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Published byHugh Heath Modified over 9 years ago
1 Facilitator Resource Page Here's the link to the public page... Here's the link to the public page...
2 This Day Will Matter! This session will provide participants the opportunity to engage in a global "think tank" around the topic of educating in and for the 21st Century. The end result will be a collaborative action plan and exposure to a strategic process participants can use to garner buy-in in their organizations. Educational leaders will be given the opportunity for collaborative conversation geared toward generating ideas about what can and will work as we prepare to meet the needs of the 21 st Century student. Participants will be divided into groups and given the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions on this important topic. The discussions and recommendations will be shared via a wiki and possibly compiled into an executive summary.
3 Our Goal? We want you to draw on your skills, knowledge, and abilities as facilitators to help participants develop an action plan toward 21 st Century school reform.
4 With a Variety of Participants Educational Leaders And ?
5 Facilitators’ Duties Facilitate Round Robin Discussion Facilitate Round Robin Discussion Help to Facilitate Infinity Process Help to Facilitate Infinity Process Help with debrief at conference close Help with debrief at conference close Each pair of facilitators will need a laptop for the Round Robin. Other materials will be provided. Each pair of facilitators will need a laptop for the Round Robin. Other materials will be provided.
6 Group Process
7 Purpose Guiding Questions What strategies can we collectively develop to support the needs of the 21 st Century learner? What strategies can we collectively develop to support the needs of the 21 st Century learner? How can we use what we know and what works to build an action plan toward positive change? How can we use what we know and what works to build an action plan toward positive change? What skill improvement do I need as a professional development designer/leader to be effective? What skill improvement do I need as a professional development designer/leader to be effective? End goal is to produce several observable, measurable recommendations. End goal is to produce several observable, measurable recommendations. Compile all group work into a collective action plan. Compile all group work into a collective action plan. Share the results Share the results Model a process that can be used in participant’s schools. Model a process that can be used in participant’s schools. Participants will discuss ways to plan collectively and strategically for the future, develop a professional development plan for 21st Century skill building, and make sure all students have equitable access to a 21st century education.
8 Scribe’s Duties Use laptop to: Use laptop to: Record names, positions of participants (do not attribute comments w/ individuals) Record names, positions of participants (do not attribute comments w/ individuals) Capture the main points of each speaker Capture the main points of each speaker Support points with quotes whenever possible Support points with quotes whenever possible Assist facilitator by asking people to clarify what they’ve said, speak louder or to speak one at a time. Assist facilitator by recording information on charts and then transferring that information to the laptop at the end of the session. Assist facilitator by recording information on charts and then transferring that information to the laptop at the end of the session. Co-facilitate when needed. Co-facilitate when needed.
9 Scribe’s Duties After the Session Debrief shortly with your facilitation partner to clarify and come to agreement on what was captured. Debrief shortly with your facilitation partner to clarify and come to agreement on what was captured. Clean up notes so they can be easily read later for inclusion in the possible concept paper to follow. Clean up notes so they can be easily read later for inclusion in the possible concept paper to follow. In addition to the detailed notes of the discussions, please include responses to the following questions: In addition to the detailed notes of the discussions, please include responses to the following questions: What points of consensus emerged in the discussion? What points of consensus emerged in the discussion? On which points were the participants’ responses divided? On which points were the participants’ responses divided? On which points did participants reveal a wide range of responses? On which points did participants reveal a wide range of responses?
