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USF Latinos Association March 21, 2007 Student Recruitment, Retention/Success & Financial Aid at USF.

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1 USF Latinos Association March 21, 2007 Student Recruitment, Retention/Success & Financial Aid at USF

2 SUS Enrollment Undergraduate, Fall 2005

3 SUS New Minority Students Black Hispanic

4 SUS Enrollment Goals By 2013, the SUS graduates should reflect the populations of Florida: In 2005:Blacks 15% Hispanics 20% Asians 2% American Indians <1% Source: Board of Governors SUS Strategic Plan and US Census Data for Florida

5 USF Minority Undergraduates Black Hispanic Asian Non-Res Alien Am Indian

6 USF Minority Graduate Students Black Hispanic Asian Am Indian Non-Res Alien

7 Fall 2007 Freshman Admits Talent Indices FTIC Freshman Admits as of March 12th Quality MeasuresFall 2007Fall 2006% Change HSGPA >= 3.705,0243,30452% SAT >= 11404,4133,29234% ACT >= 252,8141,87750% Rank Top 10%2,8792,09437%

8 Fall 2007 Freshman Admits Diversity Indices FTIC Freshman Admits as of March 12th Race/EthnicityFall 2007Fall 2006% Change American Indian412658% Asian60953514% Black68757120% Hispanic1,2741,04222% Other716018% Unknown48725293% White5,0114,20419%

9 Fall 07 “Tradition of Excellence” Candidates Total ApplicantsAdmittedPending National Merit Semifinalists90837 National Achievement Semifinalists28271 National Hispanic Scholars341420 TOTAL15212428 Updated 01/03/07 by JRS

10 Recruitment Challenges & Initiatives Early Outreach – Campus visits in elementary & middle schools – Family engagement in college planning—finances – ENLACE, Project Thrust, Upward Bound, Venture Scholars Academic Preparation – High school or community college curricular alignment – Rigorous HS core curriculum (math/trig; science/physics) – Formal & regular collaboration with feeder high schools – Formal & regular collaboration with feeder FLCC & USF – Summer Bridge Programs—FSI & SSS

11 Recruitment Challenges & Initiatives New USF Admission Standards – Compatibility of applicant qualifications with USF standards – Establishing USF’s Image/Branding and regional & national reputation – Senior Search to target admissible candidates based on test scores—ACT & SAT – New publications and advertisements—some in Spanish – New USF Website more focused on prospective students needs – Broadened sophomore & junior search initiatives in 5 out of state markets

12 Recruitment Challenges & Initiatives Legal Boundaries – University of Michigan/Bollinger Supreme Court Decision: “pluralistic learning environment,” not “race targeted initiatives” – State of Florida rules, regulations and mandates – Designated 144 Title I and other economically disadvantaged FL public high schools as “targets” for outreach & access initiatives – Participate in College Board’s Diversity Collaborative Workshops

13 Recruitment Challenges & Initiatives Affordability – Value of a college education – Alternatives for paying for college – Limited need based aid – state and institutional – Established a University Scholarship Office – HS Financial Aid Night & College Goal Sunday – Doubled numbers of “History of Achievement” & “Scholastic Achievement” scholarships offered to FTIC and transfers

14 Recruitment Challenges & Initiatives Conversion & Yield Initiatives – Convert inquiries to complete applications; yield of admits to enrolled students. – Hire/promote key staff of color in Admission— Goldsmith & Matos – “No fee” Priority Action Application (2 nd year) – Need college & student services at THREE Spring events, “Stampedes to Success” on Feb. 21; March 21; April 20

15 Issues in Financial Aid from the Spellings Report, 2006 1.“Financial aid system is confusing, complex, inefficient, duplicative, and frequently does not direct aid to students who truly need it.” 2.“The Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA is longer and more complicated than the federal tax return.”

16 Issues in Financial Aid Spelling’s Report (cont.) 3.“Definitive information about freshmen year aid is not provided until the spring of the senior year of high school, which makes it hard for families to plan and discourages college attendance.” 4.“Unmet financial need is a growing problem for students from low-income families, who need the aid most.”

17 ISSUE #1 “Financial aid system is confusing, complex, inefficient, duplicative, and frequently does not direct aid to students who truly need it.”

18 Sources of Need and Merit Aid $92 million total in 2005/06 USF

19 Need vs. Merit Aid Need=$34M and Merit=$58M in 2005-06

20 ISSUE #4 “Unmet financial need is a growing problem for students from low-income families, who need the aid most.”

21 USF Cost of Attendance for 2006-07 Undergraduate w/Parent Graduate Student $19,060 $34,700 $22,780 $10,010

22 Financial Need Cost of Attendance (6 major USF Budgets) - $$ Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = $$ Financial need - $$ USF financial aid package. $$ Unmet need $98M UNMET NEED for 17,000+ USF students in 2005/06

23 Loans & Unmet Need $157 million total in 2005/06

24 Challenges in Financial Aid Limited need-based aid, like federal Pell Grants & state need-based grants Financial literacy of students/parents impacting perceived affordability and loan indebtedness Communicating eligibility requirements for over 1,500 financial aid programs at USF Multiple applications for financial aid & scholarships Decentralized scholarship awarding processes FGMG program administration

25 ?? QUESTIONS ??

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