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CENTUM CS 3000 R3.07 April 23, 2017 Confidential.

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1 CENTUM CS 3000 R3.07 April 23, 2017 Confidential

2 Conceptual overview What we shall get
Contents Conceptual overview Our current business and our future What we shall get From CS 3000 R3.06 to CS 3000 R3.07

3 Product Portfolio ERP Production Management Optimize
Plant Information Management Advanced Control ERP Production Management Multi-Variable Model Predictive Control Robust Quality Estimator Optimize Plant Information Management System Asset Management and Operational Efficiency Operational Efficiency Asset Management Production Control and Safety Management Control Operation Efficiency Improvement Package Event Analysis Package Plant Resource Manager Data Acquisition and Logic Control Production Control and Safety Management Analysis and Quality Control Measure Analysis and Quality Control Integrated Production Control System Network Based Control System Safety Shutdown Management System

4 Vigilance in Product Full Upward Compatibility
2000 2005 Full Upward Compatibility Evergreen & Growing Policy 1993 1998 1Gbps Dual Redundant CENTUM CS CENTUM CS3000 EWS PICS Router ICS Vnet HIS 10 MBPS Dual Redundant Token Pass 1983 1988 PFCS CENTUM V CENTUM-XL BCV LFCS KFCS ENGS COPS2 COPSV EOPS HF-Bus 1MBPS Dual Redundant Token Pass 1975 CENTUM ●訴求点   Vigilanceとはこういうことである。   30年間もの長い間、連続性を保ちつつ最新のテクノロジーとともに進化をし続ける制御システム。   我々のお客様は社会に対して重大な責任を持っておられます。   YOKOGAWAは、ひたむきな超長期安定供給と、セブン9の稼働率に代表される過剰なまでの超高信頼性により   お客様の社会責任の実現にVigilantに貢献しています。 CFCS2 CFCD2 CFCS EFCD F-Bus COPS CFFS 250 KBPS Dual Redundant Token Pass CFCS CFCD

5 Based on YOKOGAWA internal market analysis
Toward 2010 DCS Global Market Share No.1 No.6 2004 2010 Based on YOKOGAWA internal market analysis

6 Future Direction of Production Control System

7 For customer profitable growth
Note: strategy map concept adapted from Kaplan & Norton Automation Users Profitable Growth Growth Productivity Build the Franchise Increase Customer Value Improve Cost Structure Improve Asset Utilization Automation Users’ Operational Excellence Initiatives Excellence in Asset Management Excellence in Production Management Excellence in Safety Management Excellence in Plant Lifecycle Management Yokogawa’s Operational Excellence Solutions

8 Excellence in Production Management
Secure data transparency all over the plant to reduce blind spots Enhance information visibility in real-time manner to utilize information efficiently Enable foreseeable operation and maintenance to maximize customers profit

9 Enhance Real-time Information Visibility
HMI flexibly configured based on mission, task and work scope of each individual. Foundation of Decision Making Process Engineers Maintenance Engineers Operators Field Engineers Production Managers Integrated Real-time Views Solution Offerings Process Analysis Instruments Monitoring Process Monitoring Performance Monitoring Remote Monitoring APC Process Model Normal/Abnormal Operation Knowledge Handling Archiver Functional Modules Inclination Analysis Abnormal Condition Analysis Operations Analysis Alarm Management Scheduler Data Information Floor (DIF) Plant Information Sources Plant database Files DCS Barcode Reader Maintenance Data PLC

10 Optimal Plant Operation Environment
HMI flexibly configured based on mission, task and work scope of each individual. Foundation of Decision Making Process Engineers Maintenance Engineers Field Engineers Production Managers Integrated HMI Operators Integrated Real-time Views Solution Offerings Process Analysis Instruments Monitoring Process Monitoring Performance Monitoring Alarm Management Decision Support Environment APC Process Model Scheduler Knowledge Handling Normal/Abnormal Operation Functional Modules Inclination Analysis Abnormal Condition Analysis Operations Analysis Advanced Maintenance Archiving Interfacing Plant Information Sources Plant database Files DCS Barcode Reader Maintenance Data PLC