10 Agenda- 2 Hour Process Welcome and overview -10 minutes Round Robin Discussion – 25 minutes Affinity Diagram – 30 minutes Generating proactive solutions and innovations and ideas Sharing in Pairs Categorization Weighted Ranking of Generated Categories – 5 minutes Crafting of Recommendations in small groups– 25 minutes Report out – during debriefing (have highlights to share )
11 Your Round Robin “Script”
12 Introduce Yourself and Explain Purpose Thanks for coming. My name is _______ and this is ________ we’ll be the facilitators for our round robin discussion this afternoon. Thanks for coming. My name is _______ and this is ________ we’ll be the facilitators for our round robin discussion this afternoon. The purpose of this discussion is The purpose of this discussion is To identify possible barriers to supporting teachers in meeting the needs of the 21 st Century learner. To identify possible barriers to supporting teachers in meeting the needs of the 21 st Century learner. Your comments today will be compiled with the other participants in the develop of an action plan around 21 st Century school reform. Your comments today will be compiled with the other participants in the develop of an action plan around 21 st Century school reform.
13 Facilitator’s Role As the facilitator, I’m going to stay neutral. But I may play “devil’s advocate” from time to time if I think that will stimulate the discussion and bring out concerns or views that need to be considered. As the facilitator, I’m going to stay neutral. But I may play “devil’s advocate” from time to time if I think that will stimulate the discussion and bring out concerns or views that need to be considered. If I keep pressing you to explain your views, I’m not trying to put you on the spot. I’m just trying to get as much information from you as I can. If I keep pressing you to explain your views, I’m not trying to put you on the spot. I’m just trying to get as much information from you as I can.
14 Scribe (Name of co-facilitator) will take notes and work with me as we have our discussion. (Name of co-facilitator) will take notes and work with me as we have our discussion. The purpose is to maintain a record of every discussion. The purpose is to maintain a record of every discussion. The information we record will go into the summary report. The information we record will go into the summary report. We will not record the name of persons as they speak, only who is in attendance. We will not record the name of persons as they speak, only who is in attendance.
15 Housekeeping Matters Our discussion will last 1.5 hours. It will be fast paced and action packed. Synchronize watches. (Time will matter) Our discussion will last 1.5 hours. It will be fast paced and action packed. Synchronize watches. (Time will matter) Restrooms are located _____. Restrooms are located _____. Unless you have to be available for an emergency, please turn off your cell phones. Unless you have to be available for an emergency, please turn off your cell phones. Any questions? Any questions?
16 Ground Rules We will cover one question with your introduction embedded during the Round Robin portion. Each of you will have one shot – uninterrupted – at this question. We will cover one question with your introduction embedded during the Round Robin portion. Each of you will have one shot – uninterrupted – at this question. When each of you has had 1-2 minutes (or less) to say what you want about the first question, we'll move on to our next agenda item. When each of you has had 1-2 minutes (or less) to say what you want about the first question, we'll move on to our next agenda item. Only if time allows, will we have a general discussion at the end of this round robin discussion. Only if time allows, will we have a general discussion at the end of this round robin discussion.
17 Ground Rules (cont.) Remember, this activity is not a discussion. If you want to use part (or all) of your 1 minute to respond to what someone else said, that's fine. If you change your mind about what you want to say because of what someone else says, great. But no back and forth please; we don't have time for it. Remember, this activity is not a discussion. If you want to use part (or all) of your 1 minute to respond to what someone else said, that's fine. If you change your mind about what you want to say because of what someone else says, great. But no back and forth please; we don't have time for it. If an issue comes up that you would like to discuss, you can add it to the “Parking Lot” sheet, and if we have time at the end, we'll discuss the parking lot ideas. If an issue comes up that you would like to discuss, you can add it to the “Parking Lot” sheet, and if we have time at the end, we'll discuss the parking lot ideas.
18 Express Your Views Try to express your views fully and candidly, no matter what your fellow participants may think. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. Try to express your views fully and candidly, no matter what your fellow participants may think. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. We’re not here to debate or argue. What we want is for each of you to speak honestly and frankly. It’s my job to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to do so and feels comfortable enough to speak his or her mind. We’re not here to debate or argue. What we want is for each of you to speak honestly and frankly. It’s my job to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to do so and feels comfortable enough to speak his or her mind.
