  Used for sugars and syrups.  Also used to make brooms.

13 Oil Seed Crops  Crops that are grown for the production of oil from their seeds.  SoybeansPeanuts  CornCottonseed  CanolaSafflower  FlaxSunflower

14 SOYBEANS  Soybean is an important legume (has nitrogen from the soil)  Oil  Grain. After oil is extracted from the soybean, soybean meal is left over. This is important source of protein for animal feed.

15 Peanuts  The peanut is a pea rather than a nut.

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