11 Direction of Production Control System
YOKOGAWA has achieved and maintains High reliability and availability Secure control network YOKOGAWA improves Integration capability Integrated HMI %

12 Integrated HMI PLC DCS Information Portal Integrated HMI
Intuitive look & feel Safe operation Data integration capability Role based presentation Component based flexible view Location and device independent Information Portal PLC Integrated HMI Autonomous Controller DCS Ethernet Other Systems Vnet/IP Electric Controller Instrumentation Controller Safety Controller

13 CENTUM CS 3000 R3.06 Review

14 CENTUM CS 3000 Revision history
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2005/2 R3.06 2004/9 R3.05 2003/9 R3.04 2002/9 R3.03 2001/9 R3.02 2001/1 R3.01 2004/6 2000/6 Windows NT EOS R2.20 Evolution Map for PRM Windows2000 WindowsXP 2003 Server 2002/1 2003/5 2000 Server 2000/3

15 Major new features in CENTUM CS 3000 R3.06
Integration capability improvement New safety system (ProSafe-RS) integration New interface station for non-Yokogawa control systems SmartPlant® Instrumentation (INtools®) engineering data exchange FF Enhancement (DevicePanel) HMI improvement Modern look and feel for operation windows Flexible trend pen assignment

16 A full upgrade solution from CS 1000 enables business opportunities.
Market response to R3.06 Real integration between CS 3000 and Prosafe-RS Integration is well accepted. Prosafe-RS got a larger number of orders than System division expected. A full upgrade solution from CS 1000 enables business opportunities. SPI bi-directional data exchange has received quite a lot of positive feedback.

17 CENTUM CS 3000 R3.07

18 CENTUM CS 3000 Revision history
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2005/11 R3.07 2005/2 R3.06 2004/9 R3.05 2003/9 R3.04 2002/9 R3.03 2001/9 R3.02 2001/1 R3.01 2004/6 2000/6 Windows NT EOS R2.20 Evolution Map for PRM Windows2000 WindowsXP 2003 Server 2002/1 2003/5 2000 Server 2000/3

19 R3.07 is focusing on improvement requests from customers.
R3.07 Major Features R3.07 is focusing on improvement requests from customers. What is the main development objectives? Integration capability improvement Migration capability enhancement Profibus-DP (ALP111) enhancement PRM integration enhancement HMI improvement More “look & feel” enhancements Quad Monitor VTSPortal (an Integrated HMI) Other SEM Enhancement Keycode Acquisition Tool

20 Integration capability improvement

21 XL/V Migration improvement
Item Contents Offline Load Sequence Table Support to XL type operation compatibility “Off” and “N” action for non-step sequence type Pulse type output “N” action 00 step execution timing Priority of execution THEN/ELSE Required MC Instrument Continue to answer back mask check for specified time MV Limit MV limit function CALCU CPV limit CPV limit function Auxiliary Output Set 0 to delta PV of SUB terminal on BAD condition Setting data to SUM Entry data to SUM without totalizer definition Not Required CALCU/CALCU-C totalize Selectable totalize data (CPV or RV) PID-TP Control Algorithm Select same PID algorithm for PID-TP control algorithm Support Velocity Type for Output Action BSETU (7BS) compatibility BSETU-2/3 support V/XL compatibility mode More Detail Note Only supported with the 32M FCS

22 IOP action for 3rd party DCS Migration
Background Some venders DCS, Function blocks don’t change Block Mode when IOP alarm occurs. same function required for 3rd party DCS Migration. Function Block Operation on IOP Block option to not change to MAN mode when IOP occurs. Keep the current Block Mode Target Blocks PVI, PVI-DV, PID, PI-HLD,ONOFF-E, ONOFF-GE, RATIO, PID-STC

