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Classification of Animals Review SOL. If an organism wanted to live in a cold climate, what is an adaptation that would help it to survive?

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Presentation on theme: "Classification of Animals Review SOL. If an organism wanted to live in a cold climate, what is an adaptation that would help it to survive?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification of Animals Review SOL

2 If an organism wanted to live in a cold climate, what is an adaptation that would help it to survive?


4 What does the dandelion have to help it reproduce?

5 Seeds that blow easily

6 Which kingdom is made of multi-cellular organisms that produce their own food?


8 If you were an animal in the desert, why would you burrow underground during the day and become active at night?

9 To avoid the heat and sunlight of the day

10 Which plants could be classified into the chart on the next page? Grass Flowers Moss Trees Liverworts Lichens


12 What are ways amphibians and reptiles are alike?

13 Use the chart above to answer the question!

14 Animal TypeInsectArachnid Body Parts32 Pairs of Legs34 AntennaeYesNo Insect and Arachnid Identification On the following slide, which would be identified as an arachnid?

15 Tick Termite Butterfly Ant

16 Celery is a ____________________________ plant because it contains _____________ and _____________

17 Algae and amoebas are members of what kingdom?


19 Snakes and sponges are members of what kingdom?

20 Is it: Protist Animals Plants Monera

21 Is it: Protist Animals Plants Monera

22 Plants, like celery and carnations, have tube – like tissues to carry nutrients. What are they called?

23 Vascular Plants

24 More than 95 percent of animal species are …..

25 Invertebrates

26 Mushrooms, mold, and yeast are members of which kingdom of living things?



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