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Www. The trusted source for college information. Paying for College 2007-08 The Financial Aid Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Www. The trusted source for college information. Paying for College 2007-08 The Financial Aid Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 www. The trusted source for college information. Paying for College 2007-08 The Financial Aid Process

2 The Illinois Student Assistance Commission is a non- profit state agency, committed to promoting equal access to quality postsecondary education. In addition to administering over $400 million in scholarships and grants, we have created a one-stop trusted source for college information, College Zone. About ISAC

3 Financing College “ Can I afford it?” “How much will it cost?” “What is financial aid?” “FAFSA, when to apply?” “Where can I get it?” “Who can help?”

4 The Power of Education Min. wage in IL: $ 6.50 hr = $243.75 week = $975 month = $11,700 year Source: Bureau of the Census; Bureau of Labor Statistics (2006).

5 Ways to Pay for College Start early… Financial Aid Programs 529 Savings & Prepaid Tuition Programs Employer Tuition Reimbursement Plan Tuition Benefits Tuition Payment Plans

6 These funds may be merit-based, need-based, or non need-based. There are two basic types of financial aid. Type of Financial Aid gift aid self-help aid Grants Scholarships Work-Study Loans

7 Sources of Financial Aid Financial aid comes from a variety of sources. 1. Federal Government 2. State Government 3. College (Institutional Aid) 4. Outside/Private Sources

8 Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) - The state agency that administers state and federal grants and scholarships, college savings and prepaid tuition programs, and educational loans U.S. Department of Education (ED) - The federal agency that provides college funding in the form of grants, scholarships, and educational loans Sources of Financial Aid The ‘Must-Get-To-Know’ Financial Aid Sources

9 The Big Three Financial Aid Programs A complete FAFSA is required. Federal Pell Grant – $4,310 * Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) – $4,000 * State of Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grant – $4,968 * Total = $13,278 * Maximum award for 2007-08

10 Monetary Award Program (MAP)* – $4,968 Silas Purnell IL Incentive for Access (IIA) Grant* – $500 Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG)**– 4 yrs Illinois National Guard Grant (ING)** – 4 yrs Grants for Dependents of Police, Fire, and Correctional Officers** – 4 yrs Bonus Incentive Grant (BIG) Program** – $440 * FAFSA Required ** Program Application Required Illinois Student Assistance Commission State of Illinois Financial Aid Programs

11 Merit Recognition Scholarship (MRS) – $1,000 Not funded in 2007-08 Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship – $1,500 Illinois Future Teacher Corps (IFTC) Program** – $5,000/$10,000 Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program** – $5,000 Illinois Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver Program (SETTW)** – up to 4 yrs Illinois Student Assistance Commission State of Illinois Financial Aid Programs * FAFSA Required ** Program Application Required

12 Federal Pell Grant* – $4,310 Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)* – $4,000 Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)* – $750 1 st yr, $1300 2 nd yr Federal Science & Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grant* – $4,000 U. S. Department of Education Federal Financial Aid Programs * FAFSA Required ** Program Application Required

13 U. S. Department of Education Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Must be a U.S. Citizen Be a Federal Pell Grant recipient Be enrolled full-time in a 2 or 4-year degree program Grant may be used for any educational expense, such as tuition and fees, room and board, and living expenses * FAFSA Required New!

14 U. S. Department of Education Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Maximum award amount: Up to $750 first-year students Up to $1300 second-year students Have completed a rigorous (as defined by a state or local educational agency) program of study of at least: 4 years of English 3 years of Math 3 years of Science 3 years of Social Studies 1 year of a Foreign Language New! * FAFSA Required

15 Federal Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grant Must be a U.S. Citizen Be a Federal Pell Grant recipient Maximum award amount of $4,000 per academic year. Be enrolled full-time at the third and fourth year academic level pursuing a major in mathematics, science (including physical, life and computer sciences) technology, engineering or critical foreign language Must maintain a 3.0 GPA for coursework required for the major The college certifies eligibility for the SMART grant * FAFSA Required New!

16 Federal Work-Study Need-based employment program for undergraduate and graduate students Provides jobs on- and off-campus Students earn at least current minimum wage Students are permitted to work a flexible schedule * FAFSA Required ** Program Application Required

17 Federal Loan Programs Types Federal Perkins Loan - 5% fixed,9 month grace period Federal Stafford Loans - 6.8% fixed, 6 month grace period Federal PLUS Loan - 8.5% fixed, within 60 days after disbursement Consider Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Interest rate Grace period Know Borrowers Rights & Responsibilities Loan Repayment Deferment & Forbearance Entrance & Exit Counseling * FAFSA Required ** Program Application Required

18 The earlier you start, the easier it will be to accomplish your educational goal. Do your research to make an informed decision Project your costs Determine what you can afford Get started Saving for College NOTE: Use the interactive calculators on www.

