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HTML Presented by: Clint Braaf Norina Finger Tasneem Davids.

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Presentation on theme: "HTML Presented by: Clint Braaf Norina Finger Tasneem Davids."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML Presented by: Clint Braaf Norina Finger Tasneem Davids

2 What is HTML? HTMLHTML is an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language HypertextHypertext is ordinary text that has been dressed up with extra features. (formatting, images, multimedia, and links to other resources) What we will cover in the course MarkupMarkup is the process of taking ordinary text and adding extra symbols. Each of the symbols used for markup in HTML is a command that tells a browser how to display the text.

3 Background Info it was only invented in 1990, and few people knew about it before 1993. has changed relatively little since those early days, the history of HTML is rather cloudy. Tim Berners-Lee first started to come up with code for his WWW project in 1990

4 Lets Start Coding!!!

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