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Axeon N.V ME2028 Behavioural Management Control

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1 Axeon N.V ME2028 Behavioural Management Control
Case Analysis Axeon N.V ME2028 Behavioural Management Control Group B6 Presented by: Olivia Hue Cyrielle Peillon Roberto Lanz Ismael Valero 10/11/2008

2 Senior VP Dutch Operations
Situational Analysis New investment proposal by Ian Wallingford, managing director of Axeon N.V ‘s England subsidiary: The construction, in England, of a AR-42 plant Different reactions: Sales and marketing Manufacturing R&D Finance Director Mfg Marc Oostering Director Sales Geert De Rijcke Managing Director Anton Van Leuven Managing Director Hollandsworth Ltd Ian Wallingford Senior VP Dutch Operations Willem Backer Saraceno S.p.a KAG Chemicals --- Opposite For the project Indecisive

3 Q1.What do you feel about the initial analysis?
Detailed Analysis: Project feasible and attractive Should have specified and shown figures about the market study Main problem: Two possible options: - constructing a new factory in Britain - buying the product from Netherlands He voluntarily forgot to speak about that last option Why is it a problem? The whole company which could have a better gain Interest of Ian’s subsidiary Complete

4 Q2. Is construction of the new factory in the UK in the best interest of Axeon?
Positive impacts Negative impacts Growth for Axeon Same competence in two different subsidiaries More responsive to the customer’s expectations in UK (faster) Increase the risks of failure In England, the employees will be more motivated New challenge, excitement and commitment Not the cheapest option for Axeon Respect the decentralization and subsidiaries policy Subsidiary’s empowerment Interest in their development and initiative Loose of legitimacy Decrease of subsidiaries’ employees motivation and trust Risk of resign

5 Q3. Why did Mr Van Leuven behave as he did?
Two opposite clans with different interests, different power and different influence: Against the project Willem Backer (Netehrland) Geert De Rijcke (Netherland) Marc Oosterling (Netherland) Arnold Koonts (Netherland) For the project Ian Wallingford (Hollandsworth) Board Managers in Hollandsworth Part of the main company Historical culture 72% of the sales Powerfull, experienced and competent on the product They advice him to refuse the proposal 14% of the sales. Motivated, innovative Investment justified Confidence in Mr Van Leuven Not yet competent on the product They want the proposal to be executed Competition and no communication between the two parts Influence problems Profit or decentralized management? No real gap between the two propositions’ profitability

6 Q4. Discuss what transfer price sould be established if AR-42 is supplied from the Netherlands to the UK? There are different transfer-pricing alternatives: Market prices £3,700 Marginal costs Full costs Negotiated Full costs plus a mark-up Marginal costs Variable manufacturing £2,060 Internal Price Full costs Variable manufacturing £2,060 Fixed manufacturing £240 Internal Price £2,300 Full costs plus a mark-up Variable manufacturing £2,060 Fixed manufacturing £240 Mark-up (20%) £460 Internal Price £2,760

7 Q5. What is AXEON’s corporate startegy?
Different independent subsidiaries Decentralised organisation Results controls Objectives settled Bonus plan providing rewards Action controls Action Accountability Preaction reviews Personnel controls Empowerment of the subsidiaries and his employees Selects and places competent employees Train employees

8 Q6. What do you believe to be the CSF in Axeon?
Current key success factors Money: revenue growth and profit margins Cost leadership: the product has to be as cheaper as possible R&D: they try to constantly develop new products, meet new demands, find new markets and acquire new customers Expertise of the subsidiaries: They have to be competent in their field Autonomy of the subsidiaries but with a strategy’s coherence: initiative, creativity, empowerment Profit: They want the subsidiaries to reach a target and evaluate them on results achieved

9 Q6. What do you believe to be the CSF in Axeon?
Advisable key success factors External communication between the subsidiaries and Axeon Internal communication: improve the internal communication in order to improve the employees motivation ( integrate employees in the global strategy) and so the performance Internal competition: define which company should produce what product in order to avoid competition between them

10 Q7. What do you believe are the key recurring activities in Axeon?
Profits and sales controls to measure the subsidiaries’ performance Processes related to each new project: - Initiation – R&D - Pre-Study - Axeon Board Meeting - Planning - Execution - Implementation - Control - Closure

11 Q8. Discuss Axeon in terms of its centralisation / decentralisation
Current situation Subsidiaries need to justify new investments in their own market. Subsidiaries can sell whatever the mix of products they want The prices of the products are fixed by Axeon Dutch sales organisation and the subsidiaries can decide if they want to sell them or not. Managers can propose development new product and possible build their own manufacturing plants. The salary of the managers depends on the subsidiaries profit The subsidiaries can produce the product that they deemed appropriated. Proposal Internal competition between the subsidiaries and Axeon, they should rationalize the production They should not compete in the same market with other products of the company.

12 Q9. What should Mr Van Leuven do?
To solve this problem: From the economical point of view Should not accept the project More profitable to produce in the Netherlands Sell the product to the UK subsidiary at the transfer price £2,760 Nevertheless, in our opinion Should not focus in the final economical analysis Ian saw the business and made a complete analysis for the project, justifying the whole investment Not only Ian but all the subsidiaries’ managers will think is not worth it to search and propose the development of new products Headquarter managers never saw the opportunity of selling the product in the UK Should have seen the opportunity years ago Thus, Mr Van Leuven should accept the proposal

13 Q9. What should Mr Van Leuven do?
To avoid any similar problem: The problem comes from the bonus plan Each subsidiary will to increase profit Each manager wants to be rewarded It is a personal interest conflict Rewards regarding profits and others non monetary performance (idea, innovation) should be established

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