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Week 1 (1) 2008IS33 Introduction 1 COMP3470 IS33 People-Centred Information Systems Development Module Leader: Lydia Lau Lectures: Wed 11-12 in LT4 Thu.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 1 (1) 2008IS33 Introduction 1 COMP3470 IS33 People-Centred Information Systems Development Module Leader: Lydia Lau Lectures: Wed 11-12 in LT4 Thu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 1 (1) 2008IS33 Introduction 1 COMP3470 IS33 People-Centred Information Systems Development Module Leader: Lydia Lau Lectures: Wed 11-12 in LT4 Thu 2-3 in LT4 Pre-requisites: LUBS2150 (or equivalent) School of Computing FACULTY OF Engineering

2 IS33 Introduction2 Week 1 (1) 2008 Objectives (as in handbook) Demonstrate an understanding of the people issues Evaluate approaches to information systems development in terms of people issues Specify the organisational, physical and job context into which computer-based IS have to fit Determine the impact on job design of IS design Identify non-technical causes of IS failure and its prevention

3 IS33 Introduction3 Week 1 (1) 2008 Why are people issues important? A brief history of IS evolution: 60s - mainframe 70s - mainframe /minis /DBMS /(ARPANET) 80s - office automation, PCs, LANs late 80s/ early 90s – BPR, enterprise-wide systems 90s - the Net, WWW, knowledge management systems, e-commerce late 90s /early 21 st C – e-communities, e- government, Now - mobiles/PDAs; Wii /digital TVs…etc

4 IS33 Introduction4 Week 1 (1) 2008 What is P-C? People- centred Individual Group Organisation Society ethics diversity HCI ergonomics CSCW business processes culture knowledge management legal health professionalism

5 IS33 Introduction5 Week 1 (1) 2008 What is ISD? IS development methodologies techniques socio-tech soft system user-centred UML rich picture ethnography prototyping mock-up scenarios

6 IS33 Introduction6 Week 1 (1) 2008 So, P-C ISD is Need to ask Why? What? When? How? and Who ? People-centred IS development methodologies techniques socio-tech soft system user-participation UML rich picture ethnography prototyping mock-up scenarios Individual Group Organisation Society ethics diversity HCI ergonomics CSCW business processes culture knowledge management legal health

7 IS33 Introduction7 Week 1 (1) 2008 Leavitts Diamond Structure People Technology Task Leavitt HJ (1965), Allied organizational change in industry: Structural, technological and humanistic approaches, in J G March (ed.) Handbook of Organisations (pp.1144-1170), Chicago:Rand McNally.

8 IS33 Introduction8 Week 1 (1) 2008 Plan for lectures Weeks 1-5: Setting the scene, LASCAD case study ISD approaches, and two more case studies Week 6 -10: Change Management (reading week) E- and M-everything HCI revisited and Computer Supported Cooperative Work Business Process Re-engineering Knowledge Management Last lecture : Round-up & Exam Prep

9 IS33 Introduction9 Week 1 (1) 2008 Assessment Examination: 80%; 2 hour(s); Open notes Coursework: 20% A short exercise (10%) set in week 3 and deadline for submission in week 7 on 13 th Nov. A short essay - no longer than 1000 words (10%), set in week 8, submission date in week 10 on 5 th Dec

10 IS33 Introduction10 Week 1 (1) 2008 Reading list Avison D & Fitzgerald G, Information Systems Development – Methodologies, Techniques and Tools, 3 rd or 4 th edition, 2002 or 2006. Brown JS & Duguid P, The Social Life of Information, Harvard Business School Press, 2000. (Preece J, Rogers H and Sharp Y, Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.) + selected papers & chapters…. See module web site under resources

11 IS33 Introduction11 Week 1 (1) 2008 What did last years students say? See end of module feedback

12 IS33 Introduction12 Week 1 (1) 2008 Homework To be completed before lecture on Thursday 9th October: Get this paper from Librarys collection of electronic journals – Dennis A R, Carte T A and Kelly G G, Breaking the rules: success and failure in groupware-supported business process reengineering, in Decision Support Systems, Volume 36, Issue 1 (Sept 2003), pp.31-47, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Write down on a piece of paper a list of people issues raised in this article, and bring it to the lecture on 9 th October.

13 IS33 Introduction13 Week 1 (1) 2008 Take home knowledge from this lecture: The diagram on P-C ISD The Leavitts Diamond

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