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Published byMolly Berry Modified over 11 years ago
Assessing the Cross-Curricular Skills Stage 1 Training 2008
Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of the training day, teachers will understand: the context, legislative framework and implications of the revised assessment arrangements; the nature of the cross-curricular skills, the levels of progression and the assessment process; how to plan and prepare for the revised assessment arrangements. Welcome and introductions. These ILOs will be covered in the sessions throughout the day. You are here because you will have some role to play in assessment at Key Stage 3, particularly of the cross-curricular skills. We hope that by the end of the day, you will feel confident in your understanding of what is required, and how you may be able to move the process forward. Also mention what today is not about… i.e. agreement trial; moderation; detail of reporting; the assessment of TS and PC etc. Much of this will be covered in Stage 2 training in the autumn term. Explain ways of working, i.e. Record questions/issues throughout – General questions collated on flipchart and dealt with at end of Session 1 Questions specific to skills can be dealt with in skills groups. Some prompt questions? FAQs?
Overview of the Day Session 1 Introduction, Background and Context
Context for Assessment Legislative Requirements Implications and Timescales Introduction to the Cross-Curricular Skills and Levels of Progression Break Session 2 Skills Workshops Part 1 – Understanding the Cross-Curricular Skills and the Levels of Progression Lunch Session 3 Skills Workshops Part 2 – Planning and the Assessment Process Give overview of timings and practicalities. Session 1 – Much of this was covered in the Implementing Assessment Change Conferences which School Leaders received in November, so many of these messages may have been disseminated to you already. This is an affirmation of what you may already be familiar with. Sessions 2 and 3 - The main focus of day is mainly on the detail of the cross-curricular skills, the levels of progression and the process of assessing these. You will working in a workshop which focuses on the specific requirements of either Communication, Using Maths or Using ICT, although the key messages will be consistent across all the CCSs. Give overview of packs, what’s in them and when to use them. Section 1 – Overview for Session 1 Sections 2-4 – Skills materials for use in Sessions 2 and 3 Section 5 – Facilitators’ Notes (if required)
The Context for Assessment
In this session, we will be recapping on Context for Assessment Legislative Requirements Implications and Timescales Introduction to the Cross-Curricular Skills and Levels of Progression First, the context…
Context: the messages underpinning the NI Curriculum
You will all be familiar with the Big Picture of the Curriculum at Key Stage 3, and the key messages contained within it. These include: At the heart of the Northern Ireland Curriculum lies an explicit emphasis on the development of skills and capabilities to encourage lifelong learning and to enable young people to operate effectively in society. The NI Curriculum also embraces the principles of Assessment for Learning, in which the emphasis is on assessment as an ongoing process for the benefit of the pupil. The learning experiences also encourage challenging, skills-integrated, enquiry-based experiences for pupils. Therefore, the assessment arrangements have been designed to support these principles.
DE Circular 2007/11 “The revised curriculum… has literacy and numeracy at its core. The curriculum provides for a broad and balanced education and focuses on developing skills as well as teaching content through the wide spectrum of the curricular areas” Circular Number 2007/11 LITERACY/NUMERACY Context: Importance of the CCS Wider context: Why these three things, why cross-curricular? You may recognise this DE Circular issued to schools in March This circular drew on findings from the N. Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) 2006 report on Literacy and Numeracy and on a subsequent Public Accounts Committee hearing. This circular makes a specific link between Literacy and Numeracy and the cross-curricular skills. Fundamentally ….. Literacy and Numeracy are still important; these are at the core of learning and essential for life and work. The cross-curricular skills provide one way of ensuring this emphasis continues in all aspects of teaching and learning. The assessment outcomes of these CCSs will also be used to monitor standards in Literacy and Numeracy. In addition to acquisition of skills in subject contexts, there is an emphasis on encouraging pupils to consolidate their skills by applying and transferring them across the entire curriculum and in meaningful real-life contexts. The cross-curricular skills focus on those skills that will enable pupils to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and at work.
DE Circular 2007/24 “As new digital technologies impinge on more aspects of education, business and leisure, and their pace of change accelerates, it is important that our pupils acquire the necessary skills and competences to use ICT effectively and confidently, as well as responsibly and safely. These skills are critical…” Circular Number 2007/24 USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY IN SCHOOLS Likewise, a circular issued (2007/24) emphasises the importance of ICT within the curriculum, within the context of reviewing ‘Empowering Schools’ which is about to occur.
So a reminder – this is all about the pupil.