23 ALP111 installation for Remote Node
Specification Number of ALR111, ALR121, ALE111, and ALP111 modules per FCS For control function for AFG30/40 and AFV10 with LFS1530: 16 max. (8 pairs for dual-redundant operation) per FCS For control function for AFF50 and AFV10: 8 max. (4 pairs for dual-redundant operation) per FCS Number of ALR111, ALR121, ALE111, ALF111 and ALP111 modules per ER bus train When installing on ER bus node units:8 max. per ER bus train EB401 (EB402) firmware Revision: R3 or later Delivered from December,2002 or later Does not support G3 and NI options

24 PRM integration with HIS
CS3000 R3.07 offers an integration with HIS and PRM. By displaying a maintenance alarm of PRM on an HIS, the real time diagnostic information from field devices can be utilized for operation. An operator can refer to detailed field device information by calling Device Viewer from an operation guidance message.

25 Advanced Maintenance Assistance
Enhancement Alarm Notification Maintenance Action Guide Operator Maintenance MGR Maintenance staff PRM Notification Maintenance Alarm Manager Asset Information Classification Knowledge DB Historical DB Interpretation Heuristic Diagnostics Device Diagnostics Host Diagnostics Machinery Unit/Process Unit/Equipment Field Network Device

26 How to call Device Viewer from HIS
Device Viewer can be called to the CS 3000 HIS by three different methods. Double Click Operation guidance message from PRM Advanced Diagnostic or Device Patrol Entry “Tag name DV” from the name input dialog Box. Right Click on Faceplate/Tuning window Device tag Block tag Recommended Action Device Viewer

27 HMI improvement Continuous improvement

28 More Enhancement of Look & Feel Quad Monitor
HMI Improvement items More Enhancement of Look & Feel Quad Monitor For more detail information, refer to Four monitor coming VTSPortal (an Integrated HMI) For more detail information, refer to VTS Portal

29 More “Look & Feel” Enhancements
Tool chip hint on Tuning window Selective Block Mode Change Method Selective Confirmation Dialog Design System View Enhancement Improvement to Tag Search window Trend pen assign on HIS (standardization) Displaying a related builder from control drawing (standardization) Tuning Parameter file conversion tool Increase the number of ID for Graphic Data Bind

30 Tool chip hint for Tuning window
Point the cursor to the Data item on tuning window, showing tool chip hint of data item name. Tool chip hit for data item name

31 Selective to Block Mode Change Method
User can select the operation type for changing Mode Dialog Type Menu Type (New) Menu type can select block mode from the list MAN, AUT,CAS, RCAS, ROUT Dialog Type Menu Type

32 Selective Confirmation Dialog Design
New confirmation dialog provides to meet user friendly interface. Confirmation Dialog is selectable. Current type New type

33 System View Enhancement
The same menu window is displayed regardless of folder on system view before R3.06 Context Sensitive Menu; each folder is displayed with only its relevant menu items when selecting folder on system view. Current R3.07

34 System View Enhancement - Detail

35 Improvement Tag Search Window
“Enter” key to act like Search button in Tag Search Function. After input Name and Enter key, Start to Search

36 Displaying a related builder from control drawing
To provide quicker identification of I/O addresses when IOP/OOP alarm occurs, a related builder can be displayed from the control drawing builder. When the Configured Information Reference Package (LHS4100) is installed, the I/O definition builder can be displayed by a right mouse click.

37 Trend pen assignment on HIS
Trend pens can be assigned on HIS as on the HIS builder. For more flexible trend window operation, the trend pen assignment builder can be directly activated from HIS trend displays with depending upon user security. Pen assignment on HIS can be enabled/disabled for each trend display. Notes: This function requires the Configured Information Reference Package (LHS4100).

38 Tuning Parameter File Conversion Tool
A tool for converting a tuning parameter file into a CSV file format is offered. In R3.07, this tool is provided as an internal tool. Future release will include as a standard function within System View. ENG Database FCS

39 Increase the number of ID for Graphic Data Bind
The maximum number of the general-purpose name per one graphic window is extended to 9999 from 999.

