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Beef Cattle Breeds.

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1 Beef Cattle Breeds

2 Angus Color: Black Origin: Scotland Traits: high carcass quality
Polled Most registered breed

3 Hereford Color: Red w/white face Origin: England Traits:
Polled or Horned Docile Good foragers

4 Charolais Color: white to light straw Origin: France Traits: Horned

5 Brahman Color: light gray to black or red Origin: India Traits: Hump
Loose dewlap Resistant to insects Tolerant to heat

6 Chianina Color: white to steel gray w/black switch Origin: Italy
Traits: Horned Black pigmented skin Tallest beef breed Heavy muscling

7 Dairy Cattle Breeds

8 Holstein Color: Black & white is most common (can also come in red & white) Origin: Europe (specifically Holland) Traits: Largest Dairy breed High feed efficiency Highest milk production

9 Jersey Color: light gray/mouse color to dark fawn/almost black
Origin: British Isle of Jersey Traits: Smallest Dairy breed 2nd highest milk producer High butterfat production Docile

10 Ayrshire Color: Red & white Origin: Scotland Traits:
High quality of udder Milk ideally suited for butter and cheese Strong & rugged Fewer leg & feet problems

11 Brown Swiss Color: grey, dark brown, tan or almost white
Origin: Switzerland Traits: Big, floppy ears Docile

12 Guernsey Color: golden red & white Origin: British Isle of Guernsey
Traits: Rick flavor of milk “Golden” color to milk (due to high butterfat, high protein content) High feed efficiency

13 Swine Breeds

14 American Landrace Color: white Origin: Denmark Traits: Long body
Big loped forward ears Large litters Mothering ability

15 Duroc Color: red Origin: Eastern US, corn belt Traits: Drooped ears
Fast growth rate High feed conversion

16 Hampshire Color: black w/white belt
Origin: Southern Scotland and Northern England Traits: Erect ears Muscle & carcass leanness

17 Yorkshire Color: white Origin: England Traits: Erect ears
Large litters High feed efficiency High growth rate Mothering ability Long carcasses

18 Poland China Color:  black with six white points (face, feet and switch) Points required  Origin: US Traits: Dropped ears Oldest American breed High feed efficiency Substantial bone Soundness Docile

19 Spotted Swine Color: black and white spots Origin: US Traits:
Drooping ears Large breed Fast growth rate

20 Tamworth Color: golden red to dark red Origin: Ireland Traits:
Erect ears Most desirable bacon-type carcass Long, straight snout Depth of side/deep bodied

21 Berkshire Color: black & white with white points Origin: England
points not required Origin: England Traits: Erect Ears Juiciness, flavor and tenderness of meat, due to marbling High feed efficiency Excellent carcass quality

22 Chester White Color: solid white Origin: US Traits: Chester County, PA
Drooped ears Mothering ability Durability Structural soundness Longevity Skin is easily removed during packing

23 Vietnamese Potbelly Color: White or black more common, but also red, gold, spotted Origin: Vietnam Traits: Used as pets Considerably smaller than farm pigs ( lbs) Can be used as service pets

24 Poultry Breeds

25 Chickens - Layers

26 White Leghorn Color: White Origin: Leghorn, Italy Traits:
Lays White Eggs High egg production Good foragers Large comb & wattles

27 Rhode Island Red Color: Red Origin: US, RI Traits:
Dual-purpose (eggs and meat) Lay brown eggs Hardy

28 Chickens - Broilers

29 Plymouth Rock Color: white, buff, barred Origin: US Traits: Hardy
Docile Excellent meat (& egg) production

30 Cornish Color: dark, white, buff Origin: England Traits:
Ultimate meat bird Broad, well-muscled body Protective mothering ability

31 Turkeys

32 Broad-Breasted Bronze
Color: shimmering-green bronze/black Origin: US Traits: Commercial breeds must be bred by A.I. Docile Fairly rare now

33 Broad-Breasted White Color: white Origin: US Traits:
Known for meat production Must be bred by A.I. More popular than BB Bronze Harder to handle/manage than BB Bronze

34 Beltsville Small White
Color: white Origin: Beltsville, MD Traits: Meaty carcass Small enough to fit in average fridge

35 Royal Palm Color: White w/bands of black Origin: FL Traits:
Ornamental bird Currently on the endangered “watch” list Docile

36 Other Poultry Breeds

37 Houdan Chicken Color: mottled, white Origin: France Traits:
Mostly ornamental, but can produce eggs and meat 5 toes (chickens normally have 4) give them “skipping” gait

38 Silkie Bantam Color: Black, Blue, Partridge, Buff, White, Gray
Origin: unknown, possibly China Traits: fur/silk-like feathers Topknots/crests on their heads & abundant feathers growing down their legs & middle toe 5 toes

39 Sheep Breeds

40 Goat Breeds

41 Horse Breeds

42 Llama Breeds

43 Other Breeds

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