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PRESENTATION ON BRAND INDIA PROMOTION By Ashutosh Gupta COA Member -Pharmexcil Executive Director -Medicamen Biotech Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION ON BRAND INDIA PROMOTION By Ashutosh Gupta COA Member -Pharmexcil Executive Director -Medicamen Biotech Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION ON BRAND INDIA PROMOTION By Ashutosh Gupta COA Member -Pharmexcil Executive Director -Medicamen Biotech Ltd. Email :

2 INTRODUCTION TO SME’S 1.Gross Capital Below 5 Crores. 2. Top Management comprises of 2-3 individuals in most cases. 3.Limited resources. 4.Lack of protection and minimal chances of Bailout. 5.Good source for employment. 6.Lack of automation. 7.Generic Sales / Lack of profitability.

3 IMPORTANCE OF BRAND INDIA 1. Goes a long way to help SME’S for better exports. 2. Better acceptability of Products & Companies. 3. Better Margins. 4. Better Brand Positioning w.r.t. CHINA. 5.More investments and JV’S. 6.Big opportunity awaiting in 2012 in terms of patents expiring.

4 BRAND INDIA PROMOTION 1.Special programes to upgrade the industry image abroad as well as inside the country. 2.Pharmacopeal leverage. 3.India’s own Pharma expo in India as well as abroad. 4.Cooperative agreements with FDA’s. 5.Provision of easy finance. 6.Incentive to SME’s for entry into regulated markets. 7.Task should be shared with indians abroad. 8.Need for comprehensive package for the industry.

5 1. SPECIAL PROGRAMMES TO UPGRADE THE INDUSTRY IMAGE  Trust building of our Government towards our Industry.  Road shows abroad.  Specific Ministerial delegations.  Special diplomatic task force.  Designated technical official in important markets in embassies.

6 2. PHARMACOPEAL LEVERAGE IP is today at par with BP. COPP’s Brand image of Pharmacopia. Leap jump ahead of china. Cost effectiveness. Better Documentation. Better Product Range.

7 3. INDIA’S OWN PHARMA EXPO Show of strength. We will come at par with other industries. We reach all parts of the world. Better exposure. International Participations.

8 4. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS with FDA’s Better Brand image. Time saving. Cost effective Makes way for FDI’S and JV’S. Pharmacopeal leverage. Increase in exports.

9 5 PROVISION OF EASY FINANCE SME’S always struggle due to lack of finance. If finance is available more exports can be attained. Easy upgradation towards CGMP/GLP. Concentrated effort on exports. Brand building of products. Better image of Indian industry.

10 6. INCENTIVES TO SME’S FOR ENTRY INTO REGULATED MARKETS Huge finance required. – Bioequivalence –Validations. –CTD Dossiers. –Trained regualatory staff. Huge gestation period. Scope of profitability. Better number in US and EUROPE. Jump in exports. Better brand image. Long lasting effects.

11 7. TASK SHOULD BE SHARED WITH INDIANS ABROAD Enrolment as associate members. Most of Indians are well established. They will feel more attatched. Broad vision from the markets perspective. First hand information. Provides vast scope for improvement. More Effective Buyer seller meet in India and abroad. Better representation in terms of brand India. We meet good buyers resulting in growth of exports.

12 8. COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE NEED International conditions are very volatile. Regulatory authorities becoming more stricter day by day. More Documentations coming into view. More infrastructural requirements. India gaining image of Best source for low cost good quality generics. Yearly updations becoming indispensable. Opportunities awaiting us.

13 CHALLENGES TODAY COPP’S Bioequivalence studies. Investments required in validations. Yearly updations. GLP Automation Dying API industry. Brand development. Gestation period between application of dossiers and commercial order.

14 SUGGESTIONS 1.Reimbursement of bioequivalence cost atleast 50%. 2. Subsidy to units for upgradation from schedule M to CGMP. 3.Easy finance for upgradation. 4. Cluster development instead of SEZ’S. 5. Increase in incentives. 6. Subsidised API units. 7.More research centres like NIPER. 8.GLP upgradation subsidy. 9. Automation subsidy. 10. Marketing coops abroad should be promoted.


16 L/O/G/O Thank You!

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