40 Other Continuous improvement

41 Keycode Acquisition Tool Electric Enhancement
Other SEM Enhancement Keycode Acquisition Tool Electric Enhancement

42 Sequence of Events Manager (SEM) Enhancement

43 Support “First in Trigger” type on Trip Report SQL Lineup Enhancement
SEM Enhancement Items Support “First in Trigger” type on Trip Report SQL Lineup Enhancement GUI for Database Back up and Restore

44 Support “First in Trigger” type on Trip Report
A "first in trigger type" is added to a trip report output type. Trip Trigger Specified type (Current) The trip trigger time is specified by SOE Server Configurator The report is generated trigger event before and after specified time. First in Trigger type (New) The report is generated from trip trigger to specified time. Trip Report First-In Trip Trigger Type User-Defined Trip Trigger Type Time Event Trigger Event

45 SQL Lineup Enhancement
Support SQL Server 2000 SP4 Support SQL Server 2000 Workgroup Edition Workgroup can install on Windows XP (Client OS) Max. 9 SOE client can connect SOE Server Cannot install on HIS Support MSDE (Free Software) from R3.06 Microsoft supports MSDE If installing SOE with MSDE in an HIS, the SOE number must be less than 500 points.

46 Installation Environment
Combination of Installation SOE server(LPC6900) On dedicated PC With HIS Windows server 2003 Windows XP Microsoft SQL server 2000 Enterprise Edition X N/A Standard Edition Work Group Edition Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine(MSDE2000)

47 GUI for Database Back up and Restore
SQL Server 2000 has Enterprise Manager Enterprise manager supports backup and restore function through the GUI. MSDE doesn’t support Enterprise Manager For MSDE, a simple separate GUI is provided for database back up and restore.

48 Keycode Acquisition Tool
Continuous improvement

49 Keycode Acquisition Tool
The ID number and the list of installed packages on each HIS are require for CS 1000/CS 3000 upgrades or when adding new software. Keycode Acquisition Tool provides: The installed software information and ID information on each HIS becomes collectable from engineering station. In R3.07, this tool can execute from the "package acquisition" button of a Software Configuration Viewer. For existing installations, this tool can be downloaded from Yokogawa’s intranet.

50 Keycode Acquisition Tool

51 Electric Document Enhancement
Continuous improvement

52 StoryVIEW Enhancement
Displaying related items for search Searching Specified word and similar word. And list up similar word Support to search from searched result Result FCS Similar word Search button

53 StoryFINDER Enhancement
Selectable multiple document files (PDF) for search target. Before R3.06 can search only CS 3000 IM R3.07 can search multiple documents Adding to search target CS 3000 GS Field Device CS 3000 GS C:\GS\CS3000 Field Device C:\MY Docum

54 Thank you for your attention.
Commitment means building the future to last.

55 Appendix - Migration Detail information for Migration

56 XL/V Migration improvement
Item Contents Configuration Offline Load Sequence Table Support to XL type operation compatibility “Off” and “N” action for non-step sequence type Pulse type output “N” action 00 step execution timing Priority of execution THEN/ELSE and step transition FCS Property Required MC Instrument Continue to answer back mask check for specified time Function Block MV Limit MV limit function CALCU CPV limit CPV limit function Auxiliary Output Set 0 to delta PV of SUB terminal when BAD condition Setting data to SUM Entry data to SUM without totalizer definition Not Required CALCU/CALCU-C totalized data Selectable totalize data from CPV or RV PID-TP Control Algorithm Select same PID algorithm for PID-TP control algorithm Support Velocity Type for Output Action BSETU (7BS) compatibility BSETU-2/3 support V/XL compatibility mode Note Only supported in 32M FCS

57 Migration capability enhancement items
1.1 “Off” and “N” action for non-step sequence type 1.2 Pulse type output “N” action step execution timing 1.4 Priority of execution THEN/ELSE

