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Sallie Saunders Building Better Boards Pty Ltd.  6 reviews into the NFP sector over the last 16 years  The consistent theme – regulation of the NFP.

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Presentation on theme: "Sallie Saunders Building Better Boards Pty Ltd.  6 reviews into the NFP sector over the last 16 years  The consistent theme – regulation of the NFP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sallie Saunders Building Better Boards Pty Ltd

2  6 reviews into the NFP sector over the last 16 years  The consistent theme – regulation of the NFP sector could be significantly improved by: the establishment of a single national regulator and the simplification of regulatory and taxation arrangements

3  Recommendations of the Productivity Commission Report  The National Compact  Commitment of the Gillard Government

4  Office for the Not-for-Profit Sector (PMC)  Not-for-Profit Sector Reform Council  Inter-Departmental Committee on NFP Sector Reform  ACNC – Australian Charities and Not-for- Profit Commission (+ Implementation Taskforce)  ACNC Advisory Body


6 ACNC role  determine and regulate charities; and  administer the statutory definition of charity.  promote good governance;  ensure compliance with charitable laws; and  provide a public information portal through which charities would be required to make certain financial and activity related reports.

7  A charity is an entity with a charitable purpose, as defined in common law and classified according to the Pemsel case (1891) under the heads of:  Relief of poverty;  Advancement of education;  Advancement of religion; and  Other purposes beneficial to the community


9   Launch date 1 October 2012  Will contain information about and for charities  On 1 July 2013 the public information portal will be accessible from the website  Aims for a high level of transparency for the sector and visibility for individual charities without a website  Charities to update their own information and submit their annual information statements online.  The public will be able to search the portal for charity details such as governance structures, purposes and activities


11  From 1 July 2013 all charities to report basic non-financial information  Small charities: past year purpose and who benefits  Medium and Large charities: add plans for the next year, staff and numbers  Charities can volunteer other financial information in this year

12  small charities – basic financial and non- financial information about their operations for the previous year via an annual information statement and;  medium and large charities: ◦ more detailed financial and non-financial information about their operations for the previous year via an annual information statement; and  financial reports (either audited or reviewed for medium charities or audited for large charities

13  a key part of reducing the regulatory burden and simplifying the interaction of charities with the ACNC and the Government. The Charity Passport will:  contain data from a variety of sources including registration details and annual reporting;  be confidential and provided only to authorised government agencies; and  passed electronically to Commonwealth Government Agencies via the ACNC information portal.

14  ACNC Implementation Taskforce Newsletters: Topics/PeopleAndSociety/NFP- reform/Newsletters NFP Reform Council Email direct questions to:

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