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Lindley Sixth Grade Academy A T T H E B A R N E S C E N T E R MEN’S BREAKFAST September 8, 2010 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. “In the Pursuit of Excellence”

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Presentation on theme: "Lindley Sixth Grade Academy A T T H E B A R N E S C E N T E R MEN’S BREAKFAST September 8, 2010 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. “In the Pursuit of Excellence”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lindley Sixth Grade Academy A T T H E B A R N E S C E N T E R MEN’S BREAKFAST September 8, 2010 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. “In the Pursuit of Excellence”

2 WELCOME / PRAYER Mr. Landon A. Brown, II Academy Principal “We’re all like blind men on a corner – we got to learn to trust people, or we’ll never cross the street.” -George Foreman (b.1949) American boxer

3 FATHERHOOD: A Lifetime of Difference Gs

4 ENJOY BREAKFAST… Ms. Sherry Stover Café Manager

5 Lindley Sixth Grade Academy “Everybody hears a different drummer.” -Alvin Ailey (1931-1989) American choreographer and dancer

6 Snoop’s Top 5 Fatherhood Tips aqgW9r4

7 Even our daughters need you… p3DyvLg

8 PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Ms. Elizabeth James Academic Coach Parent Facilitator

9 FATHERHOOD… “He Ain’t Heavy” The Sixth Grade Child Milestones “Dad” Things To Do… Mentoring/LSGA

10 MILESTONES… What should my 6 th grader be able to do by now?

11 Sixth Graders… Read longer selections and chapter books independently for enjoyment. See connections between different stories. Be able to discuss underlying theme or message in fiction and distinguish cause and effect, fact and opinion, main idea and supporting detail in non-fiction.

12 Sixth Graders… Have a rich – and expanding – vocabulary. Be attempting different types of writing (such as stories, reports, and poems). Making writing more interesting by adding description and detail. Spell more words correctly by seeing how words look and using spelling rules and word parts.

13 Why is this important??? The Department of Corrections in the state of Georgia, predict the number of jails they will need to build based on the number of 3 rd graders failing literacy (Reading / Writing) exams.

14 OUR ROLE… NEVER stop talking with your child. Discuss life in and out of school. Listen and seek solutions together. Make writing a habit, an everyday activity. Show approval when child shares personal or special thoughts with you. Stay in contact with your child’s teacher.

15 OUR ROLE… Remember, reading is important: even a sports magazine or sporting events can be related to school curriculum. Fill your home with books, newspapers, magazines, and other reading materials. Talk about what you read together. Enjoy 1 hour away from the t.v. and READ!

16 6 TH GRADE ACADEMY… Young Men of Distinction Male Mentors Dads Day visits (anytime ) Attend scheduled parental events YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE…

17 OPEN DISCUSSION / IDEAS… “The guy who takes a chance, who walks the line between the known and the unknown, who is unafraid of failure, will succeed.” -Gordon Parks (b. 1912) American photographer, writer, and filmmaker.

18 6 TH GRADE ACADEMY TOUR… “YES WE CAN!!!” -President Barack Obama

19 The Challenge YnQXFc

20 EXIT TICKET… Male Input List events, workshops, and activities you would like to see this year as a part of our male involvement.

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