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Teppo Räisänen School of Business and Information Management Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Teppo Räisänen School of Business and Information Management Oulu University of Applied Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teppo Räisänen, School of Business and Information Management Oulu University of Applied Sciences

2 Graphical Design  K1066BI – Graphical Design  cts/course_search/index.php?page=oj&koodi1=K1066 BI&kieli=EN&vuosi=10S11K  4 Credits  Lasts 3rd and 4th periods  In 3rd period  Lectures are Wednesdays from 12:30 till 14:45 at B249  My office hours are  Tuesdays 12:30-13:30 at B247

3 Material  My website   We don’t use Blackboard  We don’t use any book for the class  However there are many books that will help you get through the class  docID=10343588

4 Contents  The student knows the requirements on layout of a publication.  The student understands the background of the publication: To whom, what, why, how and when to design  What is the significance of graphical (visual) design.  The student gets familiar with different ways of expression in marketing materials.  In addition, the differences between traditional and web design will be discussed.

5 Contents  In the 3rd period we will focus on  Typography  Colors  Principles of visual layout

6 Assignments  We will do three assignments  Typography  Colors  Visual layout  Return them to me by email   Deadline for the assignments is 16.3.2011  In the 4th period we will have one bigger assignment

7 Exams  We will have an exam at the end of the 3rd period.  Another exam is at the end of the 4th period  Date for the exam?  16th of March

8 Evaluation  The exams 40%  The assignments 50%  Participation in class 10%

9 Evaluation  The exams are graded normally  2 x 20 points  Assignments  3 x 10 points (3rd period)  1 x 20 points (4th period)  Participation  80% participation, 10 points

10 Evaluation  Total of 100 points  Grade 590+ points  Grade 480+ points  Grade 370+ points  Grade 260+ points  Grade 150+ points

11 Evaluation  If you miss the deadline of the assignments your final grade will be reduced by 1 grade!  E.g. If you would normally get a 4 but you missed the deadline, your grade would be 3

12 Questions ??

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