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WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 AND 4, 2014 I can write possessive personal pronouns. I can use before, during, and after reading strategies to demonstrate.

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Presentation on theme: "WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 AND 4, 2014 I can write possessive personal pronouns. I can use before, during, and after reading strategies to demonstrate."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 AND 4, 2014 I can write possessive personal pronouns. I can use before, during, and after reading strategies to demonstrate comprehension of text. I can write a first draft of an expository.

2 Grammar Rule 3 Possessive personal pronouns do not require an apostrophe. EX: Lee has your sweater. Lee has a sweater of yours. Her idea was wonderful. Hers was the best idea. Be careful…do not write it’s for its or they’re for their! The indefinite pronouns: everyone, neither, somebody, and another require an apostrophe and an s to show possession. Possessive Personal Pronouns My, mineOur, ours Your, yoursTheir, theirs His, her, hers, its

3 Practice Write the correct personal pronoun for each sentence. 1. (Who’s, Whose) dog is that? 2. The team was proud of (its, it’s) sportsmanship. 3. That old car of (their’s, theirs) has two flat tires. 4. That is (my, mine) book. 5. (Everyone’s, everyones) ideas are important. 6. This is (somebodys, somebody’s) pencil.

4 Check 1. (Who’s, Whose) dog is that? 2. The team was proud of (its, it’s) sportsmanship. 3. That old car of (their’s, theirs) has two flat tires. 4. That is (my, mine) book. 5. (Everyone’s, everyones) ideas are important. 6. This is (somebodys, somebody’s) pencil.

5 Writing Explain how being a child soldier and/or being in a war environment will affect a person’s identity. Use your template to organize your thoughts and ideas. You must have 5 well thought-out and developed paragraphs. Your introduction must include your thesis. Each paragraph must have a strong claim (topic sentence) You must also include transitions between paragraphs. Remember to FEED your paragraphs –include facts, examples, evidence, and details. You have forty minutes. Once you are finished writing: Highlight/underline your Thesis- Blue Claims-Yellow Transitions- Pink FEED- Green

6 Chapter 16-During 1- (p139) What is the purpose in the boys being there if they are going to destroy everything? 2- (p140) After Poppay returned from being beaten up he said “It is not your fault that you did such a thing to me.” How hard would it be to forgive someone for hurting you when you didn’t do anything wrong? 3- (p142) After reading page 142-143, draw out the map of their plan. Be sure to include: the gunmen, the bundles with food, the positions the boys were stationed, where Alhaji practiced his Rambo moves, the dead bodies Alhaji killed, and where the others were at when the shooting began.

7 Chapter 16- During 4- (p144) Ishmael explains Alhaji’s nickname became “Little Rambo” and his became “Green Snake.” If you had to come up with your own nickname off of the way you were in school, what would it be? 5- (p145) Are the boys making progress? Why or why not? 6- (p147) Ishmael and his friends go to the city for the first time. Write five words that explain how they were feeling.

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