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Fear of Communism.  Cold War created a fear of Communism in American public.  There were known communist found in US and this created terror in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Fear of Communism.  Cold War created a fear of Communism in American public.  There were known communist found in US and this created terror in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fear of Communism

2  Cold War created a fear of Communism in American public.  There were known communist found in US and this created terror in the people.  Afraid that their neighbors and others were trying to infiltrate (sneak in) and spread communist ideas.  Cold War created a fear of Communism in American public.  There were known communist found in US and this created terror in the people.  Afraid that their neighbors and others were trying to infiltrate (sneak in) and spread communist ideas.

3 Question 1  What are citizens in the US today most afraid of? What has created or caused this fear?

4 Loyalty Review Board  Created by Truman in March of 1947 to investigate government employees and to dismiss (fire) those who were found to be disloyal to the US government.  What does “disloyal” mean?  No one knew…could have been anything including disagreeing with the board itself! If you said, “It is wrong that we fire people just because they might be disloyal!” then they could say that YOU are “disloyal”!  Created by Truman in March of 1947 to investigate government employees and to dismiss (fire) those who were found to be disloyal to the US government.  What does “disloyal” mean?  No one knew…could have been anything including disagreeing with the board itself! If you said, “It is wrong that we fire people just because they might be disloyal!” then they could say that YOU are “disloyal”!

5 Question 2  The Loyalty Review Board was judging people based on their actions. Do you think someone’s actions tell you about who they are? If someone is making fun of another person, or steals money, etc. can we judge their character on those actions?

6 HUAC  House Committee on Un-American Activities. (HUAC) created to search out anyone who was disloyal to the US.  Hollywood 10 decided not to cooperate because thought it was unconstitutional. They were BLACKLISTED. Meaning they were no longer allowed to work in films. 500 people added to the blacklist.  House Committee on Un-American Activities. (HUAC) created to search out anyone who was disloyal to the US.  Hollywood 10 decided not to cooperate because thought it was unconstitutional. They were BLACKLISTED. Meaning they were no longer allowed to work in films. 500 people added to the blacklist.

7 Question 3  Today the term Blacklisted means someone who has been kicked out, isolated or mistreated because of something they said or did. Think of a person who has been blacklisted. Why were they blacklisted and do you think it was the right thing to do?

8 Rosenbergs  Elderly couple who were found to be members of the communist party.  The US suspected that they had given secret nuclear weapon information to the Soviets to help them develop their atomic bomb. They were sentenced to death!  Elderly couple who were found to be members of the communist party.  The US suspected that they had given secret nuclear weapon information to the Soviets to help them develop their atomic bomb. They were sentenced to death!

9 Question 4  Is “disloyalty” to the government an offense (crime) that should be punished by death? Why or why not?

10 Senator Joseph McCarthy  Republican from Wisconsin was thought of as ineffective. Needed an issue to be reelected. Chose to focus on Communists in government  Using people’s fear to his advantage and he made many accusations. He claimed that he knew of at least 205 communists in the State Department.  Republican from Wisconsin was thought of as ineffective. Needed an issue to be reelected. Chose to focus on Communists in government  Using people’s fear to his advantage and he made many accusations. He claimed that he knew of at least 205 communists in the State Department.

11 Question 5  McCarthy wanted power and used the fear of the American people to get it. Is there a time when you have taken advantage of someone else to get what you wanted?

12 McCarthyism  This is the name (term) created for McCarthy’s techniques to heighten (increase) the public’s fear of communism  Senator Margaret Chase Smith (Maine) was first one to speak out. She said that McCarthy was wrong and so he accused her of being a communist.  In 1954 he made accusations against US Army. His bullying techniques turned people against him.  This is the name (term) created for McCarthy’s techniques to heighten (increase) the public’s fear of communism  Senator Margaret Chase Smith (Maine) was first one to speak out. She said that McCarthy was wrong and so he accused her of being a communist.  In 1954 he made accusations against US Army. His bullying techniques turned people against him.

13 Question 6  Is there a person who you (or someone else) like and trusted and then you began to realize that they were wrong or that they were not the person you thought they were? How did you (they)react to that?

14 Era of Fear and Rights Violations  Fear of communist take over  Fear that neighbors are communists  Fear of spies who will give information to the Russians.  Illegal searches, phone tappings, spies  Tried to find any info. about possible communists.  People become anxious, suspicious and willing to believe anything.  Fear of communist take over  Fear that neighbors are communists  Fear of spies who will give information to the Russians.  Illegal searches, phone tappings, spies  Tried to find any info. about possible communists.  People become anxious, suspicious and willing to believe anything.

15 Question 7  In a time of fear, concern, and safety, is it ok for the government to violate your rights (by searching your house, car, office, schools) in order to keep the country safe or should we never violate citizens’ right to privacy and protection?Explain your answer.

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