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©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Chapter 9 The “Intention/Purpose” Matrix Page 236.

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1 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Chapter 9 The “Intention/Purpose” Matrix Page 236

2 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Intention – In every Matrix You have already been introduced to the Intention Matrix. In every Matrix, behind each one, there dwells higher intentions. These higher intentions primarily operate unconsciously. See Table 9:1  Page 293

3 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Meaning-Intentions Table #1 Summary of Meaning/Value - Meaning Determines the Matrices ─ 1.Classification of non-fluent speech as stuttering. 2.Associating stuttering with fear and shame. 3.Evaluating it as bad and unacceptable. 4.Framing it has having the following meanings in the other matrices: #7 Intention/Self#7 Intention/Power#7 Intention/Time#7 Intention/Others #7 Intention/World Attempted solutions that make the problem worse. I don’t want to look like a fool. I will not show my vulnerabilities or weaknesses. I will play it safe and create a sense of security because I am not like others. I am more sensitive. I can’t handle criticism well. I am going to try to control this? I am going to try to control every word that comes out of my mouth. I will do that by becoming very self aware of my speech. I am going to not repeat the past. I am not going to make a fool of myself with my speech anymore. If I block any emotion in this moment, it will give me more control. I am not going to attract attention. I am not going to let others see my vulnerabilities. I will not let them see me struggle. I will avoid any situations around people or groups that will expose this weakness. I will not give others a chance to laugh at me. I will not do anything that will draw attention to me in my work, career, etc. I will avoid speaking situations that will attract attention to me. #2 Self#3 Power#4 Time#5 Others #6 World I am flawed. (“There is something wrong with me.”) I am broken. I am not enough. I am inadequate. I am foolish. I am worthless. I am insecure. I am timid. I am shy. I am anxious. I am tense. I am “shamed.” I am “possessed.” I can’t be enough. Embarrassment I am ashamed. I am angry. I am abnormal. Loss of control Frustration Lack of protection Perceived hurt. I need to change. I can’t be enough. I am terrified of speaking to ____________. I need to be respected and loved in order to speak fluently. (Other) I should be doing better. I got to do something. I got to get it done. “It” (becoming fluent) works for everybody but me. I cannot speak ─ In public The phone, stage Permanent Doomed It has always been this way. I am not making progress. I got to do something. I got to get it done. I can’t take my time to say what I want to say (sense of being rushed). It is not OK to stutter. Fear (of being rejected) Expectations from others Inability to measure up to expectations Hurt (not being validated) Rejection Isolation Protection - (From getting involved in a relationship.) I am less than. I look foolish. Judged. People validate or determine my worth. What people say about me becomes the truth. I should be doing better. I got to do something. I got to get it done. “The whole issue revolves around ‘caring how I talk.’” I won’t succeed. I am out of control.

4 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Finding Higher Intentions Ask: What is your intent? What is your purpose in that? By having that (name the purpose), what does having that give you that is even more important? Page 240

5 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Not getting what we want – Case Study #1 “Roger” What thoughts lay behind Roger’s blocking/ stuttering: I am afraid of looking silly. I am afraid of people who know more than me. I am afraid of people who control my destiny.  Page 237

6 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Roger’s Intentional Frames – I am afraid of making a mistake. I am afraid of being questioned. I am afraid of a “meeting situation” where I might stutter. I am afraid of suddenly and unexpectedly being asked a question. Page 237

7 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics “All behavior has behind it a positive intent.” This is not about right and wrong? We mean that for that person during that time in his/her life with the resources that that person had available to him/her at that time in his/her life, they did the best they could. To get this higher intent, we have to ask questions to “chunk up” on the behavior. Page 237

8 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Chunking up on Roger – Bob, “Roger, what is the purpose in fearing that your supervisor may know more than you? Or, that he may be short with you and that he may not wish to speak to you?” “I need his approval.” “I need to know that I am achieving.” “I need to be liked and when I am achieving, people will like me.” Page 239

9 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Some higher Intentional Frames Can Cause More Trouble – Did Roger’s behavior of blocking and stuttering get him approval? No! It got him more fear which created the blocking which left him feeling less approved. “Attempted Solutions make the problem worse.” See Table 9:1  Page 239

