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Ithaca! A long time ago in a land called Greece there was a man called Telemachos, who lived in Ithaca. He was upset because when he was just a baby his.

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2 Ithaca! A long time ago in a land called Greece there was a man called Telemachos, who lived in Ithaca. He was upset because when he was just a baby his father, Odysseus, left for war and hasn’t returned. He is now all grown up and tons of people are trying to marry his mum, but he doesn’t like these people in his house. One day he was visited by the goddess Athena and she told him to believe in himself and go on a journey to find out what happened to his dad. So he sets sail for Pylos. Pylos! During Telemachos’s first stop in Pylos he met with his dad’s old friend Nestor. Nestor happens to be the king of Pylos and as a gift to Telemachos he gives him a horse and carriage. Nestor also lets his son Pelsistratos join Telemachos on the rest of his journey. However Nestor had not heard anything about Telemachos’s dad. Plyos Sparta! Telemachos then journeyed to Sparta to visit his dad’s close friend King Menelaos, the king of Sparta, and his wife Helen. Telemachos and Peisistratos join Menelaous and Helen for dinner, the group talks about Odysseus and the brave things he did during the war. Afterwards Menelaous tells Telemachos about his journey home to Sparta after the war. Menelaous says that he heard Odysseus was still alive but stranded on an island. Telemachos started his journey back to Ithaca. Back to Ithaca! While Telemachos is on his journey back to Ithaca with the news of his father. The men trying to marry his mum plan to attack Telemachos on his way back to his home. Telemachos’s mother hears about this and becomes scared but Athena tells her that everything will be okay, because Athena herself is looking out for Telemachos. Athena

3 Works Cited “ Athena.gif.” image. Arthur's Clip Art. n.p. n.d. Web. 14, April, 2012. “BayofPylos.JPG.” JPG. Wikimedia. n.p. n.d. Web. 14, April, 2012. sfaktiria.JPG/270px-Pylos- “CartoonBoat.JPG.” JPG. Colour Box. n.p. n.d. Web. 11, April, 2012. =isch&tbnid=x3FLKgmZJ7OjcM:&imgrefurl= toon-illustration-ship-isolated-on-white-background-vector- 3376505&docid=7UGOwb5WnlVCgM&imgurl= w/3376505-406326-cartoon-illustration-ship-isolated-on-white- background.jpg&w=480&h=410&ei=-M- GT8KoH4qt8AGksPhM&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=335&sig=10455095622673735944 6&page=2&tbnh=121&tbnw=140&start=16&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:16,i:154 &tx=65&ty=97 “Telemachos-map.jpg.” JPEG. Wikimedia. n.p. n.d. Web. 11, April, 2012.

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