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Executive Summary & Background Ideal Workflow to Complete Preventive Visits More than 10,000 Medicare patients are provided primary care services at MU.

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Summary & Background Ideal Workflow to Complete Preventive Visits More than 10,000 Medicare patients are provided primary care services at MU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Summary & Background Ideal Workflow to Complete Preventive Visits More than 10,000 Medicare patients are provided primary care services at MU via the Departments of Internal Medicine and Family & Community Medicine. Primary care services include primary, secondary and tertiary preventive services to patients. Since 2011, the Affordable Care Act has expanded coverage for preventive care visits in Medicare patients. Such preventive care visits under Medicare are of three types, namely Welcome to Medicare Initial Annual Wellness Exam Subsequent Annual Wellness Exam These preventive visits are reimbursed at an attractive rate. Each department has invested in measures to complete these preventive visits although ~500 such preventative care visits have been completed in the more than 10,000 Medicare patients over the last 2 years. Major barriers to the completion of these preventive visits include: 1)a strict requirement to fulfill a multitude of clinical assessments with corresponding documentation within a single visit, 2)a high degree of care coordination, practice workflow, organization, and EMR support. Despite improvement measures thus far, the required practice organization has not yet been achieved. LIGHT 2 (Leveraging Information Technology to Guide High Tech and High Touch Care) is a CMS grant funded project focused on improving primary care practice for Medicare patients. LIGHT2 presents a unique opportunity to both departments who can utilize both the Hi-Tech and Hi-Touch features to find the creative solutions necessary to complete preventive care visits in Medicare patients. An interdisciplinary team with members from both Departments and the LIGHT 2 team has formed with the purpose of collaboratively identifying barriers and developing solutions to increase the number of Medicare preventive visits completed. Benefits of increasing number of completed preventive care visits Possible Hi-Tech and Hi-Touch solutions via LIGHT 2 Physician discusses and offers a preventive visit as a future visit to patient Offers explanation and details Patient receives a reminder to come prepared and bring all medications PSR schedules appropriate next visit All documentation is completed efficiently and in a timely manner Patient agrees Patient presents for preventative care visit Nurse completes the required assessments Physician reviews and completes all needed assessments Billing and reimbursement occurs successfully As the result of an efficient and effective process more patients receive Medicare preventive care visits and MU is reimbursed for the services (Hi-Tech) EMR solutions can help identify patients who are due for a preventive visit and alert the physician; alternatively Nurse Care Managers (Hi-Touch) can educate and discuss with patients Patients may be reminded by either Hi-Tech or Hi-Touch modalities Hi-Tech/Hi-Touch enhancements can be used to make documentation less tedious and more efficient Development of practice and system level improvements that facilitate completion of Medicare preventive care visits will improve the quality of patient care as well as increase clinical revenue both of which serve MU School of Medicine strategic goals. Hi-TechHi-Touch

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