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The Enlightenment Lesson #1: The Scientific Revolution.

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1 The Enlightenment Lesson #1: The Scientific Revolution

2 Main Idea: In the mid-1500s, scientists began to question accepted beliefs and make new theories based on experimentation. Why it matters now: Such questioning led to the development of the scientific method still in use today.

3 Learning Goal: List circumstances that led to the Scientific Revolution. A.THE ROOTS OF MODERN SCIENCE I.The Medieval View: Geocentric View II.A New Way of Thinking: What is the Scientific Revolution? Ptolemy’s Geocentric Theory of the Universe

4 Learning Goal: Summarize the development of the heliocentric theory. B. A REVOLUTIONARY MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE I.The Heliocentric Theory: Copernicus “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies” II.Kepler: astronomer – used mathematical equations to prove heliocentric theory Copernicus’s Heliocentric Theory of the Universe

5 Learning Goal: Summarize the development of the heliocentric theory. III. Galileo’s Discoveries: “Starry Messanger” – moon and stars are perfect IV. Conflict with the Church: 1632 “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”

6 Learning Goal: Describe the scientific method. C. THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD What is the Scientific Method? 1.Problem/Question 2.Hypothesis 3.Experiment 4.Conclusion I.Bacon (ENG): II.Descartes (FR): Francis Bacon Rene Descartes

7 Learning Goal: Explain Newton’s Law of Gravity. D. NEWTON EXPLAINS THE LAW OF GRAVITY Law of Universal Gravitation: 1687 “The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”

8 Learning Goal: Describe the importance of the scientific method in different fields. E. THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION SPREADS I.Scientific Instruments: Janssen (DUT) = microscope/eye glasses; Leeuwenhoek (DUT) = observed bacteria and red blood cells; Torricelli (IT) = mercury barometer; Fahrenheit (GER) and Celsius (FR) = mercury thermometer II.Medicine and the Human Body: Vesalius = dissect humans “On the Structure of the Human Body”; Jenner = vaccines III.Discoveries in Chemistry: Robert Boyle = founder of Modern Chemistry “The Skeptical Chemist”

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