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EuroTAAC 2000 The Scoop on Storyboarding Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "EuroTAAC 2000 The Scoop on Storyboarding Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuroTAAC 2000 The Scoop on Storyboarding Welcome

2 EuroTAAC 2000 The Scoop on Storyboarding Agenda Speaker Introduction/Background Audience Survey/Exercise Storyboard Elements,Types and Examples Integrating SB’s into the ISD Process High-end example Revisiting the Need for Storyboards Discussion/Q & A

3 Introduction: Who the heck is Mark Steiner??? BS Industrial Tech. IL. State ‘88 MS Industrial Training IL St. ‘92 10 years training & interactive media dev. experience Large EPC Co. 1992-1997 Authorware 2.0, 1993 Whittman-Hart 1997-present Dozens of projects from 2 min. to 33 hours in runtime Instructor at Roosevelt Univ. in Chicago CBT course 50% ID, 50 % AW

4 Audience Survey The majority of my projects are training related... I consider myself an Instructional Designer... I have used storyboards on a project... I prefer to use storyboards on projects... Some average project sizes ($, runtime) How many people have used relational databases as a tool for storyboards?

5 Audience Exercise Fold the paper in half Turn the paper 90 degrees Tear off the best corner Fold the paper in half, again. Tear off the next best corner. Fold the paper in thirds, exactly. Turn the paper 122 degrees Tear off outside corner. DONE!

6 SO WHAT !!!!!! Interactive media projects are usually complicated. Often there are many people fulfilling many roles, and somehow, they must be communicated what is to be done. The most successful, well-run, least painful projects ARE NOT LUCK! One key to a successful project is a well-defined process, combined with the tools to support it.

7 Storyboard Definition A storyboard contains information on text, graphics, audio, animation, video, user interaction and feedback, color, etc., used in the development of CBT In other words, everything necessary for team members involved in production (and review) to do their jobs

8 Storyboard Types Raw, conceptual, brainstorming Animation Video shoot CBT/WBT Miscellaneous others...

9 A Quote... Make things as simple as possible - but no simpler.- -Albert Einstein

10 Storyboard Elements Unique identification information A sketch or drawing of screen. Color, placement, and size of graphics On-screen text, if any, for each screen. Color, size, and type of font (may be set globally) Narration text Graphics, Animation, Audio, Video details & filenames Required user interaction User feedback information Previous and next screen branching information ETC!

11 Storyboard Examples Simple Presentation Example using PowerPoint Simple Presentation Example using PowerPoint Video Storyboarding “Standard” CBT Storyboard

12 Factors Used to Determine Storyboard Approach Size of project Complexity of project Desired outputs from storyboards Stability of the content Past dealings with client Your team’s level of understanding of the process Client’s level of understanding of the process

13 Project Roles Development Team Project Manager Lead / other ID’s Lead / other Developers Lead / Graphic Des. Media Specialists-Animation, Audio, Video... Client Team n Buyer n Acceptor n Reviewers, Users n SME’s

14 Integrating SB’s into the process Instructional System Design (ISD) Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation Also known as “ADDIE” Used in engineering and other disciplines, not just ID

15 Another quote or... Who cares about this ISD stuff???!? n The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. --Mark Twain

16 Integrating SB’s into the process Analysis Phase Analysis Phase Activities Task/Content Analysis Audience Analysis Motivational Analysis Analysis Phase Deliverables Importance of review and validation! Analysis and Findings Report Initial Content Outline Proposed design/solutions/timeline/cost

17 Integrating SB’s into the process Design Phase Design Phase Activities Determine Training Design Write Objectives Develop Flowchart(s) Complete Rapid Prototyping Complete Add’l Analysis and Design

18 Integrating SB’s into the process Design Phase (continued) Design Phase Activities (continued) Determine Project Standards BEGIN STORYBOARDING! Specify and integrate: Objectives Instructional Treatments Screen Types Media Branching Feedback

19 Integrating SB’s into the process Design Phase (continued) Design Phase Deliverables Importance of review and validation! Initial Training Design Document Flowcharts Rapid Prototype(s) Models and Templates Design Document and Standards, Testing Plan Storyboards

20 Integrating SB’s into the process Development Phase Development Phase Activities Creation, manipulation, and importing of media (based on SB’s-of course!) Graphics/Text Audio Video Animation Implementation/tweaking of models FULL SCALE DEVELOPMENT! QA!

21 Integrating SB’s into the process Development Phase (continued) Development Phase Deliverables Possibly key media/model samples, if not sufficiently constructed/validated during prototyping Individual Modules for testing and approval User documentation for pilot, as scoped

22 Integrating SB’s into the process Implementation Phase Implementation Phase Activities Assist in beta testing/pilot implementation, as scoped Incorporate required changes, as scoped Produce collateral material Supplementary training materials, job aids, CD-ROM’s, Participant Guides, Administration Guides, etc. Assist in full-scale implementation

23 Integrating SB’s into the process Evaluation Phase Evaluation Phase Anybody ever heard of Kirkpatrick???? 4 Levels of Evaluation Few evaluations beyond Levels 1 or 2 are ever done in training WHY ? ? ? ?

24 Integrating SB’s into the process Evaluation Phase (or lack thereof) Reasons for lack of sufficient and meaningful evaluations Client’s aren’t educated of their value Lack of training profession’s understanding of methods and value Often aren’t included in scope of project It’s easy NOT to do Though... if it’s training, there MUST/SHOULD be at least a Level 2

25 Take a Breath ! ! ! Are you convinced that process and tools (including SB’s) are an invaluable consideration in the development of interactive media? Did any of this presentation cause you to rethink the approach, process, and tools you use to complete projects?

26 Big Deal !!!! You might be thinking: “That’s a lot of rhetoric on the ISD process and just a little on storyboards, don’t you have some grand example to display the merits of implementing this on a project????” I’m glad you asked ! ! ! !

27 Relational Databases and Storyboards All team members can have access to the file(s) over a network The database allows for displaying, manipulating, and generating data; actual authoring code can be generated/exported Different views for different people!!! Issue logs can be built into the database and tracked throughout the life of a project Input ONCE, use MANY!!!!! So let’s see it already...

28 Let’s Review... What we do is complicated. There are too many project-killing decisions that HAVE to be made BY SOMEONE to leave things to chance. Find/implement a proven, repeatable process that works for you! Storyboards are usually a key component in this process.

29 Hopefully, you found this engaging and helpful... Questions & Answers

30 Hopefully, you found this engaging and helpful... THE END

31 V/O about today’s market situation and conditions, growth of radio, TV, cable, Graph axis grow from center point, lines grow Music level/style drops



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