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Unit 1- Multicultural Communities and Cross-cultural Communications for Law Enforcement Chapters 1&4 Multicultural Law Enforcement Strategies for Peacekeeping.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1- Multicultural Communities and Cross-cultural Communications for Law Enforcement Chapters 1&4 Multicultural Law Enforcement Strategies for Peacekeeping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1- Multicultural Communities and Cross-cultural Communications for Law Enforcement Chapters 1&4 Multicultural Law Enforcement Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society, 4 th Ed. Shusta, Levine, Wong, Olson, and Harris

2 The following slides highlight key points you should learn from chapters 1 and 4. They in no way are meant to cover all the material in each chapter. Therefore students will still need to reference the full text material for quizzes and exams.


4 Accepting diversity has always been a difficult proposition for most Americans (Miller, 2006) Every new group has been met with suspicion and/or hostility. In 19 th Century, 4.25 million Irish immigrated to the US- 45% of immigrant population at time. They were discriminated against and had little opportunity. Many wives and daughters became servants. We could take this experience and substitute almost every other racial group. Diversity: Past and Present

5 How Diversity Affects Police Work An understanding of accepted social practices and cultural traditions can provide officers with the insight needed to understand and even predict some of the behaviors immigrants may display. Some customs are simply unacceptable in the US and arrests must be made. Regardless, suspects should be treated with respect and not gross detest. Law Enforcement’s function is to uphold the law, not to make judgments.

6 Examples: “A Danish women was jailed for leaving her baby in a stroller outside a Manhattan restaurant…The 14 month old baby girl was placed in foster care for four days…columnists called New York police ‘Rambo cops’… Pictures wired from Denmark showed numerous strollers (with babies) parked outside cafes in view of their parents.”- Cultural Sensitivity,2000 Female circumcision is illegal in US, but it is still practiced in certain African countries. In the Hmong culture it is common to see “Marriage by Capture.” This translates into kidnap and rape in the US.

7 Community Based Policing Aims to work in partnership with communities. Allows for collaboration, openness and dialogue Represents more democratic style of policing Aims to increase number of officers Fosters problem solving and interaction

8 When Working with Communities: 1.Make positive contact with community. 2.Allow public to see you in a non-policing role. 3.Treat everyone objectively and fairly. 4.Remember that every group has good and bad. 5.Be personable and friendly 6.Act comfortable with diverse people and issues. 7.Be patient and educate about US procedures and police roles 8.Don’t be afraid to advocate for your community

9 Verbal Communication Tips Figure out who has the answers- Identify Head of Household Some groups need trust more than others before sharing information- Be Patient Explain the context and purpose of questions Speak in a simple manner, but not as if the receiver is “stupid.” Yes does not always mean Yes. It may be a courtesy response. Time should not take priority. Take the time to maintain good rapport. Be a good listener. Don’t interrupt. Give people time to give their information.

10 Non-Verbal Communication Tips Gestures - Be aware of offensive gestures among the population. Facial Emotions - Not all facial expressions mean the same thing. Eye Contact - Limited eye contact may be a sign of respect. Physical or Conversational Distance - Different cultures have different physical comfort zones.

11 Remember the history of each group and ask yourself: “Am I a part of the past or a part of the future?”

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