Curriculum Aim: empowering young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible choices throughout their lives. Thus: assessment has a role to play in recognising and valuing the skills young people will require throughout their lives. Why we’re doing this: To improve the life chances of young people.
The Legislation Legislative Requirements for Key Stage 3 Assessment
The context for all that we will be going through with you today is defined by the legislation as given in the Education Order, 2006, and any relevant subsequent orders. Therefore, in this section of the presentation we will look at the legislative framework as specified in the Education Order of 2006, and any relevant subsequent legislation. This represents the ‘givens’. Having gone through the key messages from the relevant legislation, we will look at: a. the shifting emphasis in assessment as enabled by the legislation; and b. the timescale for implementation of the assessment arrangements.
Legislative Requirements: Acquisition and Development
The Education (NI) Order 2006 Article 8: Skills ‘The curriculum for a grant-aided school must ensure, wholly or mainly through the teaching of the minimum content of areas of learning and religious education, the acquisition and development by pupils of- (1) the cross-curricular skills (a) communication (b) using mathematics (c) using information and communications technology. (2) any other skills specified under Article 8(1)(b).’ A reminder again of the relevant legislation for the acquisition and development of the CCSs ….. The Education (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 has put in place the legislation which enables the revised curriculum and its supporting assessment arrangements. The Education Order requires the teaching and learning in relation to skills to be embedded within and across the curriculum. It is the responsibility of all teachers to provide opportunities for pupils to develop and demonstrate the skills and capabilities (DEVELOPMENT) This will have formed the basis of your Areas of Learning days. The key thing is to embed the learning and teaching in order to create the environment for assessment.
Legislative Requirements: Assessment
The Education (NI) Order 2006 Article 9: Assessment (1) The curriculum for every grant-aided school shall require each pupil in each key stage at the school to be assessed in each school year in accordance with such assessment arrangements as are specified in relation to that pupil and that key stage under paragraph (2). (2) The Department may by order specify, in relation to – (a) an area of learning; (b) a cross-curricular skill; and (c) any other skill specified under Article 8(1)(b), such assessment arrangements as it considers appropriate for pupils in each key stage. Now let’s look at the legislation for the assessment arrangements. Key messages from the legislation (now specified): The Education Order requires the annual assessment of each pupil in: Areas of Learning, including Learning for Life and Work; Cross-curricular skills; Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities (referred to as ‘any other skills’ in the legislation). For additional background info: The 06 Order is supplemented by three further pieces of legislation: The Education (Pupil Records and Reporting) (Transitional) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007(43), which explains the transitional assessment arrangements in place until the revised arrangements are fully rolled out. The Education (Assessment Arrangements) (Foundation to Key Stage 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007(45), which provides some additional detail about assessment arrangements (mainly for primary). this specifies that — 5 (1) each pupil shall be assessed in each school year by the end of the summer term by a teacher in: - each of the areas of learning; - the cross-curricular skills; and - other skills. The Education (Other Skills) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007(44), which defines the Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities.
Statutory Requirements: Cross-Curricular Skills
The Education (Assessment Arrangements) (Foundation to Key Stage 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007 Article 5 2) The cross-curricular skills of pupils in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 shall be assessed by the end of the school year with reference to levels of progression, specified by an order made by the Department under Article 8(3) of the 2006 Order. Schools will be required to make provision for the annual assessment of their pupils in Key Stage 3 in relation to the cross-curricular skills. This assessment will be made with reference to levels of progression. This means that you will need to make judgements each year about the level which each pupil has achieved in each CCS, with reference to the detail found in the Levels of Progression documents. Outcomes from these assessments will be a. reported to parents; and b. sent to CCEA. Please note!! The first year that assessment judgements for the cross-curricular skills should be made with reference to the levels of progression is 2009/10. Copies of the legislation are available at: (Office of Public Service Information) and there are links to these orders on the NI Curriculum website.
