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© PMB 2007 Learning for Life and Work Unit 1: Rationale and Overview.

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1 © PMB 2007 Learning for Life and Work Unit 1: Rationale and Overview

2 © PMB 2007 Understand the place and rationale for Learning for Life and Work in the Revised Curriculum Consider the challenges facing young people Consider how we can help young people face these challenges through Learning for Life and Work Learning Intentions

3 © PMB 2007 How Is LLW Structured? Key Stages 1 & 2 Personal Development and Mutual Understanding Key Stage 3 Learning for Life and Work Personal Understanding & Health Mutual Understanding in the Local and Global Community (Education for Employability is a key element underpinning the curriculum aims and objectives.) Personal Development Home Economics Education for Employability Local and Global Citizenship

4 © PMB 2007 Supports the Revised Curriculums aim: to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives. Supports the Revised Curriculums objectives: to develop the young person as an individual; to develop the young person as a contributor to society; and to develop the young person as a contributor to the economy and environment. LLW and The Big Picture

5 © PMB 2007 To help pupils develop as individuals and members of society To deliver the skills and capabilities needed for adult life and work To help pupils cope with the changing global economy To help pupils learn how to make informed choices LLWs Objectives

6 © PMB 2007 Young Persons Plea: How is what I am learning at school today going to be helpful to me now or in the future? Young people want to study issues that are: relevant; allow time for self; use active approaches; and encourage questioning in a safe environment. Why Introduce LLW?

7 © PMB 2007 Societys Challenge We need to prepare our young people for adult life in a challenging society. Young people must: meet the responsibilities of parenting with changing family patterns; sustain independent living; accept and respond constructively to learning as a lifelong process; Why Introduce LLW?

8 © PMB 2007 Societys Challenge cont. meet the challenges and opportunities that cultural diversity and inclusion present; and be prepared for work in an increasingly sophisticated economy. Why Introduce LLW?

9 © PMB 2007 Employers Challenge Employers are concerned with young peoples knowledge and: how they interact with others; how they acquire and manage information; and how they apply knowledge to solve problems and manage situations. Why Introduce LLW?

10 © PMB 2007 Employers Challenge Ability to manage information Thinking, problem-solving, decision-making skills Flexibility Resourcefulness Why Introduce LLW? Self-management Communication skills Ability to work as part of a team Willingness to learn new skills Tolerance of change

11 © PMB 2007 Activity 1 How the Revised Curriculum Develops Young People

12 © PMB 2007 Society Economy /Environment Individual

13 © PMB 2007 In groups, discuss what do young people need to develop as: an individual; a contributor to society; and a contributor to the economy and environment.

14 © PMB 2007 Personal understanding Mutual understanding Personal health Moral character Spiritual awareness Citizenship Cultural understanding Media awareness Ethical awareness Employability Economic awareness Education for sustainable development Key Elements To develop the young person as an individual To develop the young person as a contributor to society To develop the young person as a contributor to the economy & environment Curriculum Objectives

15 © PMB 2007 Activity 2 The Challenges and Issues Facing Young People Today

16 © PMB 2007 Our Challenge make a meaningful connection with our pupils help our pupils improve academic performance help our pupils make informed choices deter our pupils from engaging in risky behaviours, including the use of alcohol and illegal drugs, early sexual activity and violence Summary

17 © PMB 2007 Our Challenge cont. help our pupils to develop as individuals and members of society provide our pupils with the adaptability, knowledge, understanding and skills to cope with life and work in the 21st century help our pupils to recognise the importance of equality, tolerance and human rights in their society play an active role in building a stronger, more stable society in Northern Ireland Summary

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