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 We have small students committees working at different level. The areas are:  Class Representatives  Deputy Head Boys and Head Girls.  Prominent.

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2  We have small students committees working at different level. The areas are:  Class Representatives  Deputy Head Boys and Head Girls.  Prominent role of P.E teachers.  Conflict Management Program for pupils.  Pupils as Mediators and teachers as Arbitrators  Fair Elections  Delegation of pupils duties on duty spots.  Maintaining the school culture, environment and discipline, pupils play a prominent role.

3  Prominent Role,  Every month meeting,  Four houses, House captains,  CRs (Class representatives responsibility is to check personal hygiene in morning assembly,  CRs solve the problems & issues of students,  Helpers of teachers,  Pupils get selected as CRs on their behavior and academic record. Four Houses; Unity, Faith, Tolerance and Discipline Selection of Deputy Head Boys and Head Girls

4 Students have a say to give their opinions! Pupils as Mediators solve the conflicts among students in consultation of teachers.

5 Students have opportunity to participate in sports. They have weekly one period for P.E. It gives them strength to play their roles effectively.

6 Physical education provision at each level from pre to senior school. Expert trained P.E teachers give expel to students to grow up and build their confidence.

7 House captains viewed, “We are the next generation to come. The elders are the Guides for the journey. We can make one future brighter than other expect from us.”

8 'they believe in change & democracy. They are encouraged to make new ideas. They feel more like a member of a school.

9 Line arrangement Responsibility of controlling students

10 Valuing the importance and contributions of young people across The Commonwealth. We want to inculcate values in our pupils so they can exhibit self control.

11 Fair elections for deputy head girls and head boys, Oath ceremony of full filling the duties and responsibilities to maintain the discipline Pupils are integral part of building culture of the school.


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