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Welcome to. What will we do this year? AutoCAD is a Technical Drawing Program, used by engineers, manufacturers and architects around the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to. What will we do this year? AutoCAD is a Technical Drawing Program, used by engineers, manufacturers and architects around the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to

2 What will we do this year?


4 AutoCAD is a Technical Drawing Program, used by engineers, manufacturers and architects around the world.

5 We will start slow, with some basic drawings…



8 Then we get a little more complicated…


10 Then we learn how to draw in three dimensions…


12 We do some IMPOSSIBLE drawings…




16 And we end AutoCAD drawing some houses…

17 From the basic Floor Plan…

18 …to the Dream House, our Final Project in AutoCAD.

19 What do we do after AutoCAD?


21 Fireworks is a Graphic Design Program, used to create computer graphics and photo manipulations.

22 You will begin by recreating a website from the ground up, using only Fireworks drawing tools.




26 We design some playing cards…





31 And we end with some computer graphic artwork…






37 That sounds OK, but what is after Fireworks?


39 Dreamweaver is the industry standard for website design.

40 We will learn the basics of web design.




44 Is that it? Please tell me that’s it…


46 Flash is the program used to create almost all interactive web content…

47 We start with some basic moving shapes and graphics…


49 And we end up doing music videos and life story movies…



52 A few words about writing…

53 Why do we study all this stuff?

54 Mr B.

55 Soooo… What is Mr. B. like anyway?

56 Identifying Characteristics of Mr. B. Generally easy to get along with. Generally easy to get along with. Honest. Honest. Good listener. Good listener. Tries not to play favorites. Tries not to play favorites. Randomly explosive at times. Randomly explosive at times. Forgiving. Forgiving. Picture taken by my then 5 year old son, Spencer.

57 The Rules of The Tech Lab

58 Food and Drink School Policy this year: Students can have water, but only from enclosed containers. School Policy this year: Students can have water, but only from enclosed containers. Don’t like it? Talk to the boss, I am just following rules. Don’t like it? Talk to the boss, I am just following rules.

59 Something that really irritates me… If someone eats in the room and then throws the wrappers on the floor, behind their computer, under their chair. If someone eats in the room and then throws the wrappers on the floor, behind their computer, under their chair. See: Random explosions. See: Random explosions.

60 Music Machines that create music are allowed in the Tech Lab, but only when WORKING on a project. Machines that create music are allowed in the Tech Lab, but only when WORKING on a project. DO NOT listen to music while Mr. B. is lecturing. DO NOT listen to music while Mr. B. is lecturing. Special words about Music in the Tech Lab. Special words about Music in the Tech Lab. PLEASE DO NOT play streaming music from your computer! PLEASE DO NOT play streaming music from your computer!

61 Headphones These are for use with my video tutorials. These are for use with my video tutorials. PLEASE DO NOT unplug them for use in your MP3 player! Bring your own! PLEASE DO NOT unplug them for use in your MP3 player! Bring your own! See: Random Explosions See: Random Explosions

62 Texting Please don’t in class. Please don’t in class. If I catch you, I will take your phone and give it to Mr. Burmeister. If I catch you, I will take your phone and give it to Mr. Burmeister. In addition, I may take away your music privileges. In addition, I may take away your music privileges. See: Random Explosions. See: Random Explosions.

63 Hats and other headcoverings. School policy forbids the wearing of a hat on campus this year. School policy forbids the wearing of a hat on campus this year. If a student has a hat on in the classroom, it will be confiscated. If a student has a hat on in the classroom, it will be confiscated. Do it twice and the world may end. Do it twice and the world may end.

64 What About Day Planners? Day Planners are again a BIG THING this year. Teachers are expected to use them in EVERY class. Day Planners are again a BIG THING this year. Teachers are expected to use them in EVERY class. I will be checking for them on a random basis and giving you points if you have it. I will be checking for them on a random basis and giving you points if you have it. Don’t like it, talk to the boss! Don’t like it, talk to the boss!

65 IT’S FREEZING IN HERE! Yeah, I know, get used to it. Yeah, I know, get used to it. Try wearing a sweater… Try wearing a sweater…

66 Starting the Class At the start of most class periods, I will have a slide up with my instructions for getting started for the day. This will usually have a time limit and will likely involve your Day Planner. At the start of most class periods, I will have a slide up with my instructions for getting started for the day. This will usually have a time limit and will likely involve your Day Planner. If it takes YOU longer to get prepared than the time limit, I may keep YOU after class to compensate. If it takes YOU longer to get prepared than the time limit, I may keep YOU after class to compensate.