Changing Emphasis in the Statutory Requirements
From To Detailed programmes of study and attainment targets End of Key Stage assessment in English (Irish), Mathematics and Science: - teacher assessment use of assessment units (optional) external tests Levels of Attainment in English, Mathematics and Science Annual Report Minimum content (i.e. statements of requirement), including learning outcomes Teacher assessment by end of each year (Years 8, 9, 10) in: area of learning cross-curricular skills other skills (Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities) Choice of assessment types integrated into teaching and learning Levels of Progression in Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT Annual Pupil Profile Report To ensure all are clear on what the outworkings of this legislation are …. here is a summary where we’ve come from and where we’re going to. The lefthand side shows the situation in your school as enabled by the old legislation. The righthand side shows where you should be moving towards, as enabled by the new legislation. Explanation of the changing emphasis: The Curriculum: Programmes of study to minimum content (show min content page) Increased flexibility Increased emphasis in skills referenced in the LO for each subject …. thus: 2. The Assessment Assessment to reflect the change in emphasis in the curriculum Annual assessment – tracking progression year on year Vs ‘big hit’ summative at end of the key stage Assessment of the skills and capabilities – broader Teacher based assessment remains but now giving more recognition to the professionalism of teachers in making the judgements Choice in assessment types used – growing naturally out of teaching and learning Levels for the cross-curricular skills only Vs in subjects (English, Maths and Science) New currency – are a shift across not a mad leap 3. The Reporting Will continue to share information on pupil achievements and progress using an annual report, now called the Pupil Profile (we will discuss …) NB: The legislation does not address approaches and strategies, therefore AFL is not statutory.
Implementation Schedule
07/08 08/09 09/10 Year 8 Northern Ireland Curriculum statutory Pupil Profile statutory Assessment with reference to Levels of Progression (CCS) 9 10 In order that you understand what is already happening, what is immediate and what you have more time to prepare for …. here is an outline of the timescale for implementation. The assessment arrangements are being phased in, in line with the revised curriculum. Talk up to or back from 09/10. In 2007/08, schools have a year to allow embedding of the revised curriculum with Year 8. In line with current practice, schools will continue to report “brief particulars of achievement in any subject … of his curriculum” via their annual school reports. In 2008/09, schools will be required to report to parents using a Pupil Profile – we will touch on some issues around the Pupil Profile later. From 2009/10, the full assessment arrangements are in place for all year groups within Key Stage 3. In the period up to 09/10, schools will have an opportunity to prepare for the assessment arrangements – become familiar with the levels, gain confidence in making assessment judgements about the skills and capabilities, get to know the standards, agree the standards etc.
Implementation Schedule
07/08 08/09 09/10 Year 8 Northern Ireland Curriculum statutory Pupil Profile statutory Assessment with reference to Levels of Progression (CCS) 9 10
Implementation Schedule
07/08 08/09 09/10 Year 8 Northern Ireland Curriculum statutory Pupil Profile statutory Assessment with reference to Levels of Progression (CCS) 9 10
Recording and Reporting Progress and Achievement
In 2009, Pupil Profile to be used for Years 8 and 9 for reporting. Anticipated that: Annual report to parents by 30th June. KS3 report to include Areas of Learning; Cross-Curricular Skills; and Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities. Underpinned by the formative record of progress and achievement. Possibly complemented by a pupil’s personal statement. The Education (Pupil Records and Reporting) (Transitional) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 covers Key Stages 3 and 4. This requires the principal of each school to: Provide an annual report to all parents by the end of June The Annual Pupil Profile will be used when reporting for pupils in years 8 and 9 by the end of June 2009. It is anticipated that: at KS3 this information will include achievement in Areas of Learning, the Cross-Curricular skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT and Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities; the annual report will be will be underpinned by a teacher’s more extensive formative record of progress and achievement. This will be according to the school’s own policy and may include mark books, comments on pupil work etc; and the pupil’s contribution to the report may be through an annual personal statement. This will be part of a consultation in 2009.
Recording and Reporting Progress and Achievement
Future Developments Online consultation with school leaders on pupil profile and pupils’ personal statement. Formats and identification of training needs (end Aug-Oct 2008). Proposed CCEA training events to support recording and reporting scheduled for Feb/March 2009. CCEA will be undertaking online consultation with principals from the end of Aug to the end of Oct The purpose of this consultation is to inform future developments on the Pupil Profile, to seek views on the most appropriate format(s) for the pupil profile report and pupil’s personal statement and to identify future training needs. To support schools with recording and reporting arrangements, CCEA propose holding training events in February/March These will involve training in technical aspects such as use of Profiles 7 software.
The Cross-Curricular Skills Stages of Engagement
In this section we will be looking at: Where the cross-curricular skills are evident in the curriculum; The role of all teachers in developing these skills with pupils; The implications for learning, teaching and assessment – how the assessment grows out of the learning and teaching.
