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CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Guidelines for Writing Studies I Essays from the essay grading checklists.

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Presentation on theme: "CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Guidelines for Writing Studies I Essays from the essay grading checklists."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Guidelines for Writing Studies I Essays from the essay grading checklists

2 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Rhetorical Purpose you should have a clear purpose for writing your essay and the essay should support that purpose throughout

3 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Attention to Audience You should write for a general, academic audience supply necessary background information on the topic and the reading source have an appropriate tone  use a “medium level of formality,” i.e. not too informal (no slang, no conversational expressions) but not too formal, e.g. no overly technical terms or complicated sentence structure

4 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I (Manuscript) Conventions correct punctuation required document format neatness grammar rules of standard written English

5 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Use of Source Material avoid plagiarism (see pp. 14-15 of the Composition Handbook and this from the Writing Resource Center), whether it is intentional or unintentionalthe Composition Handbookthis from the Writing Resource Center incorporate material from reading sources through quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing document sources with APA Style

6 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I APA Style Documentation in the Body of the Essay Pogue (2009) argues that “the theft-of- privacy threat remains mostly in the realm of the theoretical and the someday” (p. 87). (Note: 2009 is the year of the publication of the book that contains the article by Katz, not the actual year the article may have been first published.)

7 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I or: We have to realize that “the theft-of-privacy threat remains mostly in the realm of the theoretical and the someday” (Pogue, 2009, p. 87).

8 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I or: Dyson (2009) states, “We haven’t created a perfect society on earth and we won’t have on in cyberspace either” (p. 28). She argues against government attempts to regulate the Internet like the Exon-Coats Amendment (2009, p. 25).

9 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I or: It has been observed that when bloggers “spend more time hunkered over their computers, they neglect family, friends and jobs” (Hafner & Gnatek, 2009, p. 35).

10 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I or: Hafner and Gnatek (2009) observe that when bloggers “spend more time hunkered over their computers, they neglect family, friends and jobs” (p. 35).

11 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Taking on a new identity online “allows you to perpetually live in a fantasy instead of living in real life” (Wesson, as cited in Harmon, 2009, p. 43). or: Wesson believes that taking on a new identity online “allows you to perpetually live in a fantasy instead of living in real life” (as cited in Harmon, 2009, p. 43).

12 CPN 100 — Writing Studies I Structure of Essay the structure of the essay as a whole (e.g. does it have the traditional structure of an introduction, a body and a conclusion) structure of the individual paragraphs that make up the essay (see the Paragraphs lecture)

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