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Chapter 2: The Invasion and Settlement of North America.

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1 Chapter 2: The Invasion and Settlement of North America


3 European Exploration and Settlement ► New Spain ► New France ► New Netherland ► English Colonies

4 Spanish Explorers ► Gold ► Glory ► God ► St. Augustine 1585, Santa Fe 1610


6 Pope’ and the Pueblo Revolt ► Pueblo population reduced from 60,000 to 17,000 ► Pope’ calls for expulsion of Spaniards and “return to laws of their ancients” ► 1680 – execution of 400 Spaniards 1500 more flee ► Spanish regain control within 10 years

7 New France ► Quebec 1607

8 French Explorers ► Champlain ► Marquette and Joliet ► De La Salle ► “Louisiana”

9 ► Iroquois Confederacy ► Jesuit Missions ► Fur Trade


11 New Netherland ► Henry Hudson ► Fort Orange (Albany) 1621 ► New Amsterdam, 1624 – New York, 1664

12 Chesapeake Tidewater ► Roanoke 1585 ► Jamestown – 1607  John Smith  Tobacco  Pocahontas / John Rolfe  Starving time  Powhatan

13 Maryland ► Cecilius Calvert – Lord Baltimore ► Refuge for Catholics ► Tobacco

14 ► Soil exhaustion

15 Labor ► Natives ► Indentured servitude ► African slaves

16 Bacon’s Rebellion ► Wanted increased protection from Indians ► Marched on Jamestown, attempted to arrest Gov. William Berkeley ► 1 st armed resistance to English rule

17 New England ► Pilgrims/Plymouth Colony 1620 ► Mayflower Compact – self government


19 ► Massasoit ► Squanto ► Myles Standish ► John Carver ► John Bradford

20 Mass Bay Colony ► John Winthrop ► Boston 1630 ► “City upon a hill” ► Puritan beliefs  The elect  Predestination

21 Political Dissent

22 ► Anne Hutchinson ► Mary Dyer ► Roger Williams

23 Salem Witch Trials


25 ► Accused by minister’s daughter ► Confesses – why confess?


27 Witch Hunt ► Motivated by fear ► Scapegoats ► Financial/political gain – power ► Guilt by association ► Questionable evidence


29 ► Hanged on June 10 ► Bridget Bishop, Salem ► Hanged on July 19 ► Sarah Good, Salem Village ► Rebecca Nurse, Salem Village ► Susannah Martin, Amesbury ► Elizabeth How, Ipswich ► Sarah Wilds, Topsfield ► Hanged on August 19 ► George Burroughs, Wells, Maine ► John Proctor, Salem Village ► John Willard, Salem Village ► George Jacobs, Sr., Salem Town ► Martha Carrier, Andover ► September 19 ► Giles Corey, Salem Farms, pressed to death ► Hanged on September 22 ► Martha Corey, Salem Farms ► Mary Eastey, Topsfield ► Alice Parker, Salem Town ► Ann Pudeater, Salem Town ► Margaret Scott, Rowley ► Wilmott Reed, Marblehead ► Samuel Wardwell, Andover ► Mary Parker, Andover ► Other accused witches that were not hanged, but died in prison: ► Sarah Osborne, Salem Village ► Roger Toothaker, Billerica ► Lyndia Dustin, Reading ► Ann Foster, Andover ► Thirteen others may have also died in prison, but sources conflict on the exact number.




33 Democracy in NE ► Town meeting

34 King Philip’s War (Metacom’s Rebellion) ► 1675-1676 ► Destroyed 20% of English villages ► 5% of the adult population

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