Assessment for Learning
Acquisition and Development Development Acquisition Promoting Demonstrating Applying Transferring This is a message you may be familiar with through your Areas of Learning training. Talk to diagram: Acquisition: Skills have to be taught somewhere; May be focused in certain subjects (e.g. line graphs taught in maths and used/applied in other subjects) or across the curriculum (e.g. French may introduce 24h clock, Technology introduce measurement in millimetres etc) ; Should be coordinated to provide a coherent programme of learning for the pupil; Taught before being applied/transferred; Should encourage pupil awareness of the transferability of their learning and skills. Development: All subjects have a role to play in developing the skills; All subjects should provide opportunities for pupils to demonstrate, practice and apply the skills; Teachers will already be engaged in this process via the delivery of the Learning Outcomes. Assessment for Learning: All subjects can contribute to the formative assessment of the skills, e.g. through feedback to pupils, peer and self assessment, on a day to day basis. We will be returning to this diagram later… Assessment for Learning
Where are the Cross-Curricular Skills in the Curriculum?
Acquisition and Development Where are the Cross-Curricular Skills in the Curriculum? Where are the Cross-Curricular Skills in the Curriculum? These skills, Communication, Using Mathematics, Using ICT, do not sit isolated from the rest of the curriculum. They form the basis of the learning outcomes (in pink) for every subject. The learning outcomes state all of the skills and capabilities that pupils should be able to demonstrate throughout the key stage in the context of each subject. Every subject has the CCSs and TS/PCs built into their learning outcomes for the key stage.
Learning Outcomes and the Skills and Capabilities
Research and manage information effectively …including Using Mathematics and Using ICT where appropriate Managing Information Using Mathematics Using ICT Show deeper understanding by thinking critically and flexibly, solving problems and making informed decisions, including Using Mathematics and Using ICT where appropriate Thinking, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making Demonstrate creativity and initiative when developing ideas and following them through Being Creative Work effectively with others Working with Others Demonstrate self management by working systematically, persisting with tasks, evaluating and improving own performance Self-Management Communicate effectively in oral, visual, written, (mathematical) and ICT formats, showing clear awareness of audience and purpose Communication Looking at the learning outcomes in more detail, you can see where the CCSs are embedded. The Learning Outcomes incorporate the skills and capabilities which pupils should be able to demonstrate throughout Key Stage 3 in each subject. These are generally the same for every subject. The Learning Outcomes represent a key stage requirement. For information: The Learning Outcomes may also provide a good basis for assessment and reporting. Eg teachers may set an assessment activity that helps meet a specific learning outcome. CCEA are currently developing guidance on progression in TS and PCs in each subject in order to help teachers: interpret the learning outcomes, in terms of breadth and depth; help them design learning activities to provide opportunities for pupils to demonstrate these learning outcomes; and help them make summative judgements about a pupil’s performance in Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities at the end of a year in their subject. NB This guidance will be available from Sept 08.
Implications for Learning and Teaching
ALL subjects have a statutory responsibility to help pupils acquire and develop skills and capabilities Ongoing part of classroom activity Infused into the context of the subject Formative assessment (assessment for learning) Need for planning The skills are not an add-on: Every teacher at Key Stage 3 has a responsibility to help pupils acquire and develop these skills. This will occur as an ongoing part of classroom activity. The skills are not intended to be something that is added on at the end, but rather a way of helping pupils develop and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject. Importance of planning: Teachers will therefore be involved in planning – identifying where and when specific skills can best support the teaching of particular topics, concepts, case-studies, issues etc. While the skills are transferable and cross-curricular, they are most meaningful when embedded in contexts within the learning area/subject strand where they can contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the subject. Cohesion: Departments should therefore plan coherent programmes for learning, teaching and assessment, across the key stage, which provide opportunities for pupils to acquire, develop and demonstrate the skills. Assessment for learning: Teachers will also be involved in using formative assessment strategies (Assessment for Learning) to promote the development of these skills along with knowledge and understanding in their subjects. This may involve making a particular skill an explicit focus for learning (learning intentions and success criteria), planning activities for pupils to demonstrate their competence and providing feedback, from teacher, peers, or self to help the pupil identify what s/he is good at and what they need to focus on next time. Formal Assessment: Although every teacher has to promote the acquisition and development of Communication, Using Mathematics and ICT, some subjects will be able to provide much better opportunities than others. Not all subjects have to assess and report on these 3 skills.
