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Welcome to Creative Web Design You will soon be creating your first web page.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Creative Web Design You will soon be creating your first web page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Creative Web Design You will soon be creating your first web page.

2 Please do not enter or exit through back door. Mr. Harris needs to know who’s coming and going in his room.

3 No Cell Phones No Cell Phones No Music No Music No Profanity No Profanity No Food or Drink No Food or Drink

4 1. Warning 2. Phone Call 3. Gone

5 Internet URL Root Level Search Engine HTML tag Browser Local Root hyperlink upload Web Address Web Server domain

6 What’s behind the web page?


8 Behind every web page is computer code. Go to “Page Source” to see it. Click Here for SampleClick Here for SampleClick Here for SampleClick Here for Sample

9 What’s behind the web page? This is what you’ll be learning in this class.

10 What’s behind the web page? Computer Programming is uses a separate language you must learn to speak.

11 Element An element is any object or item in a web page. Pictures, text, lines, etc. all of these can be elements. Learn some words in computer language:

12 “tags.”Elements are separated by “tags.” Mr. Millendez’s Page Element Learn some words in computer language: tags

13 “tags.”Elements are separated by “tags.” Mr. Millendez’s Page Element Learn some words in computer language: You cant see the tags on the web page because they have: >< These Things

14 Mr. Millendez’s Page Element Learn some words in computer language: <element></element> The web browser knows not to show the stuff inside the

15 Elements The “tag” is the code on either side of the content. The “code” looks like this: Tags should be lower case letters. There are many different kinds of “tags” you will see and be working with soon. Math Class

16 Review: Element: Tag: A part of a web page. Computer code surrounding the element. Parts on the outsides of the tags (that’s how you know it’s a tag…)

17 So now that you know a few words of computer language… Let’s try writing something…

18 Open Notepad.

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