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Personalisation- what is it all about? SHIP Conference Friday 5 th February 2010 Alicia Wood.

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Presentation on theme: "Personalisation- what is it all about? SHIP Conference Friday 5 th February 2010 Alicia Wood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalisation- what is it all about? SHIP Conference Friday 5 th February 2010 Alicia Wood

2 Founded in 2003 Tried out first individual budgets Non-profit company, registering as a charity

3 122 Council Adult Service members 35 Council Children Members 37 Health members Own 50% of social enterprise Provider members Public members

4 Why personalisation? People with social care needs have little choice and control Cost and level of social care support provided has little correlation with need Resource allocation is a lottery Service led culture People with social care needs know best what works for them


6 Personal Budgets via Resource Allocation System

7 And more....

8 Health ?? SSD - £15bn Supporting People - £1.5bn DFG - £0.1bn A2W ILF £0.2b n ICES - £0.1bn

9 personalisation and non- social care services Personal budgets can work for any long term support services provided by SP & Health (extra care, supported living) Individual Service Funds Flexible/ menu approach Proving housing and support brokerage services Issues in transporting budgets in long term SP funded services

10 personalisation and shorter term services Thinking differently Using resources more flexibly to achieve better/more focussed outcomes around individuals Initiatives exploring how it can be done in mental health, drug and alcohol & rough sleepers services.

11 Sarah

12 Northants Study Small pilot programme - 17 people

13 City of London Study Small pilot programme - 10 people Total cost of 7 people in old system equal to cost of 10 in new system


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