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Week 6 2007IS33 Change Management 1 COMP3470 IS33 People-Centred Information Systems Development Week 6 Domain: Change Management School of Computing FACULTY.

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1 Week 6 2007IS33 Change Management 1 COMP3470 IS33 People-Centred Information Systems Development Week 6 Domain: Change Management School of Computing FACULTY OF Engineering

2 IS33 Change Management2 Week 6 2007 Change Management Pettigrew (1998) defined a change programme as a focused, often high investment attempt to create system-wide change using pre-packaged products and technologies. There was a long line of change management programmes - MBO, OD, TQM, BPR, … Usually with these 4 phases: high profile adoption - hope - disappointment - disillusion (what now?) (of course, there were also happy endings!!) sustainability is a constant and recurrent challenge for change programmes

3 IS33 Change Management3 Week 6 2007 Change Management - Peppard & Rowland (1995) Create the environment frog boiling water ? frog cold water heat ? (crisis leads to change) (requires vision to motivate change)

4 IS33 Change Management4 Week 6 2007 Peppard & Rowland (cont.) Individuals reactions to change unaware shock denial acceptance searching action disruption Management - to pull people through these stages

5 IS33 Change Management5 Week 6 2007 Organisational impacts of new IS May be +ve or –ve or both Look at job content and job satisfaction Look at power structure and politics Look at job opportunities and career prospects …refer to Andrew & Stalicks 9 dimensions, discussed in BPR lecture …use Leavitts diamond to see how one change might lead to other changes …see handout (Jones, Aguirre & Calderone)

6 IS33 Change Management6 Week 6 2007 Jones, Aguirre & Calderone (2004) Are we in a culture that just keeps moving all the time ? The 10 Principles of Change Management: communication – explain, motivate and lead; cultural change – audit, implementation, prepare for surprises importance of understanding the human side of change management

7 IS33 Change Management7 Week 6 2007 Pearlson & Saunders 2004 automate vs informate (Zuboff) – deskilling vs enrichment Framework for job design impacts (p.84) How IT changes the nature of work Creating new types of work Changing the way work is done Changing communication patterns Changing organisational decision making and information processing Changing collaboration Changing where work is done

8 IS33 Change Management8 Week 6 2007 15 Steps in ETHICS 1. Why change 2. System boundaries 3. Description of existing system 4.5.6. Definition of key objectives and tasks 7. Diagnosis of efficiency needs 8. Diagnosis of job satisfaction needs 9. Future analysis 10. Specifying and weighting efficiency and job satisfaction needs and objectives 11. Organisational design of new system 12. Technical options 13. Preparation of detailed work design 14. Implementation 15. Evaluation

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