58 Adding new action for Sequence Table
Builder Definition Action of Sequence Table XL compatible type “Off” and “N” action for non-step sequence type Pulse type output “N” action 00 step execution timing Priority THEN/ELSE Priority of execution THEN/ELSE

59 1.1 “Off” and “N” action for non-step sequence type
Background In CS3000, if processing is performed in following order in the non-step type sequence of unlatched output by periodic execution, L type output (unlatched output) will not be turned off in spite of being condition false. In XL, when condition is false, L type output is OFF L type output is ON when condition is true. Being Transition step and inactive step of L type output Condition change, condition of L type output is false A step is transition. Then, the step of L type output becomes active. L type output is not turned off, even if condition is not satisfied. Non-step sequence is same manner. In CS3000, L type output ignore by “n” action. In XL, L type out put execute. Specification-XL Compatible type When condition is true, L type output is OFF. When condition is true, L type output is OFF by “N” action. If condition is false, “N” action does not execute. TC (Periodic Execution and Output only when conditions change) and TE (Periodic Execution and Output each time conditions are satisfied) support. Step type and Non-step type support.

60 1.2 Pulse type output “N” action
Background CS3000 ignores N action for Pulse type output. XL (CFCS2/EFCS) executes “N” Action for pulse output, a output changes from ON to OFF. Specification-XL Compatible type For “N” action for Pulse out ,pulse output is Off when output is ON Support only SIO and FIO system RIO executes pulse output in IO module. So this function cannot support.

61 Specification-XL Compatible type
step execution timing Background In step type sequence, XL and CS make different execution order for 00 step. When the active step is referring the operation signal of 00 steps, the execution result of a sequence table is different. Specification-XL Compatible type 00 step and Active Step are existing in the same sequence table 1. Judge condition signal of 00 step and active step 2. Execute 00 step and current (target) step Extending table exists 00 step and Extended table exists active step 1. Judge condition signal of 00 2. Execute action signal of 00 Step 3. Judge condition signal of active step 4. Execute action signal of active step

62 1.4 Priority of execution THEN/ELSE
Background If same step defines step transition and THEN/ELSE, the execution sequence is different between XL and CS3000. In CS3000, transition processing is executed from active step to specified step in action signal. After finished branch step processing, step moves by specified THEN/ELSE in branch source. In XL, when step is specified THEN/ELSE, the processing have a priority to THEN/ELSE. If step is not specified THEN/ELSE, moving to step which specified action signal. Specification-Priority THEN/ELSE If active step is specified THEN/ELSE, step transition by action signal is ignore. Step moves by the specified in THEN/ELSE If active step is not specified THEN/ELSE, step moves on specified action signal.

63 Background Specification 2. MC Instrument block
In XL, During answerback mask time (MTM), even when the answerback input value (PV) and manipulated output value (MV) do not agree, the answerback check does not initiate alarm. HI/LO alarm of Feed back value (FV) can mask during MTM. In CS3000, the answerback check is canceled when the answerback PV comes to meet the MV. Therefore, HI/LO alarm of Feed back value (FV) cannot mask during MTM. Specification Function Block (MC-2, MC-2E, MC-3 and MC-3E) add “ Release condition for answerback mask “ as configuration item Selectable “MV=PV or after masking time” or “MV=PV or after masking time” for action

64 2. MC Instrument block - Specification
MV=PV or after masking time The answerback mask check is canceled when PV comes to meet the MV. After masking time The answerback mask check is not canceled when PV comes to meet the MV. The answerback mask check is working during specified MTM. If MV change, the answerback mask operation is canceled. MV=PV or after masking time After masking time (XL compatible type) MV=PV MV=PV MV MV 2 2 PV On PV On Off Off MTM MTM Time Time Cancel answerback mask

