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Citations and Sources Sue Knopp, LTE Doherty High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Citations and Sources Sue Knopp, LTE Doherty High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citations and Sources Sue Knopp, LTE Doherty High School

2 How can you tell what source a citation is citing???

3 Books  Author(s)  Title (in italics)  City or Country in which published  Edition, Volume Numbers, Page Numbers (if applicable)  Publisher’s/Company Name  Year published

4 Book  Waxer, Barbara M., and Marsha Baum. Copyright on the Internet – Illustrated Essentials. 1 st. New York: McMillan Press. 2007. Print

5 Magazines  Author of article (if any)  Title of article in quotation marks  Name of magazine in italics  Day/month/year of magazine  Page number(s) on which the article appears (if print)  Print or web access  URL (if difficult to locate)

6 Magazine  Simpson, Carol. “Copyright Question of the Month.” Library Media Connection. Aug. 2005: 23. Print.

7 Database article  Author(s), if any  Title of article in quotation marks  Title of publication in italics  Volume and issue numbers, if available  Date published (dd/mm/yyyy)  Page numbers (if any)  Title of database  URL (optional)

8 Database  North, William D. “After Kyoto.” American Economic Review. 96.2 (2009): 31-32. Web. 18 October 2011. EBSCO.

9 Internet site  Author (if any)  Title of web page in quotation marks  Title of web site in italics  Date published or last revised  Publishing Organization  Date retrieved  URL (if difficult to locate)

10 Internet site  Smith, Julia. “Zoos.” Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan School of Zoology. Apr. 2006. Web. 18 October 2011.

11 Newspaper  Author(s)  Title of article in quotation marks  Title of newspaper in italics  City (if not included in newspaper title)  Date published (dd/mm/yyyy)  Edition (if appropriate – early, late, etc.)  Page or section number (if appropriate)  Print or Web  URL (if difficult to access)

12 Newspaper  Buckley, William F. “The Times Are Changin’.”, Chicago Sun-Times, 13 August, 1995, A-11. Print.

13 Journal  Author(s)  Title of article in quotation marks  Title of Publication  Volume and issue numbers, if available  Year published  Pages  Print or web  URL (if difficult to access)

14 Journal  Smith, James. “Finding Your Past.” Genealogy Quarterly. 23.5 (2010): 65. Print.

15 Youtube or Podcast  Author or cited contributor  Nature of contribution (author, performer, etc.)  Title of podcast or episode  Name of podcast program (if any)  Publisher name or sponsor of video  Date published  Date retrieved  URL

16 Youtube or Podcast  Jobs, Steve, perf. "2005 Stanford Commencement Address." YouTube, 07 03 2008. web. 14 Dec 2011..

17 Film or video  Principal contributor being cited  Nature of contribution  Title of film or video  Other contributor (if applicable)  Name of distributor  Year of release  Medium where retrieved (CD, DVD, web, etc.)  Date of retrieval  URL (if web accessed and diffcult to locate)

18 Video or Film  Guggenheim, David, dir. An Inconvenient Truth. Perf. Al Gore. Paramount, 2006. DVD.

19 Web base images  Can include photos, maps, charts, graphics, infographics, paintings, sculptures, etc.  Title of artist, photographer, etc., if available  Title of media  Type of media  Name of website, museum collection, etc., where image appears  City (if available) where image, piece, etc., is located  Year published  Medium where retrieved (CD, DVD, web, etc.)  Date of retrieval  URL (if web accessed and difficult to locate)

20 Web based images or videos  American Progress, chromolithograph print, c. 1873. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Web. 15 Dec. 2011.

21 Blog  Blogger’s name  Title of blog article  Name of blog  Publisher/sponsor of blog (if applicable)  Date published  Date retrieved  URL (if web accessed and difficult to locate?

22 Blog  Marc. "30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself." Marc and Angel Hack Life. N.p., 11 December 2001. Web. 15 Dec. 2011..

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