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Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Proposal: JTC1 SC25 WG1 HES communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Proposal: JTC1 SC25 WG1 HES communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Proposal: JTC1 SC25 WG1 HES communication protocol and Universal Device Description Submission Title: Home automation control communication protocol and device description Date Submitted: [March 2006] Source: China Home network standard committee Web: Voice:[(86) 10-62571968], FAX: [(86) 10-62571968], E-Mail:[] Abstract:This contribution is a complete protocol stack for home automation control. It is intended to provide a physical layer 、 Network Layer 、 Application layer protocol between different home appliances for sharing the status 、 controlling the operation. It is based on proven technology, which can be implemented at low cost and can provide scaleable home network with robust performance and low power consumption for low data rate devices intended to communicate within the home. This contribution also provides a complete home device description file format to support universal description for the controlling language between NAU and Home appliances and user interface for controlling the Home appliances. Purpose:Support Plug and Play for home appliances management Notice:This document has been approved by MII of China as the China home network industry standard and published on June,2005. SC25/WG1 N1207

2 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Home automation control protocol and device description proposal for SC25 WG1

3 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Home automation control communication Protocol

4 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Protocol Stack UDCP : Universal Device Control Protocol others NETL : Network Layer MAC wireless MAC wiredothers Phy Wireless Phy Twisted Pair

5 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Wireless Phy  Frequency : 430-432MHz 、 779-787MHz 、 2.4G  bandwidth : 38.4kbit/s  modulation : FSK  power: 10dBm  Range: 30m  Channel: 500kHz

6 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Wireless Phy frame format Start sequence (Preamble) MAC frame Training sequenceStart bits 80/64/40/8 bits8 bits0-1024 bits

7 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Wireless Mac Media access: CSMA-CD Frame type: Data frame: data communication Management Frame: Network management Control Frame: support data and management

8 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 wireless Frame format Fram e length Frame Contro l Durati on Fram e Sequ ence Fram e head er CRC Source addres s Dest. addres s Frame payloa d CRC 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 byte s 2 bytes 6 bytes 6 bytes 0-104 bytes 2 bytes Header

9 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Physical Layer Protocol Based on Twisted Pair of Bus Features: transmit rate: 10kbps Base band transmit: active state (logical zero) overrides idle state (logical one) in the channel Data Unit Format Start bit Eight data bitsParity Check bit Stop bit

10 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Data Link Layer Protocol Based on Twisted Pair of Bus Features: Provide acknowledged and unacknowledged Services Data Unit Format Control area Source address & Destination address Network layer data unit checksum Control area includes priority bit, retry-flag bit, random bits, fragment area and address-type bit.

11 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Network Layer Support end to end communication over different communication media Network address ( UDS ) Network packet format

12 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Network address: Device Id and Universal Device serial number UDS:6 bytes VersionManufacture ID Control gateway ID Device ID Bit47-45 (3 bits) Bit44-32 (13 bits) Bit31-8 (24 bits) Bit7-0 (8 bits)

13 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Network packet Format versio n reser ved Type of Proto col Destin ation UDS Sour ce UDS Packet length Segmen tation flag Segme ntation offset CRCPayload 2 bits 4 bits 48 bits 10 bits2 bits12 btis 16 bits 0- 960 bits

14 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Universal Device Control Protocol : UDCP Application Protocol for Home network management ( device subscribe 、 unsubscribe) and device control ( control 、 check status 、 operation parameter configuration). Take Device files as the information base for home appliances control and management. Packet type: system management 、 data sharing 、 device control

15 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 UDCP packet Destination address controltypeDatagram 6 bytes1 byte Relay flagCRC enable ReservedGroup address flag bit7bit6bit5-1bit0 Control Field

16 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 System Management TypeapplicationlengthFor 11Device Subscribe confirm 7 bytesmobile->GW Device->GW 10Check for unregistered device 6 bytes broadcast by GW 17GW Subscribe confirm 12 bytes GW ->device 05Unsubscribe request 12 bytes mobile GW

17 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Data sharing headerapplicationlengthfor 14Request for device file12 bytesGW->device 20Request for device list12 bytesmobile->GW 18Request for voice file12 bytesGW->device 15Upload device file-device->GW 21Upload device list-GW->device 19Upload voice file-device->GW

18 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Device operation control headerapplicationlengthfor 01Set the parameter of device (Set Data) -- 02Get the status (Get Data) -- 06Sharing the status automatically (Report) -- 28Show up (Keep alive)6 bytes- 05Confirm (ACK)6 bytes-

19 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Device description File for unified control command and interface

20 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Structure of device file File header Data structure Char source Icon source

21 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 File header Position Length ( Bytes ) For 01 Version 13 Type 42 Size 61 Size of file header 71 Country code 87 Company code 151 Version of file 162 Type code of device 182 Production model 202 Attribute of device icon 222 Pointer of expand source

22 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Data structure Tree for device features description (Entry) Power (SubDir)Operation (SubDir)Parameters (CallBack)Status (Image) Entry On (Command ) Off (Command) Set Temperature (CallBackOne) ImageEntryCallBack Power_Img (FlagIcon) Progress_Img (ValSpecIcon) Temperature _Val (DigiNumber) ……

23 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Char source Char string 1 Pointer to non-ASCII characters Char string 2 Char string 3 ………… Char string n “ 洗碗 ” 0xDFB4 0xCDEB 0x0000 “洗”“洗” “碗”“碗”

24 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Icon source icon 0(index= 0, 16x16 lattice) icon 1(index =1,16x16 lattice) ……………………. icon n(index =n, 16x16 lattice) icon n+1 ……………………. Pointer to bitmap of icons

25 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Type of basic structure Pointer operation 00000x0143 00010x4e41 ……… 00120x0000 00130x000a ……… 00220xbaa3 File header data tructure pointer 0x000a in 0x0013 Original address of data structure is 0012 0012 + 0x000a = 0022

26 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Type of attribute Basic attribute of node and status map site size ( bit ) region Bit [0..7]8 Index region bit [8..11]4 Size region bit [12..15]4 Type region

27 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Device file for omnipotence remote controller Device browse

28 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Device control Device file for omnipotence remote controller

29 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Parameter set Device file for omnipotence remote controller

30 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Interface between Device and NAU

31 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Device File could be either located in NAU( communication module) or in Appliance NAU Home Appliance Device file Communication Interface Processor Board RX TX

32 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Communication Communication interface Processor board RX TX Home appliance Device file NAU

33 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006  TTL  signal  GND  VCC  TX  RX HW Interface between Appliance and NAU

34 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 NAU acting as control command and status relay station SW Interface between Appliance and NAU NAU Home appliance Control command Device status

35 Proposal.: Communication protocol and Device description for Home Automation Control Submitted By: China March 2006 Contact Information: Thanks!

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