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Where do we go from here? Next Generation Assessment Systems for Achievement and Accountability Dr. Michele Walker, Indiana DOE Dr. Lou Fabrizio, North.

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Presentation on theme: "Where do we go from here? Next Generation Assessment Systems for Achievement and Accountability Dr. Michele Walker, Indiana DOE Dr. Lou Fabrizio, North."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where do we go from here? Next Generation Assessment Systems for Achievement and Accountability Dr. Michele Walker, Indiana DOE Dr. Lou Fabrizio, North Carolina DPI Dr. Gregory Cizek, Univ. of N. Carolina Dr. Tim Vansickle, Questar Assessment

2 PRESENTATION TITLE Discussion Topics  Brief history  The purpose of assessment  Accountability testing and achievement  Improving teaching and learning using assessment  What constitutes a quality assessment  How does technology impact teaching, learning, and assessment  Measurement and psychometric issues arising from new assessment systems

3 PRESENTATION TITLE Criticizing American Education

4 PRESENTATION TITLE US Government Gets Involved  U.S. puts money into math and science  Begins to funnel monies to states for education  Reaction to our not being first in space was a fault of education  Specifically, math and science

5 PRESENTATION TITLE US Government Gets Involved  1965 President Johnson signs law-Part of the War on Poverty  Title I disadvantaged children and education  Other Titles II-VI –Library, supplemental Services, Research, Strengthen State Departments of Education, etc.  Known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (PL89-10)

6 PRESENTATION TITLE Other Criticisms & Comparisons  1972 ACT and SAT Scores fall for the first time  1983 A Nation at Risk  1988 A Nation at Risk follow-up  International Comparisons –1995 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) –2001 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) –US students do poorly  US companies spend billions remediating High School graduates  National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) –Students make little progress

7 PRESENTATION TITLE The Last Reauthorization of ESEA  2001 last reauthorization of ESEA  The No Child Left Behind Act –Written by Kennedy (D) and Miller (R)  Formalized the standards movement and accountability testing




11 PRESENTATION TITLE Purpose of Assessing Students  What types of test(s) would be most important to have in an assessment system?  How would test information be used?  For what decisions about students, teachers, schools, districts, or states would test results be useful?

12 PRESENTATION TITLE Accountability and Achievement  Why all the controversy about accountability systems?  Can accountability results improve achievement?  If so, how do you see that information being used well?  What limitations would you place on the use of accountability test results, if any?

13 PRESENTATION TITLE Improving Teaching and Learning  Using Diagnostic Tests?  Using Formative Tests?  Using Interim/Benchmark Tests?  Using Summative/Accountability Tests?  Any Other Tests?

14 PRESENTATION TITLE What Role Does Technology Play  In Assessment?  In Scoring (AI)?  In Instruction?  In Reporting?  Other Areas?

15 PRESENTATION TITLE What are the Psychometric Issues  Multi-dimensionality?  Item types?  Accuracy of scoring?  Use of Artificial Intelligence?  Reliability?  Validity?  Other Quality Indicators?

16 PRESENTATION TITLE The Next Assessment System  What does it look like?  How will it be delivered?  How will we know whether it is a quality assessment?  What role should governmental agencies play in assessment?  Other characteristics?

17 PRESENTATION TITLE Q&A  Other Thoughts  Questions

18 PRESENTATION TITLE Click to add title


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