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Network Monitoring Through Mobile (MOBTOP) Developed By : Akanksha Jain. (102199) Deepika Reddy (102210) Team Name: Beans Guided By: Prof. Robert Zhu SUBMITTED.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Monitoring Through Mobile (MOBTOP) Developed By : Akanksha Jain. (102199) Deepika Reddy (102210) Team Name: Beans Guided By: Prof. Robert Zhu SUBMITTED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Monitoring Through Mobile (MOBTOP) Developed By : Akanksha Jain. (102199) Deepika Reddy (102210) Team Name: Beans Guided By: Prof. Robert Zhu SUBMITTED TO : Herguan University, Sunnyvale (CA)

2 INTRODUCTION MOBTOP is a networking based application S/W, which is based on WAP Technology. This S/W is basically designed for those persons who want to monitor their N/W and access sites through mobile. For example a person like Network Administrator of any institute or organization want to access his network through mobile it can be done through this S/W. Our project is based on the Client– Server model. The client is mobile device will send a request on net to the server computer and the server will respond accordingly to client.

3 OS (Windows /Unix/Mac etc.) Mobile Emulator (OS Supported) [WinWap] Java Development Kit (above 1.3) JWS & any web server supported by Java technology S/W Requirements

4 DFD-LEVEL1 Data Base Server Read input Establish session Administrator Login data Command Connection information Output To be displayed Output to be displayed Data Data Base Network Server

5 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE WAP Gateway Web Server Mobile Browser WAP Emulator N/W Server Socket

6 System Flow Diagram

7 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN System Flow Diagram Database HTTP Request Interface Login Card N/W Server ServletJWS HTTP Socket Java web Server

8 It is three tier architecture Front End. Middleware. Backend. FRONT END: The Client side of system is a WAP device & in this module we design the GUI for WAP clients like mobile phones. To design the GUI for WAP Client, scripting language WML script is used. MIDDLE-WARE: It work as a interface between Front-End and Back- End. This module consists of two part Servlet & Socket. SERVLET: A program which running on server side is called as servlet. SOCKET: Socket is a lot like an electrical socket used to communicate.

9 BACKEND: The BACKEND module divided into two part Network server & Database Server. Two handle these part we use JDBC & SWING. JDBC: -Java Database Connectivity Which provides the facility to access any DataBase. SWINGS: -A component based technology for GUI. NETWORK SERVER: The N/W Server is designed for the execution of network command through Mobile device. The actual command execution task takes place here.

10 Below is few important predefine classes which we used in our system. Network Server : : Socket Connection (Server) java.lang: For Runtime /process class for executing methods javax.swing : GUI Design and managing server java.lang: Exception Handling java.lang: Multithreading Controller: javax.servlet: For implementing servlet methods javax.servlet.http: For managing HTTP request response : Socket Connection (client) Java Classes Used:

11 Network Server

12 When User run MOBTOP then Output as follow:


14 CONCLUSION : MOBTOP has been planed with an aim to automate and ease the working of a network administrator within an intranet. Definitely with the implementation of this software the administrator control increases and he can perform his work more conveniently. Now the activities performed by the system-users within an intranet can be easily traced and controlled which will result in more productive utilization of the organization’s resources.



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