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Pavlína Horská, Kateřina Ševčíková Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Pavlína Horská, Kateřina Ševčíková Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pavlína Horská, Kateřina Ševčíková Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology

2 Beer

3 History of beer  world‘s oldest and most popular alcoholic beverage  7th millennium BC → start the manufacture of beer in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia  19th century → start the industrial manufacture of beer  today → the brewing industry is a huge global business BC = before Christ Ancient = starověký Brewing industry = pivovarský průmysl

4 Main ingredients  water  starch source: barley, wheat, rice, oat  hop-plant  yeast  clarifying agent Starch source = zdroj škrobu Hop-plant = chmel Barley = ječmen Yeast = kvasnice Wheat = pšenice Clarifying agent = čeřidlo Oat = oves

5 Part of brewing  Mashing  Sparging  Boiling  Fermentation  Packaging Mashing = příprava zápary Sparging = vyslazování Fermentation = kvašení Packaging = balení

6 Mashing  mixture of water and starch source (known as mash)  enzymes  temperature

7 Sparging  extracts the fermentable liquid, known as wort, from the mash.  Mash is in the vessel (known as a lauter-tun), which has a porous barrier.  The brewer adds water to the lauter-tun and it rinses fermentable liquid from the grain in mash. Fermentable = zkvasitelný Wort = sladina Vessel = nádoba, nádrž Porous = porézní Brewer = sládek Rinse = vypláchnout

8 Boiling  Increase the concentration of sugar in the wort  one hour  Hops are added in order to extract bitterness, flavor and aroma from them. Bitterness = hořkost Flavor = vůně

9 Fermentation  The wort becomes beer  Equation: C 6 H 12 O 6 (+ yeast) → 2CH 3 CH 2 OH + CO 2  uses yeast  without presence of oxygen  Beer is saturated by carbon dioxide. Saturate = nasytit

10 Packaging  final stage of the brewing process  Beer is prepared for distribution and consumation.  Beer is put into the bottles and kegs. Keg = soudek

11 Thank you very much for your kind attention

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