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1 ENV-NCP-TOGETHER - THE FUTURE - Viorel Vulturescu – ANCS Romania 8.03.2012.

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1 1 ENV-NCP-TOGETHER - THE FUTURE - Viorel Vulturescu – ANCS Romania 8.03.2012

2  FP 7 is in its last years, last call of ENV theme will be launched in a few months  H 2020 will start from 2013  Integration among EU instruments is sought (R&D + SF + …)  Innovation is one of the key words that will drive H 2020, even last calls (2012 and 2013) will have important shares in WP  International actors will play important role also in H2020 ENV-NCP-Together2

3  Our project still have 2 years to run (2012 and 2013),  We need up-to-date information in order to support our clients,  We can act in a positive way to build up the future  And because … there are some resources still available in ENT WE HAVE TO BUILD UP JOINT ACTIVITIES 2012 - 2013 ENV-NCP-Together3

4  Trainings: (WP 1) – Min. Eli + all 1. 4 th training (foreseen already in DoW) can be focused on “exploitation of research results” achieved so far is FP project 2. 1 day workshop – “What’s new in environment in H 2020” - “new instruments in H2020” Ideas are welcomed 1. Event on Synergies – H 2020 + SF + LIFE + …. (Germany) – EU + national + regional funding for RDI (a series of events with stakeholders and clients ?) ENV-NCP-Together4

5  A series of events (in Brussels ?) 1. March 2013 – H2020 structure + linkages with other “R&D Programs” 2. June 2013 – What users and clients in H2020 ? 3. October 2013 – Legal and financial issues (instruments)  Event(s) “How to persuade SMEs to participate to H2020” ENV-NCP-Together5

6  International cooperation – WP 4 (EU RESEARCH + all) 1. Preparatory workshop for activities in IN-CO 2. Raising awareness & trainings in the knowledge hub (Events focused on strengthening the international component of ENV- network, by facilitating the access of ICPCs) Target (countries listed are just examples): Africa – Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, Kenya …… Asia – ASEAN (in cooperation with WP 5 partners) Former USSR – Ukraine, Armenia, … (EU neighbourhood) Latin America – Brazil, ….. Cooperation with SEA-EU-NET and other projects will be sought ENV-NCP-Together6

7  International cooperation – WP 5 (ITSMA + all) 1. Dissemination in ASEAN 2. Research catalogue of third countries (from targeted countries) 3. Proposer’s support hub – an on-line (web based) tool that could be developed based on the pre-screening tool and training materials from WP 3 Preparatory phase for future assistance that will be given in H2020 to our future clients ENV-NCP-Together7

8  Towards social networks (ISERD + all) 1. NCP network(ing) via social – networks LinkedIn NCP handbook (collection of good practices) in the view of H 2020 ENV-NCP-Together8

9  Draft a plan for the mentioned future activities  Get agreement of partners that will be involved  Discuss it with the EC  Update the Dow  Amend the GA Get back to work ENV-NCP-Together9

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