67 Late Work Work turned in late or missed because of an unexcused absence will receive a score of 0. Work turned in late or missed because of an unexcused absence will receive a score of 0. If you need help or more time on an assignment, SEE ME before it is due! If you need help or more time on an assignment, SEE ME before it is due!

68 Turning in Assignments All Work will be submitted via the Network DROPBOX Folder All Work will be submitted via the Network DROPBOX Folder Improperly copied or misnamed files will not receive any credit. Improperly copied or misnamed files will not receive any credit.

69 What should I call my files? Files are always called the same thing: Files are always called the same thing:lastname_assignmentname.doc

70 Do I going to grade everything? No! Not necessarily. No! Not necessarily. On writing assignments and other small projects, I will select random assignments to grade once in a while. On writing assignments and other small projects, I will select random assignments to grade once in a while.

71 Grading in the Tech Lab

72 Are there tests? There are comprehensive finals in all classes at the end of at the end of each semester. There are comprehensive finals in all classes at the end of at the end of each semester. Other than that, I tend to require more projects than tests. Other than that, I tend to require more projects than tests.

73 How does Mr. B. teach? I don’t. I do not lecture AT ALL in the Technology Lab (except in Government!) I don’t. I do not lecture AT ALL in the Technology Lab (except in Government!) Years of experience has taught me that this is the right thing to do. Years of experience has taught me that this is the right thing to do.

74 So how are we gonna learn?

75 Escaping the Tech Lab There will be no Passes given to any students during the first 60 minutes of the class. There will be no Passes given to any students during the first 60 minutes of the class. After the first 60 minutes of class, students can ask to use a hall pass. IF THEY HAVE THEIR PLANNER! After the first 60 minutes of class, students can ask to use a hall pass. IF THEY HAVE THEIR PLANNER! If you haven’t asked before, I will probably let you go. If you haven’t asked before, I will probably let you go. If you have, I probably won’t. If you have, I probably won’t.

76 Please tell me how to get in trouble in the Tech Lab!

77 Annoying thing number one Talk when Mr. B. is talking, especially if he is giving a lecture. Talk when Mr. B. is talking, especially if he is giving a lecture. This will quickly lead to Random Explosions. This will quickly lead to Random Explosions.

78 Annoying Thing Number Two Throwing out some lousy work in 3 minutes then saying…. Throwing out some lousy work in 3 minutes then saying…. “I’m done! I’m done! I’m done!” and thinking you can goof off the rest of the week. “I’m done! I’m done! I’m done!” and thinking you can goof off the rest of the week.

79 REALLY BAD THING #1 Accessing inappropriate material on the Internet is forbidden. This includes: Accessing inappropriate material on the Internet is forbidden. This includes: –Any images of clothing (or lack thereof) that violate the school dress code. –Any sites related to violence, guns, alcohol or drugs, unless specifically connected to a school assignment.

80 REALLY BAD THING #2 Using the computer to intimidate or harass others. Using the computer to intimidate or harass others. This can include use of your personal computer at home. This can include use of your personal computer at home.

81 REALLY BAD THING #3 Damaging or vandalizing any of the school’s computers or technological equipment. Damaging or vandalizing any of the school’s computers or technological equipment.

82 DOING A REALLY BAD THING? Expect some discipline…

83 Discipline in the Tech Lab consists of FIVE Steps:

84 Step ONE The Corner Computer. The Corner Computer.

85 Step TWO You get to go sit in the hallway You get to go sit in the hallway

86 Step THREE Long, boring writing assignments that must be completed instead of the regular class assignments. Long, boring writing assignments that must be completed instead of the regular class assignments.

87 Step FOUR Meeting with your parents, Mr. Yaussi, etc… Meeting with your parents, Mr. Yaussi, etc…

88 The “G” Word and its friends and relatives

89 Using The Tech Lab No students will be allowed to access The Tech Lab before school, I am not a morning person. No students will be allowed to access The Tech Lab before school, I am not a morning person. Tech Lab can be accessed during Mr. B’s planning periods with permission. Tech Lab can be accessed during Mr. B’s planning periods with permission. The Tech Lab will be available after school for Open Computer Use. The Tech Lab will be available after school for Open Computer Use.

90 Logging onto the School’s Network Username= Username= Firstname.Lastname Password= Password= MDDYYYY or MMDDYYYY (date must be two numbers) Temporary login for new students= Temporary login for new students= User= techlab, Pwd= huskies

91 Now that you have logged in…. Go find the class website: Go find the class All class assignments will be listed each day on the class website. All class assignments will be listed each day on the class website.

92 Now, let’s get to work!

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