19 Allow for Equal Participation Everyone will be given a chance to talk. Everyone will be given a chance to talk. Listen carefully and respectfully. Listen carefully and respectfully. We’re not here to reach a decision, achieve consensus, or persuade each other, but to share our views. We’re not here to reach a decision, achieve consensus, or persuade each other, but to share our views.
20 Any Questions?
21 Read the first question aloud to the group and begin...
22 Notes to Facilitators Round Robin Considerations The purpose of this activity is three fold- The purpose of this activity is three fold- To get each participant’s name recorded as having attended. To get each participant’s name recorded as having attended. To build community and get the trust faction started within the group. To build community and get the trust faction started within the group. To use the barriers (negative views) as a spring board toward creating proactive solutions- (we give it the least amount of time, yet we get it out there.) To use the barriers (negative views) as a spring board toward creating proactive solutions- (we give it the least amount of time, yet we get it out there.)
23 Affinity Process Ok. Stop writing. Now I would like for you to get into pairs, working with the person next to you, and looking at your combined Post It notes start to categorize the ideas into chunks under 5-6 overarching topics. Ok. Stop writing. Now I would like for you to get into pairs, working with the person next to you, and looking at your combined Post It notes start to categorize the ideas into chunks under 5-6 overarching topics. Note to Facilitator….Give some examples by looking at someone’s ideas closest to you. Note to Facilitator….Give some examples by looking at someone’s ideas closest to you. You have 10 minutes You have 10 minutes
24 Affinity Process Note to Facilitators While they are chunking into categories together start to make charts with topic headings and put up around the room. Work quickly and quietly– listening to what the pairs are suggesting for headings as they organize their ideas into categories. Start the process– try to capture as many headings as possible and put the charts up on the walls while they are working in pairs. (make room for voting next to the title)
25 Time Check Note to facilitators While they are voting– recalculate your time. We hope you have 25 minutes left before it is time to dismiss. But this is where you will make adjustments. While they are voting– recalculate your time. We hope you have 25 minutes left before it is time to dismiss. But this is where you will make adjustments. Once you see how many minutes you have left– allot them accordingly. Once you see how many minutes you have left– allot them accordingly.
26 Recommendations Note to Facilitators Facilitators circulate and guide process along– interjecting tough questions to deepen discussion as the groups explore the ideas represented. Facilitators circulate and guide process along– interjecting tough questions to deepen discussion as the groups explore the ideas represented. Scribes can use this time to capture information from charts in room. Scribes can use this time to capture information from charts in room. Goal is for each group to get at least three recommendations crafted. Goal is for each group to get at least three recommendations crafted. Let them know if they disagree with the recommendation choice of their group, they can submit their own written recommendation to you at the end for consideration, but try to work together for consensus. Let them know if they disagree with the recommendation choice of their group, they can submit their own written recommendation to you at the end for consideration, but try to work together for consensus. Make sure you get their recommendations in writing before they leave the room. Make sure you get their recommendations in writing before they leave the room.
27 Close Collect all written input. Collect all written input. Thank them for their hard work and ideas. Thank them for their hard work and ideas. Remind them of Next Steps Remind them of Next Steps
28 Now what… After the, you will have a short period of time to clean up your notes, save the recommendations to a flash drive or the wiki. After the, you will have a short period of time to clean up your notes, save the recommendations to a flash drive or the wiki. Save 2 files – Save 2 files – Lastname_rec.doc Lastname_rec.doc Lastname_barriers (for all other captured material) Lastname_barriers (for all other captured material) Email files to Email files to
29 Any Questions?
30 Advantages of Facilitated Groups They allow people to speak for them- selves, in their own words -- to “tell their own stories.” They allow people to speak for them- selves, in their own words -- to “tell their own stories.” They allow participants to clarify their views through interactions with each other. They allow participants to clarify their views through interactions with each other.
31 How do you Conduct a Large Facilitated Group with a Firm Goal in Mind? It isn’t magic. It isn’t magic. Key principle: Show genuine curiosity about participants’ beliefs and attitudes, and encourage participants to do the same. Key principle: Show genuine curiosity about participants’ beliefs and attitudes, and encourage participants to do the same.
