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Dependent interviewing on new longitudinal surveys in ONS Roeland Beerten Designing Sources Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Dependent interviewing on new longitudinal surveys in ONS Roeland Beerten Designing Sources Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dependent interviewing on new longitudinal surveys in ONS Roeland Beerten Designing Sources Division

2 Designing Sources Division Design of new ONS surveys –European Survey of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) –Wealth and Assets Survey Integration of existing ONS surveys –Continuous Population Survey (includes Labour Force Survey) –Business surveys Develop, promote and implement common standards across ONS data sources

3 New Surveys: EU-SILC Eurostat regulation; EU25 + candidate countries ONS: integrated with General Household Survey Longitudinal rotating panel Following households (not addresses) 12 month intervals - for 4 years CAPI Longitudinal questions on income, poverty, housing Cross-sectional questions on various topics (e.g. detailed poverty, social capital)

4 New Surveys: Wealth & Assets Survey Funded by ONS, Department for Work and Pensions, Inland Revenue and others Longitudinal panel Following households (not addresses) 2 year interval for follow-up CAPI Cross-sectional aim: fixing total assets of British households (also properties, pensions, debts) Longitudinal aim: insight in asset-related processes (eg. saving, borrowing)

5 Dependent interviewing To be used on both surveys (respondent burden) Planning stage Mix of proactive and reactive Dependent on type of information –e.g. household roster, employment status, occ&ind, income Blaise standards –Develop and implement ONS standards and procedures –Blaise Development, Standards and Support Team

6 International context EU-SILC: 25 countries No Eurostat guidance Practice differs between countries Consequence for comparability of data International harmonisation?

7 Some issues Technical aspects / infrastructure ONS modernisation Interviewer training Standards for different modes (CAPI, CATI, PAPI) Measurement error issues Confidentiality issues / Proxy information


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