Assessment and Reporting
Acquisition Development Promoting Demonstrating Applying Transferring Assessment Reporting All teachers will be involved in the acquisition and development of the CCSs. Assessment and Reporting: - All subjects can contribute to the ongoing formative assessment of the CCSs, eg through feedback to pupils, peer and self assessment, on a day to day basis; - Assessment should build on the acquisition and development that is taking place; However, there will be a need for formal assessment of the cross-curricular skills using levels of progression. While all subjects are required to contribute to the acquisition and development of the CCSs, not all are expected to contribute to the formal assessment or reporting of these. Sessions 2 and 3 will focus on the assessment process for those that will be involved in this formal assessment. NB: You don’t have to teach the prior learning to assess pupils’ ability to demonstrate/apply it in the context of an activity within your subject. However, you need to make sure that this learning has taken place and know what the criteria are for that element. E.g. You do not need to be the person who taught pupils how to use PowerPoint in order to assess how they are using it, as long as you are clear about the criteria for assessment .
Legislative Requirements (Education Order, 2006)
‘each pupil in each key stage… to be assessed in each school year…’ in each cross-curricular skill, with reference to the levels of progression. Proposal Assessment evidence for each of the cross-curricular skills should be drawn from at least two areas of learning across the key stage. In Using ICT, evidence should be drawn from at least two areas of learning each year. Reminder of the legislative requirements… within the legislation there are two important implications for schools: 1. How this might be logistically organised in school; 2. How you ‘get to the level’. We want to make this: a. manageable; and b. achievable for schools …. in discussion with principals and DE, we have proposed that, as a MINIMUM, assessment evidence for each of the cross-curricular skills only needs to be drawn from two areas of learning across the key stage. For Using ICT, the evidence will be drawn from two Areas of Learning each year, as: ICT has always had a cross-curricular dimension as a CC Theme; assessment of ICT, through the IT Accreditation Scheme, has been on a cross-curricular basis; there is no Area of Learning and no minimum content for ICT. As with the flexible curriculum, you can go beyond this and have evidence from more than two areas of learning.
Possible Models: Example 1
Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Communication English with Media Education History Using Mathematics Mathematics with Financial Capability Science Using ICT Art & Design Geography Modern Languages Home Economics Technology & Design Employability So … what would this look like? Minimum model: (Size zero) This might look like a conservative model but …. it demonstrates how a school might begin in the first years of statutory implementation to co-ordinate assessment of the cross curricular skills with reference to levels. - starting with what you know with your experience in school, starting with English and Maths. as confidence and practice grow, schools would be encouraged to review and broaden responsibility for the assessment of the cross-curricular skills. You may want to think about the pros and cons of this model (eg workload, coordination etc). You will notice Using ICT is different: Using ICT – building on current practice in schools with the IT Accreditation Scheme etc. Minimum of two areas per year.
Possible Models: Example 2
Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Communication Personal Development Music English with Media Education History Drama Using Mathematics Technology & Design PE Science Geography Mathematics with Financial Capability Using ICT Art & Design Citizenship Modern Languages Home Economics RE Employability This model shows how every subject can contribute to the assessment of a cross-curricular skill within the key stage. Again subjects not Areas Of Learning to illustrate engagement of all teachers. But only a theoretical model which you may wish to use back in schools to discuss the pros and cons. You may also wish to consider alternatives such as: thematic approach. Buddy approach Portfolio You will hear some more practical egs from schools in PART 2
Models of Coordination
School-specific models such as: minimum model ‘naturally occurring’ model tracking model collaborative/thematic approach ‘buddy’ mentor approach pupil portfolio There is a variety of approaches to the coordination of assessment within schools. Your school will have already decided its model of coordination of assessment or currently be considering this. We will not go into the detail of this, but are willing to discuss later if you wish… Models include: Keeping to the minimum requirements of the proposal (2 AoLs in a key stage) Assessment is based where subjects already have naturally occurring opportunities Certain AoLs may assess the same skill/pupils through Years 8, 9 and 10 for continuity Assessment is linked to collaborative/thematic units Departments are buddied with/mentored by those who already have assessment expertise within the school Assessment is based on building a portfolio of evidence which may be from a range of sources.
The Cross-Curricular Skills Levels of Progression
We are now going to concentrate on the documents that you will be using to make judgements about levels. This is just an initial overview. We will be looking at these in more detail in your skills groups.
Legislative Requirements
The Education (Assessment Arrangements) (Foundation to Key Stage 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007 Article 5 2) The cross-curricular skills of pupils in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 shall be assessed by the end of the school year with reference to levels of progression, specified by an order made by the Department under Article 8(3) of the 2006 Order. Remember – from 2009/10, the assessment judgement for the cross-curricular skills will be made with reference to the levels of progression.