10 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Meaning-Intentions Table #1 Summary of Meaning/Value - Meaning Determines the Matrices ─ 1.Classification of non-fluent speech as stuttering. 2.Associating stuttering with fear and shame. 3.Evaluating it as bad and unacceptable. 4.Framing it has having the following meanings in the other matrices: #7 Intention/Self#7 Intention/Power#7 Intention/Time#7 Intention/Others#7 Intention/World Attempted solutions that make the problem worse. I don’t want to look like a fool. I will not show my vulnerabilities or weaknesses. I will play it safe and create a sense of security because I am not like others. I am more sensitive. I can’t handle criticism well. I am going to try to control this? I am going to try to control every word that comes out of my mouth. I will do that by becoming very self aware of my speech. I am going to not repeat the past. I am not going to make a fool of myself with my speech anymore. If I block any emotion in this moment, it will give me more control. I am not going to attract attention. I am not going to let others see my vulnerabilities. I will not let them see me struggle. I will avoid any situations around people or groups that will expose this weakness. I will not give others a chance to laugh at me. I will not do anything that will draw attention to me in my work, career, etc. I will avoid speaking situations that will attract attention to me. #2 Self#3 Power#4 Time#5 Others#6 World I am flawed. (“There is something wrong with me.”) I am broken. I am not enough. I am inadequate. I am flawed. I am foolish. I am worthless. I am insecure. I am timid. I am shy. I am anxious. I am tense. I am “shamed.” I am “possessed.” I am embarrassment. I am angry. I am abnormal. I can’t be enough. Loss of control Frustration Lack of Protection Perceived hurt. I need to change. I can’t be enough. I am terrified of speaking to ____________. I need to be respected and loved in order to speak fluently. (Other) I should be doing better. I got to do something. I got to get it done. “It” (becoming fluent) works for everybody but me. I cannot speak ─ In public The phone, stage Permanent Doomed It has always been this way. I am not making progress. I got to do something. I got to get it done. I can’t take my time to say what I want to say (sense of being rushed). It is not OK to stutter. Fear (of being rejected) Expectations from others Inability to measure up to expectations Hurt (not being validated) Rejection Isolation Protection - (From getting involved in a relationship.) I am less than. I look foolish. Judged. People validate or determine my worth. What people say about me becomes the truth. I should be doing better. I got to do something. I got to get it done. “The whole issue revolves around ‘caring how I talk.’” I won’t succeed. I am out of control.

11 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Figure 9:1 “Chunking Up” for Higher Intention Page 240

12 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Figure 9:2 Inside the problem you find the solution. Page 242

13 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Intentional Matrix Summarized What are you seeking to accomplish? What do you want? What’s your purpose or agenda? What are you living for? Why is that important to you? Why do you want that? Why do you give yourself to that? What do you hope to obtain by getting that? Page 243

14 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Meta-Stating Intentions Every “thought” has two levels or dimensions: 1. Attention – what is in your immediate perception – what is on your mind. 2. Intention – thoughts in the back of our mind, higher thoughts – what is your motivation, agenda, or intention in doing that? Page 244

15 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Figure 9:3 Page 246

16 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Patterns for Aligning Higher Intention/Purposes 1. Meta-Stating an Intentional Stance for “Fluency” 2. Meta-Alignment – Aligning Higher Frames Page 246

17 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics 2) Meta-Stating an Intentional Stance For Fluency 1. How is fluency important to you? 2. Move up the higher-levels... one at a time. 3. Step into the higher value states of importance so that you feel them fully. 4. Bring the higher states/ frames of mind down and out. 5. Commission your executive mind to take ownership of this. 6. Invite other resources. pp. 250-251

18 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Meta-Alignment 1. Identify a primary state sensory-based experience wherein you want more alignment. 2. Identify the P-S mental-emotional skills and abilities which enable you to do this. (Capability) 3. Identify the meta-levels of beliefs and values that support and empower this. (Beliefs/ Values) 4. Identify the meta-state of identity which emerges for you. (Identity) 5. Identify the meta-state of purpose & destiny that then arises. (Vision, Mission, Spirit) 6. Identify the decision that supports this. 7. Describe these meta-Levels of meaning with a metaphor or story. 8. Bring the higher levels down to the P-S behavior to let it all integrate. pp. 252-254

19 ©2005 Institute of Neuro- Semantics Figure 9:4 Page 254

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