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Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, CRIA Dora Ann Lange Canhos March, 2007 mapcria web service openModeller Incofish & CRIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, CRIA Dora Ann Lange Canhos March, 2007 mapcria web service openModeller Incofish & CRIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, CRIA Dora Ann Lange Canhos March, 2007 mapcria web service openModeller Incofish & CRIA

2 it is a web service developed by CRIA to facilitate the implementation of web applications that require the dynamic production of maps It uses the University of Minnesota MapServer C library, MapScript wrap for Perl, v4.2.0 [ ]; developed in Perl v5.8.0; Available as a SOAP server Allows multiple simultaneous jobs Accepts local files as well as available via WMS (Web Map Service) Provides several functions to maintain interaction mapcria web service

3 mapcria files mapfile wms CGI application draw polygons draw points draw lines db queries draw() User clicks on a web page link that calls a CGI application The CGI creates an XML file that describes the map to be produced. The XML file is sent to the mapcria web service using a SOAP connection layers are loaded according to the definitions on a specific mapfile. Returns a ticket to the caller application get_image(ticket) The application requests the newly created map image. The server delivers the requested image The requested elements are drawn on the map. mapcria web service basic use

4 mapcria CGI application The service performs the required zoom on the map zoom_rectangle(ticket) get_image(ticket) The application requests a zoom and the resulting image. The server delivers the requested zoomed image The user selects an area to zoom in mapcria web service basic use

5 is a set of general purpose CGI Perl scripts that implement the basic functionalities required for the visualization of (and interaction with) maps produced by the mapcria web service. Once a map is initialized on the server, the mapcria viewer takes control of the job of providing the user with tools to continue the interaction with the server. The basic tools provided by the viewer are: Zoom In and Out Panning Reference map window Layers on / off panel Active layers window Plug-in to search a database based on selected coordinates * Plug-in to search a database to find points to be plotted on the map * User help information window Standard page generation for printing Multi-language interface * requires special applications according to the system mapcria viewer

6 mapcria CGI application The application starts the mapcria viewer passing the ticket as a parameter. The CGI creates an XML file that describes the map to be produced. The XML file is sent to the mapcria web service Returns a ticket mapcria viewer The mapcria viewer takes control of the job and provides an interface with the commonly used functions. Map viewer window Layers control window Reference map window Active layers window Database search window * Symbols select window * User help window Printable page mapcria web service used with the mapcria viewer

7 Some applications geoLoc spOutlier speciesMapper data cleaning

8 About geoLoc  to assist biological collections in geo-referencing their data  the database includes approximately 110 thousand names of Brazilian localities, obtained from:  Brazilian Institute of National Statistics and Geography (IBGE)  GEOnet Names Server (GNS)  speciesLink/Fapesp  algorithm based on concepts in the Egaz program (Shattuck 1997) capable of calculating a coordinate for a distance and direction Tools

9 26 Noroeste-NW Campinas São Paulo

10 Tools About spOutlier  to assist biological collections in identifying possible suspect points in existing records  uses techniques modified from Chapman 1999 to detect outliers in latitude, longitude and altitude  allows users to indicate their data set as either terrestrial or marine  useful to biologists around the world who wish to identify possible errors in their data

11 1, -63.25, -4.916666667, 795 2, -67.05, -10.96666667, 805 3, -68.0125, -12.66666667, 809 4, -68.75, -13.60111111, 815 5, -68.9102, -13.83333, 810 6, -72.3666, -14.36611111, 790 7, -78.3166, -14.38916667, 801 8, -72.137, -11.8647, 700

12 marine

13 Plot georeferenced points on a map. Available layers: -World -South and Central America -Brazil -São Paulo State -95.6 -39.5166 -70.2833 -4.2 -70.033333 -4.35 -69.914889 0.274694 -69.7333 -4.2333 -69.6661 -3.908333... For Incofish: Sea - Depth Mean Sea - Land Distance Sea - Primary Productivity Sea - Surface Temperature Sea - Salinity Sea - Ice Large Marine Ecosystems (2006)

14 Trachurus trachurus Pteroscion pele Gaidropsarus biscayensis

15 Aditional layers for Incofish

16 Synagrops bellus, Synagrops spinosusdepth

17 Salinity

18 Using Data PostgreSQL spOutlier geoLoc SOAP Web service job1job2 Maps PostGIS Maps PostGIS

19 openModeller A framework for biological/environmental modelling

20 Temperature Precipitation Building a model For each occurrence point one finds values for environment variables. Doing this, geographic occurrence points are transformed into niche occurrence points.

21 Temperature Precipitation Building a model Based on the niche occurrence points we build a niche model through the application of some algorithm (ex: GARP, Bioclim, Artificial Neural Networks, Aquamaps, etc). Temperature Precipitation

22 Temperature Precipitation Species distribution map The species distribution map is the result of the niche model application over some geographical region with known values for environment variables. Thus, the species distribution map is a georeferenced map with species occurrence probabilities in its cells.

23 The distribution map shows the environmental similarities between distinct geographical regions according to the modelling algorithm metric. Factors such as natural barriers and historical influences are not considered. The quality of the distribution map generated depends directly on the quality of species occurrence data and environmental data Warning! Selection of parameters and interpretation requires expert knowledge.

24 Motivation for openModeller development Facilitate the process of reading georeferenced environmental maps stored in different formats (GeoTiff, Arc/Info Grid, GXF, etc). Dealing with different coordinate systems and projections to combine the different maps and species occurrence points. Letting algorithm researchers concentrate in the algorithm development. Allow running different algorithms with exactly the same input, so they can be compared.

25 Salinity depth Temperature Environmental data openModeller Bioclim Garp AquaMaps Modelling algorithms Specimens openModeller

26 Salinity Depth Temperature Environmental data openModeller Bioclim Garp AquaMaps Modelling algorithms Specimens Select the environment variables Select the algorithm Send the species occurrence data Select the species’ name and the internet portals to be searched DiGIR portal DiGIR portal openModeller

27 DiGIR portal DiGIR portal Salinity DepthTemperature Environmental data openModeller BioclimGarp AquaMaps Specimen data Modelling algorithms ABCD portal ABCD portal openModeller

28 openModeller client interfaces openModeller Desktop Web Soap OR Library OR...

29 Architecture open Modelle r GARP Bioclim AquaMaps pluggable algorithms API others... API Console Interfaces SOAP server SWIG wrapper others... drivers points maps (GDAL, proj4, etc) (diff. formats)(diff. coord systems)

30 Demonstration...

31 The project The core is being developed in C++ Uses GDAL and proj4 open source libraries Collaborative development Distributed under GPL license Institutions Involved : CRIA – Centro de Referencia em Informação Ambiental Poli USP - Escola Politécnica, São Paulo State University INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais KU – Kansas University Soon … feedback from Incofish partners

32 Documentation available at map cria : openModeller: Thank you! Obrigada!

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