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Planning Integration Team for Community Health (PITCH) Progress Report to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors May 7, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Integration Team for Community Health (PITCH) Progress Report to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors May 7, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Integration Team for Community Health (PITCH) Progress Report to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors May 7, 2013

2 PITCH Background Planning Integration Team for Community Health (PITCH) established by the Board of Supervisors in 2007 Integrates public health considerations into land use and transportation planning and engineering activities Interdepartmental team includes Departments of Conservation and Development (DCD), Public Works (CCPW), and Health Services (CCHS)

3 2012 Activities Complete Streets Implementation —Bay Point Safe Routes to School —Bailey Road/SR4 PID EBRPD Master Plan Review Climate Action Plan School Siting Road Standards / Fire codes Detroit Ave Complete Streets One Bay Area Grant The public weighs in on the County’s Climate Action Plan, one of PITCH’s 2012 activities.

4 Complete Streets Implementation: Bay Point Safe Routes to School Pedestrian infrastructure for Pacifica Ave. Adjacent to 3 schools CCHS providing “non- infrastructure” encouragement activities

5 Modification of the ramps at the Bailey Road intersection with State Route 4 in the Bay Point area (from the BART Station Access Road to the Canal Road/SR 4 on-ramp intersection). Complete Streets Implementation: Bailey Road / SR4 Interchange Project Initiation Document Design Concepts – Removal of the north-side loop off-ramp and pedestrian tunnel, – Improvement to the westbound off-ramp at the east side of Bailey Road to accommodate northbound and southbound turning traffic – Changes to the south-side loop off-ramp to a fully signal-controlled T-intersection – Road Diet to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists?

6 EBRPD Master Plan Review 2012 Master Plan for EBRPD Regional Parks and Trails includes: New “Healthy Parks/Health People” Initiative Response to changing demographics

7 Climate Action Plan Draft CCC Climate Action Plan (CAP) reflects: PITCH collaboration Extensive public health evaluation for CAP prepared by Health Services Actions scored and prioritized if they support public health

8 School Siting TimelineAction Ongoing effort with completion anticipated during the 2014 Legislative session. Work with the California Department of Education California State Association of Counties to secure school siting policy changes consistent with the County's adopted legislative platform. UnknownAdvocate for more flexibility in establishment of school zone; e.g. double fine zone and size of zone

9 Road Standards/Fire Codes TimelineAction Complete Go on record with the Office of the State Fire Marshal with regard to the 2014 Fire Code and traffic calming. Complete Road Standards Process spins off Complete Streets project in the Monument Corridor in Concord. June 2013 Request that California State Association of Counties & County Engineers Association of California engage the California Department of Forestry re: their effort to address road standards in unincorporated areas. January 2014Revise County Road Standards & Building/Fire Code to reflect County complete streets, safety, climate change, etc. goals Fire Codes mandating wide travel lanes can make it difficult to create complete streets.

10 Complete Streets Implementation: Detroit Ave Complete Streets Emerged from Road Standards Work and an EPA Technical Assistance Grant Funds Leveraged  OBAG Application in the Works Built New Relationships

11 CCTA: One Bay Area Grant Working Group OBAG – Regional funding through CCTA via MTC Change in funding priorities – emphasis on Priority Development Areas (PDA) and user safety CCHS Participated in MTC Active Transportation meetings to determine Complete Streets requirements CCHS and DCD asked for and received seats on PDA Working Group CCHS and DCD provided feedback on project criteria and weighting Helped to shape criteria that support healthy communities.

12 PITCH Beyond Our Borders  A model for other health-related land use and transportation projects in California and nationwide.  School Siting Advocacy at the state Level  Fire Code advocacy at the state level.  State Health Department interested in a case study on the Fire Code / Road Standards work  Climate Action Planning Work leads to collaboration with all Bay Area local health departments on climate readiness and helps secure resources

13 Goals for 2013 Complete Street Standards/Fire Codes work Advocate for School Siting and Design policy reform Advocate for more flexibility in establishment of school zone; e.g. double fine zone and definition of zone Climate Action Plan Follow-up – Implementation – Climate Readiness Establish a maintenance mechanism to fund streetscape improvements on Parker Ave., Bailey Rd., and San Pablo Dam Rd. Appian Way road diet Urban Agriculture promotion (Brookside and Fred Jackson Way)

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