32 Some Guidelines 1. Act as a catalyst. 1. Act as a catalyst. Stimulate and prompt. Don’t comment or debate. Don’t become the center of attention--pose a question and fade into the background. Make participants feel that everyone’s views are important.
33 2. Stay on task. 2. Stay on task. Be sure you know the purpose of each discussion/group process. What the group wants to talk about must come second to the topic of the room. Keep everyone on target. Focus on the questions: Know them. Have them in writing to refer to as the discussion progresses. Move the discussion forward.
34 3. Be Flexible. 3. Be Flexible. Don’t be afraid to improvise. The discussion doesn’t have to be perfectly linear. Go with promising leads. Keep your eye on the time and allocate it in proportion to the importance of the question or point being discussed. Move on when you need to. During small group sessions circulate and keep discussions moving and groups on task.
35 4. Ask -- and ask again. 4. Ask -- and ask again. Ask each participant what he or she thinks. Ask probing questions to deepen thinking and the quality of responses. Ask participants what they think of other participants’ responses.
36 5. Create a “safe place” for differences. 5. Create a “safe place” for differences. Focus on understanding the deep concerns that underlie participants’ views. Pay attention to how people talk about the issues. What words do they use? What’s the “emotional tone” of their comments? What does their “body language” suggest about how they feel?
37 5. Create a “safe place” for differences (continued). 5. Create a “safe place” for differences (continued). Are there different unexpressed assumptions? Do participants have different personal needs, hopes, fears? Find out what people agree on, but don’t overlook differences of opinion. (Can be difficult when a norm of civility and politeness prevails.) Understand. Appreciate. Acknowledge.
38 7. Gently, tactfully, and firmly, keep asking “Why?” Until participants can’t give an answer, or Show discomfort, or Give an answer that is self-evident -- i.e., it doesn’t call for an additional “why?”
39 The Bottom Line Keep the discussion focused on the topic. Have them generate as many creative ideas as possible. Then help them refine their thoughts to one or two well crafted recommendations. Don’t allow people to get off task. Keep the discussion focused on the topic. Have them generate as many creative ideas as possible. Then help them refine their thoughts to one or two well crafted recommendations. Don’t allow people to get off task.
40 What Can Go Wrong? People don’t say anything. People don’t say anything. Don’t panic. Re-word the question. Play devil’s advocate. Call on people -- ask: “What do you think?”
41 Someone Gets Emotional. Acknowledge, empathize with the expressed feelings or emotions. Recognize strength in diverse thought and opinion. Redirect the discussion to a positive aspect of the statement. Understand. Appreciate. Acknowledge.
42 One or More People Want to Argue a Point. Use distraction- (Like when kids argue) Use distraction- (Like when kids argue) Ask other group members for their opinion, “How do you feel about that?” Move the disagreement outside of the group if possible. “It’s clear we don’t have group consensus on this. Let’s move on.” Put it in the Parking Lot to discuss later if time allows.
43 Someone has a Personal Issue or Problem Related to the Topic. Sympathize with the problem or issue but explain that it can’t be dealt with adequately at this time. Offer to place the issue on the Parking Lot sheet and if time allows, discuss it at the end of the session. Suggest they write their concerns down and give to the facilitator at the end of the breakout session as all written and oral comments are going to be considered and put in the collective space.
44 Try to find out what’s behind their need to talk. Understand. Appreciate. Acknowledge. Invoke your responsibility to hear all participants’ views. Ask other participants to sanction your decision to move on. One or Two People Dominate
45 Remember... Focus on the questions/processes. Focus on the questions/processes. Probe for underlying concerns. Probe for underlying concerns. Understand. Appreciate. Acknowledge. Understand. Appreciate. Acknowledge. Relax and enjoy the conversation. Relax and enjoy the conversation.
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