Levels of Progression The Levels of Progression:
are for Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT. will be used to make holistic summative judgements about pupil progress each year; form the basis for reporting on the skills; also provide a continuum of development and progression directly linked to the requirements; are competence based - ‘Pupils can’ ; are mapped to National Qualifications Framework (Functional/Key/Essential Skills); are currently in draft format, until detailed legislation is in place. First highlight: The levels of progression are currently in draft format!! The Levels of Progression are for the CCS only. You will not be required to level the Areas of Learning or the TSPCs. The levels are for making holistic summative judgements at the end of each year. It is expected that they will provide a point of reference for making a comment on the APPR. The levels can also be used to support ongoing learning and teaching in terms of acquisition, development and assessment because they do actually track progression. The levels are competence based. The levels have been mapped to the NQF to ensure consistency as pupils move into KS4. The levels that you see are in draft format because the legislation is not yet in place. We do not anticipate any significant changes. However, there will be an opportunity for you to give feedback as part of a quality assurance process. This will be in the form of an online questionnaire and focus group feedback, in which you have the opportunity to comment on such things as clarity of language, cross-curricularity, appropriateness of range and progression etc in the levels. The QA process is designed to occur in Oct-Dec 2008, at the time of the Stage 2 training programme. This is designed to allow you some time to engage in detail with the levels of progression documents back in school as a result of the training you receive today. It is intended that final amendments would be made as a result, so that definitive versions are ready for use in June/September 2009, for the first year of statutory assessment with reference to levels of progression.
Levels of Progression: Communication
This shows part of the draft Communication Levels of Progression document. It, along with Using Maths and Using ICT, is available to download in draft format from It is also available in Section 1 of your support pack. Layout Each level consists of a number of bulleted ‘Pupils can…’ statements. The colours allow progression in specific aspects of the skill (e.g. ‘write with increasing accuracy and proficiency’) to be tracked from level to level.
Levels of Progression: Using Mathematics
And here is the Using Maths.
Levels of Progression: Using ICT
And the Using ICT.
Levels of Progression: Format
Context Statements Level Standard: Pupils can… Requirements Progression in Requirements: colour-coded All 3 Levels documents share a similar format. On the left hand side you will find the requirements for the CCS. You may remember these from your subject specific guidance. They provide a definition of the skill. The colour coding allows you to track the progression in the requirements. If you read downwards, you will see the “Pupils can ……” statements that describe the standard at a particular level. These will be used to make the summative judgement. In the Communication and Using Maths, there are also context statements. More detail will be provided in your Skills group.
Guidance and Support Materials
Information and Support Currently Available: Northern Ireland Curriculum: Key Stage 3: Assessment and Reporting Implementing Assessment Change at Key Stage 3: Support Pack Cross-Curricular Skills: Draft Levels of Progression Assessing the Cross-Curricular Skills: Draft Guidance (Tasks Booklet) Implementing Assessment Change Conference (November 2007): Conference Materials The Education (Assessment Arrangements) (Foundation to Key Stage 3) Order (Northern Ireland) 2007 Northern Ireland Curriculum: Key Stage 3: Regional Pilots Case Studies on Planning for Assessment These are the guidance and support materials currently available from the NI Curriculum website. The materials used today will be available on the website from the end of April (including Powerpoints). Levels and tasks are currently available online. You can also access the materials used in the school leaders conference (November 2007). You can also access the case studies from the 15 Regional Pilot Schools on “Planning for Assessment”
Guidance and Support Materials
The following support is under development and will also be available: Assessment microsite and online support. Additional CCEA exemplar tasks. Detailed Support for Progression in the Cross-Curricular Skills. Exemplification of standards. Examples of pupils’ work plus commentaries to illustrate performance at a level. Quality assurance and moderation. Read down through In terms of the detailed support for Using Maths and Using ICT, there are samples in your support pack already. Moderation is under development and will be discussed in Stage 2 Training.
Assessment Programme Stage 1 April-May 2008 Cluster
Planning and Preparing for the Implementation of Assessment June 2008 Seminar Follow-up April-Oct 2008 School Development Day Stage 2 Oct 2008-Jan 2009 Cluster/Seminar Understanding Standards Making Judgements Preparing for Reporting Jan 2009- Feb/March 2009 Possible training in recording and reporting This is just an outline of the next stages in the programme. There is an expectation from DE that schools will be using SDDs for following up the various stages of the training. There are facilitators’ notes in your support packs should you be disseminating information to your colleagues.
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