65 Background Specification 3. MV Limit
CS 3000 supports High/Low Limit Expansion Function. When a Regulatory Control Block is in manual operation mode and a value exceeding the manipulated output high and low limit setpoints is set from HIS, a value exceeding the manipulated output high and low limit setpoints can be set. When the mode is changed from manual operation to automatic operation, the output limiter operates using the manipulated output high limit setpoint (MHe) or the manipulated output low limit setpoint (MLe) that has been temporarily expanded. XL doesn’t support High/Low Limit Expansion Function. MV is limited to the manipulated output high and low setpoints. Specification CS3000 supports MV limit function, same as XL system

66 4. CPV Range Limit for CALCU/CALCU-C
Background V/XL are processing function block data as normalized data from -1 to 1. Therefore, V/XL doesn’t over range data. Function block data of CS3000 is using engineering unit format. Data can over range. Calculation block needs to add calculation which is limit the range. CALCU/CALCU-C add CPV range limit function. Specification CPV Range Limit and PV range limit work independently Support only CPV (CPV1, CPV2 and CPV3 don’t support) Digital Filter and SUM are processing after CPV range limit Only AUT mode works

67 Background Specification
5. Auxiliary Output Background In CS 3000, If the input open alarm (IOP) is initiated, change in process variable (delta PV) via SUB terminal is still outputting. Should be outputting only normal status. Auxiliary output should be 0 during IOP and one scan from recovering IOP. In XL, delta PV is 0 when IOP is initiated. Specification Support XL compatible type Change process variable via sub terminal is 0 when block status is IOP (BAD)

68 Background Specification
6. Setting data to SUM Background In CS3000, If “None” is specified as the totalizer time unit, SUM doesn’t show on tuning window and cannot be written data Even if “None” is specified as the totalizer time unit, but want to Display SUM and write data on SUM. Specification If “None” is specified as the totalizer time unit, integration will not executed. But it is possible to set data on SUM.

69 7. CALCU/CALCU-C totalized data
Background When the Pulse-Train Input conversion is specified “Exact Totalization Pulse Train Input Conversion”, SUM data is used CPV. “Control Priority Type Pulse-Train Input Conversion” is used RV. Specification If selecting “Exact Totalization Pulse Train Input”, selectable CPV or RV When selecting “Control Priority Type Pulse-Train Input Conversion”, totalize CPV

70 Temperature control requires velocity output for preventing overshoot.
8. PID-TP PID Algorithm Background The control algorithm of PID-TP specified PV proportional and derivative type PID control algorithm (I-PD). Therefore, the control action of V/XL is different when CAS Mode. Temperature control requires velocity output for preventing overshoot. Specification The algorithm of PID-TP supports same algorithm of PID PID Control Algorithms: PID, I-PD, PI-D, Automatic or Automatic 2 Default is the “PI-D” algorithm type Adding “Velocity” action to “Output Action” for PID-TP Output Action: Selectable “positional” or “velocity” type Default is the “positional” action.

71 9. BSETU2/3 support V/XL compatible function
Background BSETU (7BS) and BSETU2/3 operation are different. 1. Start/Re-start action from Sequence Table 2. Batch End and Pre-batch alarm 3. EMST restart action 4. Recover timing for Pre-batch 5. MV data when changing from MAN to AUT 6. During EMST Batch end operation approve or not during EMST CS and CS3000 are different action 7. Batch End Start up action for restart 8. On CAS mode, “Start to Batch” and “Change to CAS for connecting block to BSETU2/3” execute at the same time, Start up action is different 9. Output of Pre-batch alarm during EMST

72 BSETU2/3 enhancement items
9.1 Start/Re-start action from Sequence Table 9.2 Batch End and Pre-batch alarm 9.3 EMST restart action 9.4 Recover timing for Pre-batch 9.5 MV data when changing from MAN to AUT 9.6 During EMST Batch end operation approve or not during EMST 9.7 Batch End Start up action for restart 9.8 Start from ML value 9.9 Not executing Pre-batch alarm during EMST

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