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Description of Canada’s Past Population Description of Canada’s Current/Future Population Definitions of concepts Lecture Overview.

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1 Description of Canada’s Past Population Description of Canada’s Current/Future Population Definitions of concepts Lecture Overview

2 Why learn about the history of racialized groups? –Stephan & Stephan 02 –Cultural Circles Exercise Similar to Qs: Why learn about own culture? Description of Canada’s Past

3 Stereotypes of them –As inferior, incapable Practices toward them –Indian Act & other practices engaged in Forcible assimilation, Segregation (prohibited from leaving reserves w/out a pass, prohibited from land ownership) Cultural suppression (prevented from celebrating ceremonial events, determined who was an Indian) Sent children residential schools run by missionaries No right to vote Aboriginals Ontario human rights doc

4 Slavery Practices Segregation –From Schools, churches, restaurants, hospitals, public transport –Residentially: via deeds, leases –Restricted to menial, low-paying, exhausting labour African Canadians Ontario human rights doc

5 Recruited labour from China, subject to poor working conditions Were seen as threat after completing contract work, Limits on Chinese immigration Head tax imposition No voting rights Limited ability to –own property, run business, enter certain professions & employ people Chinese Canadians Ontario human rights doc

6 Japanese Canadians Sent to relocation/detention camps Stripped of property, businesses & savings After war, asked to disperse/repatriate to Japan South Asian Canadians Laws controlled their economic & social mobility Immigration laws –Vancouver incident Other VM Canadians Ontario human rights doc

7 Prevented from immigration during Nazi persecution Legally prevented from –Staying in Hotel/resorts –Owning, living, buying property, being sold property to Jewish Canadians Ontario human rights doc

8 Description of Canada’s Past Population Description of Canada’s Current Population Description of Canada’s Future Population Review and next…

9 16% of Canadians are VM –VM=non Aboriginal/non Caucasian Who? –4% is South Asian –4% is Chinese –2.5% is Black Canadian Population in 2006 04/2/08 The Daily Statistics Canada: Ethnic origin, visible minorities etc...

10 Followers of islam are currently stereotyped, racially profiled, and subjected to hostile acts Muslims are viewed as a greater security threat on an institutional, systemic and societal level Muslim Canadians Ontario human rights doc

11 19-23% of Canadians will be VM Why? –Immigration Immigrants will be 22% of pop’n –Higher fertility of VM –Younger age structure of VM Canadian Population in 2017 03/22/05 The Daily Statistics Canada: Canada's visible minority population in 2017

12 Who? –Equal proportions of S. Asian & Chinese, next highest is Black Where? –75% of VM will be living in TO, Vancouver, Montreal More than 50% of SA & 40% of Chinese in Canada will live in TO Of the VMs in Montreal, 27% will be Blacks & 19% will be Arab Canadian Population in 2017 03/22/05 The Daily Statistics Canada: Canada's visible minority population in 2017

13 By VM group By VM & geographic region For… –Recruitment –Community Services –Service Industries Implications of Forecasts

14 Description of Canada’s Past Population Description of Canada’s Current & Future Population Definitions of concepts –Race –Discrimination –Stereotyping –Prejudice Review and what’s next

15 An old classification system based on –Skin colour –Bodily features Accent/speech Name Clothing/grooming Diet Beliefs/practices Leisure preferences Place of origin Citizenship What is Race

16 Lack of scientific evidence for racial classification system –Differences within races on important characteristics are greater than those between races Social belief in existence of race has persisted despite lack of scientific proof Problems with concept of Race

17 Difference between race &…. –Gender –Discrimination, prejudice, stereotyping –Other cultural characteristics (e.g., individualism) Use test of amt of differences between vs. within groups What is not Race?

18 Discrimination –When similar or better qualified applicant… Does not get job applied for Gets job below qualification Receives lower pay for same job What is discrimination? Krauss in NYT

19 Unequal treatment or behavior toward members of different groups (Stephan & Stephan 02) Distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on group membership impairing human rights (Human rights doc) –Impose burdens not imposed on others –Withhold or limit access to benefits available to others What is discrimination?

20 Individual –E.g., behaviors like different performance ratings for members of different groups all else being equal Institutional –Policies, practices, procedures that disadvantage members of some groups –Unequal representation in upper & middle layers of administration, economic & media institutions Examples of Discrimination Compare with Brief et al

21 Societal –Group differences in Poverty Imprisonment Access to employment, housing, healthcare Examples of Discrimination

22 Stereotype Prejudice Discrimination Stephan & Stephan 02

23 Associating members of certain groups with certain characteristics –E.g., Perceived to be alike in some way (i.e. have similar traits) E.g., Most Asians are “smart”, “geeky”, “have similar eye size” Can be positive or negative Can be true/false of group &/ individual Implications for functionality What are stereotypes Stephan & Stephan 02

24 Confusing one member of group for another –Believing them to be similar in personality or behavior E.g., editors vs. journalists Assuming characteristics of individual based on group membership –E.g., assuming your are nanny because you are Filipino, –E.g. Assuming non-Whites are not Canadian citizens or were not born in canada Examples of Stereotypes Wong’s Globe & Mail

25 Prejudice –Negative feelings (e.g., dislike) toward someone because of group they belong to Discrimination –Behavior/outcome What are not stereotypes? Wong in Globe & Mail; Krauss in NYT

26 Culturally valid characteristics –e.g., collectivism Asians score higher (in general) on collectivism, Any single Asian may not score higher than a non-Asian on collectivism Scores on collectivism can be reliably measured Scores on collectivism are related to important other characteristics What are not stereotypes

27 Negative attitudes Negative evaluations & feelings E.g., Evaluations: They are bad… Feelings: I hate.. Stephan & Stephan 02 –Compare w/Human Rights doc definitions Racism vs. prejudice has notion of power Sociologically based What is racism/prejudice?

28 Negative Associations Negative Feelings Positive Associations Stereotypes Negative Thoughts Prejudice

29 A brief history of visible minority groups in Canada What will be the nature of Canada’s population? Compare & contrast the concepts of –Race –Stereotyping –Prejudice –Discrimination Today’s learning

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