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Tuesday Sign up for interview slots All work due today

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday Sign up for interview slots All work due today"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday Sign up for interview slots All work due today
So, You Want a Job? Follow Up Letter

2 So, You Want a Job?

3 Preparation Arrive 15 minutes early Research the company
Bring extra copies of resume and reference sheet Bring an extra pen and pencil Prepare answers to frequently asked interview questions Prepare appropriate questions for the interviewer

4 The Approach Be enthusiastic and smile
Dress professionally (no extraneous piercings) Make eye contact with the interviewer continually Hold your portfolio in your left hand Use a firm handshake each time you meet someone and give your full name Use courtesy titles and last names Sit when invited to

5 The Interview Relax Be honest Use active listening skills
Express your thoughts clearly If you’re not sure, pause and collect your thoughts before you answer Support answers with specific examples Speak positively about past employers, companies, and co-workers Ask questions of your own

6 8 Cardinal Rules for a Successful Interview
Show you are knowledgeable about the company and its operation Present a positive attitude Smile Shake hands firmly Show enthusiasm If salary comes up, approach the topic cautiously. Don’t agree to the first offer Never keep the interviewer waiting Make the interviewer like you—sell yourself

7 The Closing Another firm handshake
Thanks the interviewer for their time and consideration Ask for a business card Send a follow-up thank you note or immediately Make a follow-up phone call three to five days after the interview

8 Follow Up to Interview

9 Purpose To show interest in employment and appreciation for interviews time To help you get the job To sell yourself one more time without looking desperate

10 Formats Phone call E-mail Letter Card One or two, not all
Don’t look desperate!

11 Phone Call Call during regular management hours
Know when your manager is working, or call back when she or he is Introduce yourself Thank for interview and time Inquire about time line of application process “Look forward to hearing from you” About one week after the interview

12 E-mail Formal Speak; be professional!
Introduce self, remind day of interview Thank them for the opportunity Inquire about timeline for final decision End with positive statement A couple of days after the interview

13 Letter/Card Typed on letterhead (like resume) Or a handwritten card
Consider your handwriting—is it legible? Same as Be professional! Should be mailed out day of or day after interview

14 Sample Card Dear _______:
Thank you very much for the interview today. In reviewing the opportunity with [name of company], I am most eager to start. In closing, let me say that no matter how many people you interview, what their education or experience is, you won't find anyone who wants to work for you more than I do. Sincerely, [your name]

15 Asssignment Type a thank you letter, or write a thank you card
Due date: Day after interview

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