19 529 Prepaid tuition plans, such as College Illinois!, allow you to prepay tuition at a locked-in price, protecting you from future tuition inflation and the uncertainty of the stock market. 529 College savings plans, such as Bright Start®, allow you to save money for college. You earn money over time through interest. Your savings, along with the savings of others, are invested collectively on your behalf. Earnings may fluctuate with the performance of the market. Both types of 529 plans have federal and state tax benefits that other types of investments do not have. 529 Plans

20 Institutional Aid & Private Sources College Financial Aid Office Web Site Academic Department Private Local, state and national agencies, associations and organizations Employers Trusted sources of information ISAC – Mapping Your Future – U.S. Department of Education – FAFSA on the Web –

21 How to Apply for Financial Aid Don’t underestimate your options. Never assume you’re too poor to attend college or too rich to receive some type of financial aid. Don’t become overwhelmed by the price of attending college, it may not be what it seems.

22 How to Apply for Financial Aid Submit All Forms Required by the College FAFSA Institutional Forms Other Note: Communicate with each college to inquire about steps to a ‘complete application’.

23 Free Application for Federal Student Aid The FAFSA information is used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and determine the student’s eligibility for most federal and state assistance. How to Apply for Financial Aid The Free Application for Federal Student Aid

24 How to Apply for Financial Aid Other Things to Know About the Process Apply early. Information reported on the FAFSA is confidential and is used ONLY to determine financial aid eligibility. You may be asked to submit documentation to the financial aid office for verification purposes. Supplemental applications or forms may be required. Keep track of DEADLINES!!! Keep a copy of everything you submit.

25 Meet the deadlines! Check college deadlines January 1, 2008 First date to submit FAFSA No Later than August 15, 2008* MAP Grant - Continuing Student Applicants No Later than September 30, 2008* MAP Grant - First Time Student Applicants June 30, 2009 Federal Pell Grant * Note: This date is subject to change and is based on funding by the Illinois General Assembly. Deadlines are earlier if funds are depleted.

26 Dependency Status INDEPENDENT students fit into at least one of the categories listed below: Born before January 1, 1985 (during the 2007-08 academic year) Married Graduate or professional student Have legal dependents other than a spouse, for whom you provide more that 50% of their support Orphan or ward of the court (or were until age 18) Veteran or currently serving on active duty for other than training purposes Note: If the student is DEPENDENT, report student and parent income and assets on the FAFSA. Not living with parents does not make the student independent.

27 Determining Financial Need A need analysis formula determines the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The U.S. Department of Education calculates financial need using a formula established by Congress called Federal Methodology. A comparative measure of how much a family can be expected to contribute toward the cost of a student’s education for a year. Used to determine a student’s eligibility for most federal and state assistance. After completing the FAFSA, the EFC is shown on the Student Aid Report (SAR) and Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR).

28 Tuition & Fees Room & Board Transportation Books & Supplies Miscellaneous Living Expenses Cost of Attendance (COA) + What are the costs?

29 To Determine Financial Need

30 To Determine Financial Need Examples Option A Option B COAEFC Financial Need

31 Financial Aid Awards The financial aid administrators at the colleges that you are considering will ‘package’ all available financial aid options and send them to you for consideration. What is the total cost of attendance? What is the Expected Family Contribution? What is your financial aid eligibility? How is your financial need being met? Was your financial need met? What is the out-of-pocket cost?

32 Financial Aid Award You too should have ‘Selection Criteria’ A few points to take into account before you commit to a school: Type of Institution Available Financial Aid Cost of Education vs. Earning Potential Academic Program Ranking Residential vs. Commuter

33 Other Financing Options Payment Plan Pre-Payment Discounts PLUS Loan Alternative Loans Military Service

34 Steps for Students to Remember 1. Start planning for the future 2. Complete the application process 3. Receive, revise and edit the Student Aid Report 4. Consider award letters 5. Respond to college offers 6. Advise school(s) of outside scholarships 7. Renew the FAFSA every year!

35 Free tools on Map of IL Colleges Interactive Calculators IllinoisMentor

36 Avoid Scholarship Scams While most scholarship services are legitimate, others may be fraudulent and charge a lot of money for little information. Please view with caution any service that requires you to pay more than a nominal fee. Visit to access reputable scholarship search services.

37 Report Scholarship Scams Better Business Bureau High School Counselor Financial Aid Office Friends

38 Remember… Plan ahead Apply early Read CAREFULLY Meet deadlines Keep copies

39 Illinois Student Assistance Commission (800) 899-ISAC (4722) U.S. Department of Education (800) 4 FED AID We ’ re here to help... Questions?

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