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Norse Consulting Amanda Allen Scott Becker Max Colaner Johna Johns Christine Kohrs Ann Steward Terry Stickels.

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Presentation on theme: "Norse Consulting Amanda Allen Scott Becker Max Colaner Johna Johns Christine Kohrs Ann Steward Terry Stickels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norse Consulting Amanda Allen Scott Becker Max Colaner Johna Johns Christine Kohrs Ann Steward Terry Stickels

2  Establish a strategic staffing plan for three specific positions:  toolmakers, maintenance mechanics, and automation technicians  Create a system to identify internal talent

3  Begin targeted recruiting (Now)  Utilize government entities (Now)  Develop referral program (3-6 months)  Start career development (3-6 months)  Implement internal marketing campaign (6-12 months)

4  Contact employees from competing organizations  Use social media  LinkedIn- machinist groups   Show them the Johnson Controls’ advantage  What benefits can Johnson Controls offer them that their current employer does not? Begin Targeted Recruiting

5  One Stop Northern KY, Office of Employment and training, and Super Jobs One Stop Northern KYOffice of Employment and training  Assist employers with recruiting and screening candidates  Employer can register online or contact by phone  Access to post available positions  Opportunity to participate in local job fairs

6  Employees earn a bonus for referring a potential employee  Referral bonus would be given at time of hire and when referral has been with Johnson Controls for 6 months  Rewards should be substantial enough to motivate employees, while fitting into Johnson Controls' budget.

7  Reiterate employee benefits consistently  Preexisting  100% tuition reimbursement  Employee empowerment  Wages  Promotion opportunities  Potential  Referral program  Career development

8  Educate employees of current and potential job openings  Lead to career development  Identify internal employees who have promotion potential  Communicate career paths with employees  Provide development opportunities  Maintain performance appraisals

9  All are time and money savers  Not much work to get them implemented  Most take a great deal of leg work away from HR

10  Encourage job shadowing (2-5 year plan)  Begin training programs (2-5+ year plan)  Develop apprenticeship program (5+ year plan)

11  Target local high school and college students  Hold educational visits for teachers and guidance counselors  Modern manufacturing  Invite college students already enrolled in a related program  Select candidates that would be interested in job shadowing opportunity

12  Students would shadow a knowledgeable and skilled employee  8 week period  Once a week for 2 hours  16 week period  Biweekly for 2 hours

13 Three options for training program 1. Employee development from phased retirement 2. Mentoring program 3. Project based training

14  One on One relationship  Would start 12-24 months before retirement  Retiree helps develop newer employee’s knowledge, skills, and abilities while they are phasing out of the company into retirement  Incentive would be provided for retiree

15  One on one relationship  Volunteer position- can start anytime  Mentor would be trained appropriately  Mentor would use their expertise to help protégé advance their career, enhance their knowledge, and build their networks  Incentive would be provided for Mentor

16  Workgroup relationship  Can be voluntary or selected by supervisors  Would start when projects become available  Establish workgroups that consist of veterans and newer employees  Work on suitable projects that can further knowledge, skills, and abilities of newer employees

17  Create a competitive program  Example:  Work with colleges and technical schools to create relationships  Work with the Kentucky Cabinet of Labor for development of program


19  Options can be initiated:  Now  3-12 months from now  2-5 years from now  Options can be ongoing  Keep reiterating benefits of programs that can help Johnson Controls get quality employees and candidates

20 Thank you!

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